Part 40 (1/2)

A MAN LOOKING READY FOR WAR WITH an a.s.sault rifle in his arms, guns visible at his side, and knives attached to his vests walked down the ramp of the boat to us.

He kept the rifle angled down as he approached, but I felt Gage s.h.i.+ft, moving his arm to his jacket, close to his own guns. I didnt pull my eyes away from the man approaching us though to see if I was right.

”Stoyt.” He put his free hand up, making his command for us to stop clear, but the stream of words that came next werent.

Neither was Gages response, but his tone was harsh, and he wasnt backing down from whatever the man had said.

Rusnaks smooth voice silenced the other man. He appeared at the entrance of the boat, saying one line in Russian, and the guy turned and walked away without another word. Then Rusnak gestured for us to board.

”Put up your hood,” Gage spoke low beside me.

I glanced at him while sliding my hood over my head. His hood was already up, shadowing his face. He had it up even before that guy came down.

”I dont know who these people are, and they dont need to know who we are.”

I nodded in agreement, stomach squeezing adrenaline to every limb as we walked up the steps to the boats side entrance. ”What was he saying?” We walked slowly, both not in any hurry to get on the boat.

”He wanted us to give up any weapons.”

But Rusnak had stopped him and let us come on with them. That seemed encouraging, like he possibly still trusted us. At least a little.

”Excuse Erik, he overreacts.” Rusnak smiled to us, to me, when we walked through the door and followed him down the hall of the boat. ”But one can never be too careful in these situations.”

”Except we just drove right in...” Now that the hall opened up to the outside, I could tell what everyone was doing. Unloading a large cargo container into smaller crates, right out in the open, in the middle of the deck.

”Only because you were in my car. No one else could do that. The entrance is guarded. Dont worry Sweetheart-”

”Regan,” Gage interrupted him. ”Youll call her Regan.”

Rusnaks smile stretched even further, and he chuckled as he nodded his head at the containers and men, continuing un-phased, ”This is all secure.”

Gage frowned. ”But this was supposed to be at E dock tomorrow.”

”Some plans have to change. Those docks cant be used.” He nodded to the door at our side. ”Lets talk inside.”

We followed him down steps and a hall, deep inside the yacht, for thats what it was, I could tell now. The inside was decorated nicely with warm wood tones, even if the outside looked more industrial.

A door in front of us opened, and Cherry slipped through, pausing when she spotted us, but her slick smile was quick to appear as we all met in the middle of the hall.

”I thought you were with Alessandra?” Rusnak questioned.

”We finished. The arrangement was settled, terms agreed to, and everyone left happy.” She ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at him. ”I was looking for you to let you know.” Her eyes s.h.i.+fted to Gage and I, and her smile widened but held uncertainty as she nodded a greeting.

”Good. Check with Yuri if he needs help, and then you can go.”

”Already did. Im going up now. Unless,” she pointed between us all, ”If this is anything to do with the delivery this week, Ill stick around.”

”No, this is something different.” Rusnak laid his hand on her jacket covered shoulder. ”Youll be notified if anything changes this week.” She pouted and his grip tightened as he dipped his face down to eye level with her. ”Golubushka,” he spoke soft, but with a razor edge. ”Lay off the merchandise while you work.”

Gage tensed beside me, and I was wound tight thinking he was going to spring to rescue her at any moment. But Rusnak released her and walked past to the door she originally came out of.

”I didnt-”

”Tcht.” He raised his hand, silencing her. ”No excuses, just stop.” He stood at the door and gestured for Gage and I to enter.

Gage slid his hand to my back, but his gaze followed Cherry as we pa.s.sed. She stood against the wall, eyes locked with Rusnaks for a moment before she turned and walked away, brus.h.i.+ng past Gage but never looking towards either of us.

I wasnt sure exactly what it was that seared my veins, but my fists curled, aching to hit her for even that slightest touch of Gage.

”Shes Alessandras pet,” Rusnak sneered as he walked to a large desk in the room, pouring liquor from a bottle into a gla.s.s. ”She has potential to go far, shes always on top of things.” He raised his eyebrow at us, his chest vibrating with a slight laugh. ”But maybe a bit too eager, she needs to learn her limits.” He raised the bottle. ”Do you want a drink?”

Gage nodded and walked to where Rusnak stood. ”Do you have anything else?”

”The bars over there, but theres no beer.”

”Then Ill have a gla.s.s of that.” He nodded to the bottle in Rusnaks hand.

It was driving me insane, this conversation, like we were all just hanging out. Drinking. Having a good ol time.

”Regan?” Rusnak questioned me.

”She doesnt-”

”Ill take a gla.s.s.” I hadnt drank since Louisiana, but I could use something to dull the edges of this meeting. I was no longer the lightweight I use to be.

Gage glanced at me with sharp eyes but didnt say anything otherwise.

I pushed my hood back from my head, now that it was only just us three in a closed room, and took the gla.s.s Rusnak offered me and took a sip. I spoke, wanting to end the formalities, ”So, what happened tonight? Whats changed?”

At first I thought Rusnak might be angry, the way his head snapped up at my question, but then he smiled. ”For someone who begged to get out, you are eager to get in deep.”

Gage pushed his hood off and set his gla.s.s down with force. ”Shes already in, we both saw what happened tonight. But why did it happen, and what has to change?”

Rusnak scratched his chin, eyeing us. His shoulders rose and fell in a slow shrug. ”He became a risk, he had to go.” He picked up his drink and walked behind his desk to sit, gesturing for us to sit as well. ”And as for what has to change, anything Viktor was a part of, whatever you told him about this s.h.i.+pment should change. The fire trucks and police are already at the docks. Thats why we changed this drop off to tonight, to here. To take advantage of them being preoccupied.”

”At the docks for Viktor? Already?”

Rusnak smiled over the rim of his clear gla.s.s, sipping slow before he explained, ”A fire tends to draw attention.”

Every word he said just added to the jumbled puzzle pieces in my mind. ”Why?” I couldnt hold in the question.

”How long has this been planned?” Gage asked at the same time.

He shrugged, that easy, carefree shrug. ”Not long, but Ive had my suspicion of him for a while.” He leaned back in his chair, pointing to Gage. ”You only reaffirmed them when you came to me about the conversation you had with him. Cherry did too, she told us his plans to move you two to Florida to open a club. But what tipped it over for him was that his job began connecting him to our organization.”