Vol 2 Chapter 3 (1/2)
Chapter 3 - Stuka Squadron
Upon the frozen lake, some unusual aircraft came gliding in with a *ZaZaZaZa* Sound. The number of aircraft was twelve; one squadron. They were painted in a white winter camouflage, but the strikers had been stained black with oil here and there, demonstrating their long military service.
The female vanguard unfastened her goggles and aviator's helmet, revealing her long golden hair typical of those from Northern Europe.
Her sharp eyes shone with a deep azure. Above her nose, ran a horizontal scar, giving her a strict sort of beauty.
The entire squadron were wearing strikers of a boorish design. They were an old fas.h.i.+oned form, clad in st.u.r.dy medieval-esque armour.
“what are they? I've never seen aircraft like those‒” katherine muttered.
“Ju87... The Stuka.” Answered Pilot Officer Beurling, looking at the aircraft design.
“That's a Stuka?” Tomoko had also heard of that name. At one point, Fuso's army had also imported these aircraft for a trial. However because Tomoko was a fighter pilot, she wasn't involved in those trials.
It was the dive-bombing striker that Karlsland was so proud of. Diving down to drop bombs on ground units, that method of attack is what they're made for; ground attack aircraft.
Tomoko had heard that during the struggle to evacuate Karlsland, their precise bombing ability had dealt the Neuroi more than a little damage.
The Stuka equipped girls prepared some temporary tents on the bank of the lake... and after everyone had arrived at the command post, they gave a Karlsland style salute in unison. Sqn Ldr Häkkinen returned the salute.
“Flight Lieutenant Hanna U. Rudel and the rest of Karlsland Air-force's 2nd dive bombing wing, 10th squadron, reporting for duty.”
Sqn Ldr Häkkinen a.s.sessed F/L Rudel's face, and smiled. “Welcome. To think that a dive-bombing ace such as yourself would...”
“Daytime air superiority is already being stolen in Karlsland. Dive-bombing squadrons cannot fly through the sky complacently.” Rudel responded with a seemingly regretful expression.
While carrying bombs, dive-bombing squadrons were slow. If they were attacked by the enemy's melee weapons, they would be defenseless. With the continuing fierce battles in Karlsländ, and increasing losses, daytime sorties were probably becoming impossible. Therefore, with a relatively slack aerial disadvantage, it seems they were dispatched to Suomus.
With a nod, Sqn Ldr Häkkinen said; “May I introduce the members of the Suomus 3rd air battalion. They will be your s.h.i.+eld of Aegis”
Tomoko's group formed a row so that Häkkinen could introduce them to F/L Rudel. At that moment, Beurling's shoulder s.h.i.+fted slightly, something that her neighbor Tomoko, did not overlook.
As if measuring their ability, Rudel looked over each member of Tomoko's group, before coming to a stop on Beurling. “Long time no see, Pilot Officer”
“It's been a while, Flying Officer” Beurling replied with a slightly stiff tone.
“It's Flight Lieutenant now, isn't it.”
“A promotion, congratulations.”
“Demonstrating that 'John Bull' mannerism here as always are you?” Rudel said in a scornful manner.
“Are you two acquainted?” inquired Sqn Ldr Häkkinen; to which Rudel nodded.
“We flew side by side in Ostmark with the air-wing for international Neuroi observation. The Neuroi invasion began at that time, we both went through h.e.l.l. Isn't that right, Pilot Officer?”
Ostmark, that was the second time that the Neuroi had invaded, and the entire country had disappeared during the initial a.s.sault. Beurling had previously been fighting there.
“And the squadron you're attached to now is?”
Sqn Ldr Häkkinen, came to her rescue; “The Independent Volunteer Air Squadron.”
“The misfits? It's well suited for you, Pilot Officer”
Tomoko responded to that remark; “With all due respect, Flight Lieutenant; We are by no means misfits. We have leveraged the distinctive skills of each and every member, to become an unparalleled team.”
“Unparalleled? With each and every sc.r.a.pped Striker unit implemented; a foreign legion? And then, in what sense are those 'skills' you mentioned distinctive? In the case of Beurling there, running off for the sake of her own personal shoot down count, completely forgetting about her allies' defense, so is that what you'd call a distinctive skill?”
