55 Old Master Su (1/2)

Old master Su leaned his head against the headboard of his bed.

”Why do I have to stay in bed?”

He frowned.

”Dad, the doctor said you need to rest after your heart attack. If you don't you will return to the hospital.”

Old master Su stuck his tongue out at his son. Su Ming An laughed at his father.

”Now, you're being childish. If you don't get well, Jin won't bring Modesty to visit you.”

That made the old master relax some.

”Are you happy that she is back? Are you worried?”

Su Ming An shook his head.

”Of course I'm glad she's back we missed her. She was like our child we saw her often throughout her entire life. Her family moves here and she practically lives with us for two years.”

Su Ming An frowned.

”Then to be ripped from our arms, to be ripped from Jin's arms, it hurt him more than it did any of us.”

Old master nodded.

”I'm just worried how the child will react when she finds out that her parents were murdered and not just a product of an accident.”

Su Ming An shook his head.

”I think she will be fine she is tough. She was always strong when she was younger. You have to be tough to deal with Jin.”