Marriage of the Di Daughter

Marriage of the Di Daughter
Latest: Chapter 102.1

The young lady from the Xue family was talented and beautiful, andand harether for 3 years when her husband attained the title of Ilory and honor, he was dissatisfied with his commoner wife He craved power and wealth; in his quest to beco the princess and illing to ant and willful princess stood before her and ridiculed her: “So what if you are exceptionally beautiful and have unparalleled talents? After all, you are only a shter, for this princess to crush you – is just as si an ant to death!”Her reputation was s, her brother wasjustice for her, and her old father fell ill fro the 42nd year of Hong Xiao’s reign, Yanjing’s no 1 beauty, Xue Fang Fei, passed away She reincarnated into the body of the Grand Secretariat’s daughter, Jiang Li, who drowned and was granted new life!She got into a pros non-stop She came across all sorts of bad characters, be they ly An eye for an eye, a tooth for a toothOnce she was soft-hearted, but now she has beconificant character again, and never to allow anyone to traain This lifeti this blood feud!He is Northern Yan’s youngest duke, he is unrestrained and beautiful, he is capricious, and he collects the world’s strangest flowersEveryone said that the Grand Secretariat’s second daughter is spirited and lovely, pure and kind, and that she is likened to a white lotusHe is clad in beautiful, red clothes, and retorted with a s flower that eats people without spitting out bones!”Jiang Li: “Duke, careful you don’t break your hand”Ji Heng: “Such a ferociousto snatch it hohter from an aristocratic fa join hands to tyrannize the world