Tomoko recalled that Beurling had once been competing with her rival's personal shoot down count. Consequently, Beurling had lost that rival, which had brought about her now pessimistic outlook...
“What the h.e.l.l do you think you're saying!” Tomoko demanded as she approached Rudel. Tomoko might well have had the impetus to seize Rudel by her lapels, but Beurling intervened.
“She's a Superior officer! Compose yourself.”
“It's not easy to keep silent when she's looking down upon a comrade.”
Rudel waited to see what would happen, then gave a smile. “Is this oriental fit to be in the mechanized air infantry?”
Being looked down upon herself this time, the prideful Tomoko became infuriated. But when she went to draw her sword, the entire squadron pounced upon Tomoko to stop her.
“For you to be angered to this extent, maintaining the composure required for escort duty is probably impossible.” F/L Rudel turned to face Sqn Ldr Häkkinen.
“Sqn Ldr Häkkinen ma'am, please remove her group from escort duty”
“However, with only the 1st squadron it would likely compromise the escort.”
“Allies with a disorganized pace, are a threat other than that of the enemy. We learnt that much from the defeat of Ostmark.” With this, F/L Rudel ended the negotiation by walking off.
As she left she muttered at Beurling; “No hard feelings, Pilot Officer. I just don't want to add any more scars to my face you see.”
“She hasn't even seen our way of fighting, so what's with that att.i.tude!” The squadron had returned to their living quarters with an enraged Tomoko. Seeing her like that, Haruka let out a sigh.
~Aah, my dear Pilot Officer Tomoko, getting angry to that extent for the sake of Pilot Officer Beurling. ~aaahh, I knew it, there's no mistaking it, Pilot Officer Tomoko is...
Haruka recalled her morning consultation with Flying Officer Elma Leivonen.
Somehow or other it seems that Pilot Officer Tomoko and Pilot Officer Beurling are becoming intimate, it's so frustrating. How can I also become Pilot Officer Tomoko's emotional support, like Pilot Officer Beurling has?
Thus, she had consulted Elma.
The ever earnest F/O Elma had seriously thought about it, and suggested to Haruka; “If that's the case, becoming like Pilot Officer Beurling would be fine wouldn't it?”
Air-headedly, Haruka had been thinking along the exact same lines, and pounded a knee with her fist.
Now is my chance to try it out...
Tomoko had been flaming for quite a while.
That d.a.m.n fool Flight Lieutenant Rudel, just you come and see how powerful we are, we'll show you, after all if you don't have air supremacy your just a potato who can't do anything at all; and in spite of that she still speaks in that horrible manner.
Pilot Officer Tomoko will be returned to her senses with a few pessimistic, sarcastic, but clear words. My unexpected coolness, surely Pilot Officer Tomoko will love it from the bottom of her heart... Haruka chuckled.
Walking determinedly to Tomoko, Haruka then listlessly brushed aside her hair. “Phew.”
However, Tomoko completely didn't notice her. So she continued by nestling up to Tomoko; “Come now, compose yourself” She murmured.
With a casual glance, she carefully regarded Tomoko; nihilistic abandon would do no good here. Haruka firmly endured, she took out the bourbon prepared for a time like this. “A drink! To calm your mind. Heh.”
Tomoko confiscated the bourbon immediately, and forced it to Haruka's mouth.
“GoBo! GoBoGuBo!”
“Ya know, you're really irritating.”
“Puhaa~!” With that, Haruka dropped to the floor. Not being used to alcohol, her mind was spinning.
“Pilot officer Tomoko... that's cruel... even though I adore you...”
Tomoko's eyes widened at that remark. “Hey, Haruka?”
“ye... yes... *hic. ~uugh.”
“Now, we both know what a mortifying sentiment that is right? You understand don't you? Nevertheless, you're a member of the independent volunteer air squadron right? My wingman, right? Good grief, why is this kind of floundering girl my wingman...”
At Tomoko's remark, Haruka felt like she had been struck by a hammer. With a trembling voice, Haruka continued. “I, I just, want to comfort Pilot Officer Tomoko somehow, I just thought that...”
“I don't need things like comfort. What I need is an excellent wingman!”
