Medical Master

Medical Master

  He was the youngest guru of irls He had hted observation ability and various outstanding talentsBut now, he was just an ordinary fresh Chinese Medicine, anted to learn Chinese Medicine, see patients, and get into a relationshi p with a girl in a low-key way However, in a Mid-Autumn Festival party, he was forced to put on a performance, which shocked the whole audience The shi ny and wonderful university life began from then onIn the university, heMiaoyu who shook his heart slightly But the road of love was never smooth, even to a perfect heroHe also met a kind and friendly teacher Dr Shen who discovered his excellent technique and gave him a chance to practiceBesides, his three lovely and interesting rooh so hero’s life was not always full of happiness without a hitch, so and ishipurposely made difficulties for hi ed him in different waysJust because of these extraordinary personalities around hi…