Part 31 (1/2)
”Who are you, telling me how to do my job?” He gripped my upper arm, pulling me before I could get to Blake.
Blake was held by two of the men and hit by another.
”Get off of me and stop them.”
”Theyll stop in a minute, when police get here.”
My heart tried to race out of my body, and I jerked free, going for the door. All my thoughts on getting out before- Four police officers walked in, strolling through the door like they could have been patrons instead of here to do a job.
”Thats a record William. Took you less than ten minutes,” a bartender yelled. The band had long ago stopped playing.
The police officer at the front tipped his hat with a smile. ”We were on standby when we saw Blakes truck. Thats enough Blake.”
Blake finished his swing, knocking the boy in front of him to the ground. He showed his b.l.o.o.d.y teeth when he smiled to the officer.
I felt like I was in a parallel universe. No one seemed to care.
But I wasnt pressing my luck. I walked a wide circle around the cops and made my way to the door as they stepped further into he bar.
”Wait,” the bouncer who had stopped me earlier spoke up. ”That new girl, she was part of it too.”
I didnt turn around to see who he was talking about, or what everyones reaction was. I kept walking but was stopped when I tried to step through the door.
”Mam, can you stick around for a moment?” One of the officers stepped in front of me, blocking my exit.
I looked back. Blake was at a table with Breezy and a cop. They were all looking at me.
And so was the cop in front of me. His patience was growing thin as I hesitated.
Breezy waved me over and the cop swiped his hand in that direction.
”Sure.” I stepped back into the bar, stomach clenching as I walked to the table.
”So youre corrupting a new girl now with your conspiracy theories?” The round cop at the table leaned back, laughing. ”Sit down,” he ordered to me and then looked back to Blake and Breezy. ”What did you say her name was, Riley?”
They nodded and I sat. Blake glared at him as he continued to laugh.
”Now come on Blake, how many times are we going to do this?”
”Till these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds learn to stop messing with me.”
The officer nodded. ”And when will you stop coming into their town and messing with them?”
”Whats the deal? You going to take me in or let me go?” He leaned forward, wiping at the corner of his mouth with the end of his s.h.i.+rt.
All my muscles turned rigid.
”You have somewhere important to be?” Another officer slid up a chair. ”Well drop the plans because youre coming in tonight.”
”Well, w.i.l.l.y, can you give the girls a ride home? You know where it is.”
”She lives at your camp too?” The officer slapped his hand on the table and looked between the three of us. ”Who are you again? Riley? Riley what?”
”She was part of the fight tonight too. Threw Sam over her shoulder and hit Mason,” The other officer added.
My mouth went sandpaper dry, and I wanted a drink. Bad.
”Riley, you got an ID on you?”
I shook my head. ”No.”
”No? How old are you?”
”Twenty one.”
”Leave her be. She was just trying to keep me from getting ganged up on,” Blake spoke up.
”She must be new if she thought you needed help.”
He shrugged.
”Or drunk.” The officer closer to me leaned in. ”Shes been drinking. We need to see ID.”
”I told you. I dont have any.” My legs shook to run.
They were all asking questions at once, somehow all directed at me. I wasnt the one to start the fight, or even take a big part in the fight. But before I knew it, I was the main focus and they were pulling me into a police car, reading me my rights.
”I didnt do anything. Why are you arresting me?”
”For a.s.sault and disorderly conduct.”
”Bulls.h.i.+t. Youre taking her in because shes with me and wouldnt answer your questions,” Blake shouted as he was lowered into the back of another police car.
I stayed silent for as long as I could, hoping something, anything, would save me. But at the station they needed my social security number and name. They thought they knew it, Riley Rivers, but I didnt have a social security number for that, and they took my fingerprints when they processed me. I was cracking under the pressure and gave in. On the form they pushed in front of me, I wrote my real name and my real social security number.
I always knew I couldnt run forever. I just thought I had a little more time.
By any grace of G.o.d, I might. If they didnt hold me that long, I might. If the name wasnt released. I might. If. If. If.
But they did hold me-for the rest of the weekend. I had to see the commissioner before they would let me out, and he wouldnt be in till Monday. All my ifs went up in smoke because Blake had gotten out that night. Why wouldnt I? I already knew that answer. My time was up.
The only real question was who would be waiting for me? And was I ready?
32: Do It.
THE OFFICER FROM THAT NIGHT WAS THE one walking me out, down the single hallway this police station had, to the front lobby.