“When you're feeling depressed, I'll comfort your heart as well as doing an amazing job as your wingman!” Haruka waited with tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Say that kind of thing, when you can at least hit the enemy fair and square.”
Haruka's heart broke with a *Pikin!* sound. Eyes full to the brim with tears; uwa~n! and ran crying from the communal room.
“That was a little too harsh don't you think?” Katherine chided, but Tomoko shook her head.
“That kid, she's always worried and caring, but lacks a sense of seriousness. Sometimes it's for her own good.”
After that, Tomoko prompted Beurling to come out to the corridor with her.
“Hey, about what she said back there... is it true?”
Beurling s.h.i.+fted her gaze like she was looking at a distant place, and nodded. “In the middle of an escort mission... I chased an enemy aircraft too far; another enemy formation took that opportunity to attack the bombing squadron, and the operation failed. At that time, the bombing squadron's commanding officer was Flight Lieutenant Rudel.”
“You're not like that now though are you? After all, you don't compete with anyone's personal shoot down count anymore.”
“Tomorrow, my flying restriction will be corrected. Escort duty will be sorted out, and by carrying it out perfectly, we won't allow that flight lieutenant to outwit us.”
“But, like I keep telling you; our strikers aren't up to guarding against the Laros-kai.”
“I have a plan.”
“Right, in my country, we have a saying for this kind of situation. 『肉を切らせて骨を断つ』 or in Britannian; 'Allow your flesh to be cut, so that you can sever their bone'.”
Next day, the bombing raid against the town of Slussen was promptly planned out.
F/L Rudel would lead the 10th Stuka squadron, to strike the ground force occupying Slussen using 125kg bombs.
Flight Lieutenant Ahonen would lead the 1st squadron serving as their escort... that was all well and good, but what to do with the independent volunteer air squadron had been a problem.
“huh~ are we also going on a bombing mission?” asked F/O Elma; seeing the lined up bombs.
“But since we have the Stuka squadron, why would we need to go so far as bombing~” Katherine continued.
“Even dropping a small amount of iron-bombs is invaluable.” Sqn Ldr Häkkinen said in a thoroughly composed tone.
“But, our ability to carry bombs is really limited, right~ Flying like that with even a small bomb makes us unsteady, when we're like that it seems we just become a good target for the enemy~”
Katherine kept on, yet Sqn Ldr Häkkinen wouldn't change her opinion on the matter. Having been silent up until then, Ursula sighed and muttered; “We are that target. Point is we're a decoy.”
F/O Elma, who would normally submit to orders meekly, now snarled at Sqn Ldr Häkkinen. “Tha! That's awful!”
“With Your equipment, you can't oppose the enemy's new model. I don't see a benefit in putting you on escort duty, if that were the case I would have put you on the escort.
“So even with escort duty, you don't expect us to do well~”
“Our objective is not the shooting down of enemy aircraft. It's the destruction of the enemy ground forces, and is absolutely essential. If there's even a small possibility, we must take it.” Sqn Ldr Häkkinen stated plainly.
“But, but!”
The members of the independent volunteer squadron still opposing Häkkinen were interrupted by Tomoko. “Understood. We'll deliver the bombs.”
“But, grant us one condition.”
“Which is?”
“In a situation where carrying the bombs further is judged as too dangerous, we have permission to discard them.”
For a short while, Sqn Ldr Häkkinen and Tomoko glared at each other... eventually Sqn Ldr Häkkinen gave in. “Understood. In that situation permission to discard the bombs is approved.”
“It's very much appreciated.”
Meeting Tomoko's stare, Sqn Ldr Häkkinen let out a sigh.
“At any rate, I'm not going to change my methods, is that understood? Because I too, don't want to enforce a flying restriction on what precious little mobile air infantry we have.”
Like that the dispute ended, but as the time to prepare for the sortie arrived, Haruka was no where in sight.
“Honestly; that kid, where has she gotten to?”
Struggling with an awkward bomb held under her arm, Sqn Ldr Häkkinen looked out over the airfield, behind her was the quiet, light grey, type-12 experimental carrier fighter.
“Haruka'''! '''Sortie!” Tomoko yelled as if, Haruka would dash over with her head hung in shame.
“What is she doing! ''Get over here right now!”