105 Are You Going? (1/1)
Modesty looked at the card and thought about it for a minute.
”Yes, I think i'm going to go. I was just telling you that I need to go out and date, and now here is my chance. Please call Sun Xi Zhao and let him know that I would be happy to join him for Dinner.”
Modesty looked from the card to Chu Hua Huan, then went back to her desk and sat down. Chu Hua Huan, can you call him and let him know that I accept his invitation for this evening?”
Chu Hua Huan smiled.
”Of course. Oh, this will make Su Jin Wei so jealous. But, if he really wanted to be with you, he would stop dancing around the issue and just tell you.”
Modesty looked up and laughed. Then just as quickly she stopped, she saw dark circles around HuaHua eyes, and tiredness around her mouth.
”Chu Hua Huan as your boss, am I working you too hard? Or as your friend also meaning me, is someone bullying you? If so you can tell me and I will be glad to take care of them.”
Chu Hua Huan looked at Modesty a small smile on her face.
”No no one is bullying me but there are some rumors going around about me.”
Modesty gestured for Chu Hua Huan to sit down.
”Why are rumors bothering you? You are better than this girlfriend.” Chu Hua Huan nodded. ”It's just that.”
Chu Hua Huan bit her lip.
”If you go back to Country A, are you going to leave me here and send me back to the secretarial pool?”
Modesty laughed.
”Is that what you're worried about?”
Chu Hua Huan slowly shook her head.
”It's just since I became your a.s.sistant and my salary went up. My family has been in a good situation. Now, if you go back to Country A, I can go with you but I don't know if you want me. Plus, the people around here who don't like me think that this is just temporary and they are waiting for me to fall.”