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Part 81 (1/2)

[=zonarius=, Brond. P. 1 cm. convex, with pellucid brown-violet zones; g. free, rosy then bay-bistre; s. solid, elongated, ring membranous, white.

[=geniculatus=, Brig. P. campan. exp. tumid, glabrous, pale bay, edge split here and there; g. free, remote from stem; s. bent, base thickened, ring inf.

Remarkable in this genus for growing on wood.

[=haematospermus=, Bull. P. campan. then exp. then umb. and scaly, brownish tan then blackish; g. rosy-blood-red then fuscous; s.

fistulose, equal, glabrous, colour of p., ring median, erect; sp. 4-5 3.

=subgibbosus=, Fr. P. 2-3 cm. convexo-plane, umb. even, glabrous but silky towards edge, yellowish; g. remote from stem, white then greyish-fuscous; s. 2-3 cm. fistulose, slender, ring fugacious.


=algeriensis=, Fr. P. 6-10 cm. convex then exp. even, glabrous, white then disc tinged brownish; flesh very thick, white; g. very narrow, rosy then umber; s. 3-5 cm. very stout, white, base thickened, solid; sp.

subgl. 8 .

[=Bresadolae=, Schulz. P. very thin and very fragile, irreg. campan.

then exp. and edge wavy, margin split, pale yellow-fuscous, glabrous, even; g. free, blackish-brown, edge white-mealy; s. often slightly wavy, apex abruptly contracted, white; sp. 9 4-5.

Many plants spring from a subterranean fleshy ma.s.s.

[=Phoenix=, Fr. P. thin, campan. exp. even, glabrous, hygr. fuscous then pale; g. free, ventricose, pallid then umber; s. stuffed, striate, subbulbous, rooting, pallid.


A. VISCIPELLES. _Pellicle of pileus even or scaly, often viscid._

* MUNDI. _Not growing on dung._

[=depilata=, Pers. P. exp. even, glabrous, viscid, yellowish-livid then tan; g. adnato-decur. broad, white then blackish; s. solid, with white revolute squarrose white scales below the ample ring; sp. 11-14 6-8.

=Percevali=, B. and Br. P. 3-5 cm. rather viscid, umb. then exp. ochre, scaly at first near edge; g. adnexed, broad distant; s. 5-7 cm.

squamulose up to ring, dark inside; sp. 12-14 6.

_S. squamosa_ differs in adnate, crowded g.

=versicolor=, With. P. 3-7 cm. convexo-plane, scaly, edge incurved; g.

decur. pallid then reddish-brown; s. 5 cm. whitish then brownish, ring persistent.

A species about which little is known.

=aeruginosa=, Curt. P. 4-7 cm. convex then exp. sub.u.mb. or quite plane, at first with bluish-green mucus and sometimes with white squamules, then yellowish; g. adnate, purplish; s. 5-6 cm. viscid, squamulose below ring, tinged green, often quite glabrous; sp. 10 5.

Very variable within certain limits. Often stout and deep coloured in shady woods. Slender and soon dry in open pastures.

=squamulosa=, Ma.s.see (= _S. aeruginosa_; var. _squamulosa_, Ma.s.s.). P.

4-6 cm. soon plane, deep verdigris-green, dry, squamulose; g. crowded, brown; s. 5-7 cm. stout, fibrilloso-squamulose, green, ring fragmentary; sp. 8-9 5.