Part 30 (1/2)

”Yes, but you changed the style of your signature a bit too often. It became obvious you were trying to confuse me.”

”Years ago in college I discovered I had the ability to simulate varying styles of handwriting and I've had a lot of fun doing it occasionally.”

”It seems to me like a dangerous pastime,” Nancy remarked. ”You may find yourself in trouble with the law.”

”Oh, I can take care of myself,” Barty chuckled. ”Well, young lady, run along since you seem to be in such a hurry. After you win your match, I'll buy you a 2 B X Gardenia!”

Laughing heartily at his own joke, he walked on toward the hotel.

”The conceit of that man!” Nancy muttered. ”When I called him he made up that phony 2 B X Gardenia code and there's nothing to it!”

Nancy greeted Betsy Howard and walked with her to the fifteenth tee where play was to be resumed. A large crowd of spectators had followed the two players and Nancy's friends had joined the crowd.

”Good luck!” George called.

It was generally conceded that Betsy would win the match and thus the tournament. Being one point ahead with only four holes left to play, she held the advantage. Then, too, because of Nancy's injured hand, few persons believed she could play her best game.

Betsy Howard, having won the last hole, held the honor of driving first and sent a long, straight ball flying down the fairway. Undaunted, Nancy teed up and swung her club with all her strength. Since they were nearing the end of the match, she had no intention of babying her injured hand.

Nancy had struck her ball squarely. To her satisfaction it sailed past the trees and came to rest in the middle of the fairway some yards ahead of Betsy's drive. A murmur of admiration ran through the crowd.

As Nancy was leaving the tee, her caddy followed. On a sudden inspiration she asked, ”Chris, have you ever caddied for Mr. Bartescue?”

”Yes, Miss Drew. Why?”

While she was trying to decide how to find out if the man had ever quizzed the caddy about her interest in the haunted bridge, he replied to her unspoken question.

”Mr. Bartescue was always asking me where I thought you went. I never told him about the- the scarecrow.” The boy laughed. ”All I said was that you seemed interested in Miss Margaret Judson who used to live near here.”

At that moment the conversation was interrupted by a boy from the hotel. He handed Nancy a sealed letter. Promptly she tore open the envelope.

A broad smile spread over the girl's face as she read the message: ”Good luck, Nancy. The stage is set for Mrs. Brownell's arrival.”

Nancy smiled. Her darling father! He did not overlook a thing. She knew he had been in touch with New York detectives asking that they bring the stolen compact with them. Undoubtedly he was now awaiting their arrival at the airport.

”Everything is moving along, so there's nothing for me to worry about except this golf match!” Nancy reflected, studying her next shot.

She addressed the ball. While the crowd watched in admiration, Nancy made a beautiful drive which her opponent could not equal. She won the hole, squaring the match.

Betsy Howard, grimly determined not to lose the tournament, wasted no shots on the sixteenth hole, with the result she matched Nancy's strokes equally. With only two holes to be played, the score still stood even.

As Nancy prepared to make her first shot from the seventeenth tee, Chris sidled up to her. ”Miss Drew,” he said timidly, taking a ball from his pocket, ”I don't know if this is the right time to tell you, but see what I found!”

”The ball Jimmy Harlow autographed for me! Thanks a lot!” Nancy cried in delight. ”Where was it?”

”Not far from the haunted bridge. It was hidden under some dry leaves. Why don't you finish the tournament with the autographed ball? It may bring you luck.”

Nancy crossed her fingers and smiled. ”I'd like to use it.” Turning to her opponent she requested permission to change b.a.l.l.s.