Chapter Twenty-Four (1/2)

Chapter Twenty-Four

I changed my clothes and jumped on my bed to relax, I wasn't going to cuff myself up until he got home, what if my brother stopped by? That would just be awkward. I was reading on my e-reader when I heard the door open and close, I set it down.

”Chase?” I called out

”Yeah.” He said and moved back and attacked the cuffs to each wrist and got comfortable.

When he walked in the room and took me in, his eyes went from my breasts to my stomach to my legs and back up. He looked at the cuffs and then straight into my eyes.

”I could get used to this sight everyday” he smirked and I rolled my eyes. he walked over and grabbed the keys before undoing the cuffs around my wrists, I looked at him confused and sat up. He sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him.

He pulled me closer and sighed

”I'm sorry” he told me and I pulled back.

”For what?”

”For taking my frustration out on you like I did, it was not only unfair of me, but I hurt you, and I never want to hurt you.”

”It's fine Chase”

”No, it's not fine, and bets are all off, I just want you baby.” He told me as he laid back and brought me with him so I was now lying on his chest on top of him.

”I love you.”

”I love you too. I want to have a proper dinner and date with you. So go put on come clothes and get ready and I'll come back and get you in an hour and a half so I can change too.”

After I agreed he gave me a lingering kiss and left. I jumped in the shower and washed off quickly. When I stepped out I dropped the towel and looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the front, side, and back and bit my lip at the sight.

My rear end was slightly bruised, there were bruises on my wrists from being tied up and I was sore. There were love bites on my breasts, my thighs, hip bones, the one on my neck he likes to keep there and there was also one on my ass as well.

I looked like a bit of a mess.

I went to my room and put on some light pink and white lace underwear and bra and searched around my closet. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be wearing, what type of place we were going to, so I went for a dress.

It it was a pale green that went amazing with the pale pink of my undergarments, which I knew no one would see but Chase, but still.

It was mid-thigh and there was a slip under and all lace over the top. It had a half sleeve and I loved it, but haven't got to wear it yet.

I let my hair dry and sat down to work on my makeup. I used pale green with some pale pink, some eyeliner and mascara.

I sat wore pale pink pumps and went to go sit and read while I waited for him. I drug out getting ready and I still had a half hour to spare. I was lost in my book when he knocked on my door and I opened it to see him with red roses.

”Hey baby” he kissed me and I stepped aside for him to come in.


”You look beautiful.” He handed me the roses and I went to grab a vase

”Thank you, is it appropriate?”

”I don't care what you wear, you look beautiful in anything. But yes, this is appropriate.”

He grabbed my hand and opened the door for me before we went to his car, and like a gentleman he opened that one too and we were off. Not sure where, but It didn't matter. His fingers were laced through mine and I took in his slacks and white dress shirt with a black tie; just simple but so damn sexy.

We pulled up at a restaurant and I smiled, this was my dad's favorite place.

It was a Cuban restaurant, because my father was Cuban, my mother was white, and this place he said made him feel as close to Cuban food as he could get.

He held my hand as we walked in and we got a table quickly. This place had the best food but no one really paid attention to it, it was a hidden gem.

”I just wanted to tell you again that I was sorry. I've been selfish lately when it comes to you and I don't want you to feel like sex is all I want from you, because it's all we seem to do. I want to tell Riley and I want to be with you properly without being afraid of running into him with everything we do.”

”Okay. We'll tell him soon, I promise.” He held onto my hands

”How about Wednesday, they're going out tomorrow and I don't want to ruin that night out for them, so we'll tell them Wednesday after work.”

I took a deep breath, I knew this was something we had to do but I was still scared to tell him.

”Wednesday it is.”

”Okay and I also see your wrists” he pushed up a bracelet up and rubbed the skin ”I don't want to hurt you,” he looked up and he looked vulnerable. ”So no more of that for a little bit.” He told me and I nodded.

I enjoyed it, but I would love to just have awhile where it was just us and just simple.

”Okay.” I smiled at him and he looked back at my wrists. ”Hey, I chose the rope and I knew what could happen. It's really fine.”

”I still feel bad.”

We took a break to order and then with that we changed topics, we already decided a couple things and it was time to move on and have a nice night.

”Did you enjoy dinner?” he asked when we finished up

”I did, I haven't been here in a long time.”

”I know, ready for what's next?” he asked and I nodded. He wrapped an arm around me as we walked down the street.

”Of course” I told him and we went to a building, Chase walked up to the front shook hands with someone and we walked in leaving a trail of people behind us.

The music was blaring and I smiled and looked over at him and he winked back.

It was a Cuban night club, and it reminded me again of my parents. My mother met my dad back in Cuba when she was eighteen; he was visiting family, but had already moved to the states and was twenty two.

Her and her friends went to a club and that's where my parents met. My mom and him fell in love quick and she moved to be with him, and thankfully their relationship worked.

It was a great story that I loved so being here just made me think of them more, it was bitter sweet but we went up to the bar and got a drink before dancing. I loved the way Chase moved and that he could dance, and this also, vaguely reminds me of Monica's birthday. It's a bit fuzzy but the memory is there.

We stuck to only two drinks all night and stayed pretty sober to really enjoy the moment together. Everyone was huddled in the room, it was crowded and the dancing was sexy. It was the best night out that I could have asked for with him, I hadn't done anything to embrace that side of me in a long time.

We go out to clubs, we dance, we drink, but not in this way. We laughed as we walked back to the car and he held my hand as we headed back to my house.

When we got there he grabbed a bag from the car that he packed and we went inside.

”Did you have a good night?” he asked me

”I did, it was nice to do something Cuban, I really haven't, and I don't think Riley has either since they died.”

”After Monica has the baby we should go out with them.”

”I would love that.” I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him gently. ”Really, thank you for such a great night.” I kissed him again and he pulled me into him.

”And now I owe you” he said as he ran a hand down my arm

”Yes you do.” he kissed me again and pulled back

”And I will, but let's make a fort” he smiled and I rolled my eyes

”Really Chase?”

”Yes. I want to build a fort. Now get to the spare blankets. Hop to it!” he gave me a tap on the butt and I laughed as I went to get them and he went to my room to grab those.

We came out with bunches of them and got to work grabbing chairs and stuff to hang them all on. We pulled them over and did a entrance into a bigger area and had them tossed all around. I remember doing this with Rochelle as a kid and I loved that he didn't mind being childish with me after everything that's been going on the past few weeks.

As he finished up I made hot chocolate and handed them in through the bottom before climbing in with him.

”Now for desert.” He said as he pulled things from the bag. He brought out chocolate covered strawberries, cherries, and cupcakes.