Part 12 (1/2)
”What?” I knew she had reservations about me joining the guys for the tour, but this was insane.
”It's nothing personal.”
”Nothing personal? This is my boyfriend. I don't see how it could be any more personal.”
She turned her attention to Tucker, completely ignoring me.
”I have been fielding calls all morning. Calls from everyone from news reporters to Ca.s.s's father and everyone in between. This is very bad.”
”Wait . . . Did you say my father?” Suddenly I felt like I was spinning. . . . In that one sentence the entire world just imploded.
”This isn't a game, Tucker. Is it really worth it to play house with some girl? This is your career.”
”She isn't just some girl. I love her, and she is more important than any of this s.h.i.+t.”
”I'm sorry. Did you say my dad called you?”
Donna rolled her eyes at me as she tapped her foot. The other members of the band stood in shock watching our fight. Tucker continued to argue his point while Donna shrieked and moaned.
”Enough,” Eric yelled, and the bus went silent. I leaned back against the counter, struggling to catch my breath as a panic attack began to take over. ”Ca.s.s is trying to find out about her dad. Can you not see what you're doing to her?” Suddenly everyone's eyes were on me.
”He left his number. Why is this such a big issue?” Donna waved her hands around dramatically. I slowly raised my eyes to meet hers.
”I haven't seen my father in years. . . . Since I was little,” I said quietly as I rubbed over my arm nervously. I hated admitting that I fit the stereotype she had clearly pinned on me: poor little lost girl with daddy issues. I expected her to smile, but instead she was sympathetic.
”That wasn't fair of me. I didn't know.”
”It's fine,” I said, looking away. I needed to get out of there. I needed some air before my lungs exploded. I pushed my way through the group and stumbled out of the front door. Tucker followed and placed his hand on the small of my back.
”I'm sorry. I didn't think.”
I held up my hand to stop him from talking. I knew he wasn't trying to hurt me, but all I cared about in that moment was keeping the world from caving in on me. My father had disappeared to New Orleans when I was six and never returned, leaving my mother and me dest.i.tute and confused, struggling to survive while he was off living the single life. What could he possibly want from me now, so many years later?
I shook away the sadness, forcing back the tears that threatened to spill over my cheeks. ”I always knew he would come back one day; I just thought it would be while my mother was still alive.” My heart was in the pit of my stomach. Tucker wrapped his arms around me, and that contact, that feeling of safety, caused me to let go of everything I was holding back. The tears flowed freely as sobs wracked my body. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was happy now, and my life was finally falling into place.
Tucker laid his cheek on the top of my head as his hand rubbed over my back soothingly.
”This doesn't change anything. You don't have to call him back. He doesn't deserve it.”
I pulled back, brus.h.i.+ng my hair away from my wet face.
”I have to call him, Tucker. He's my dad.” I couldn't understand his logic. Why would I blow him off? I had wanted to see his face again since the moment he stepped out of my life.
”You don't have to do anything, Ca.s.s. He doesn't even deserve to hear your voice. You're going to get hurt.”
”I'm used to it.” I walked around him and made my way around the bus. I wanted to talk to Sarah. She would understand. I knew Tucker didn't want to see me upset, but that was something in life that was unavoidable. I was willing to take the chance.
I banged on the bus door and waited impatiently for someone to answer. Derek pulled open the door and motioned with a tilt of his head to the back of the bus. Sarah leaned out of the bathroom where she was styling her hair to see who was at the door.
”Hey! I was gonna come get you in a few and see if you wanted to do makeovers.” She was beaming from ear to ear. Her smile faded as she saw my tearstained face. ”What's wrong?”
”Nothing.” I swiped the tears from my cheeks and gave her a smile. ”I was just overwhelmed.”
She made her way down the hallway of the bus. Derek gave her a look and nodded, going to the back of the bus to give us privacy. I shoved my hands in my jean pockets.
”How are things going with him?” I asked as she motioned for us to sit at the small kitchen table.
”Things are good. You want to tell me what happened? Is it Tucker? Is it that b.i.t.c.h Donna?”
I laughed and shook my head.
”Not really. I mean . . . yeah, she sucks, but it's not them.”
”Then what is it? Spit it out already!”
”My dad is trying to contact me.”
Sarah sat back in her seat, her eyes going wide.
”I take it that's a bad thing.”
”No. I mean . . . I don't really know. I've been dreaming of this day for years.”
She nodded and reached over the table, placing her hand on mine. Half her hair was curled, the other side hung in a tangled mess. I laughed.
”You have the power here. You don't have to see him if you don't want to. You can call and see where it goes from there. Just be careful. There is no telling what he wants.”
”I know.” The thought of him wanting something from me tied my stomach in knots. I wasn't ready to be hurt by someone else I loved, but I needed to hear his voice.
There was a knock on the door and Sarah grinned.
”Come in, Tucker,” she called out, and the door pulled open. Tucker smiled when his eyes met mine.
”I guess I should go and let you finish getting ready.” I pushed up from the table and walked toward the door.
”I'm here if you need to talk,” Sarah replied as we made our way back outside.
”Tucker.” I turned to face him, taking his hands in mine. ”I need you to be supportive, no matter what I decide to do.”
He nodded, looking down at the asphalt.
”If he hurts you . . .” His eyes met mine and I sighed, not needing him to finish his thought. He pulled a small slip of paper from his pocket and held it out to me. I took it from him. My eyes danced over the phone number scrawled out in Tucker's handwriting. I looped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek as I gave him an appreciative hug.
”Thank you.”
”Don't thank me yet. I'm not sure this is going to end the way you are hoping.”
”When did you become so pessimistic?”
He laughed sardonically and ran his hand over his hair.