2 Signature Move (1/1)

Celeron didn't really pay attention to the finer details of his new memories. But after THOROUGHLY scanning through them this time. He realised, his mother and he were the 'only' survivors of Planet Vegeta's destruction. But obviously Celeron knew that there were other survivors, like Nappa, Vegeta, Broly, Turtles, Raditz, Goku and there could be even more!

And so, Celeron walked across the barren and boring planet... he was in the Dragon Ball universe, but he had nothing to do! This definitely isn't what his dreams in his past life were like! So, the only thing he had to do was train of course! He didn't really know how heavy the gravity on this planet was but he didn't really care! He just had to train!

Oh, and speaking of training - he had learnt that he could use Ki! He could use it just like the previous Celeron, (thanks to his memories). And speaking of Ki, the colour of his Ki was black, like really, really dark black. It looked pretty awesome in his opinion.

So the first thing Celeron would do with his Ki was obviously... fly! Who didn't want to fly? It was awesome! Celeron started to slowly levitate upwards as he suddenly shot up, spinning and twisting and turning in all sorts of directions. He flew far away from his home, ready to test out how strong he was, and of course, start his training.

After a few minutes, he thought he was far enough, and went higher up into the sky. He tried creating a Ki blast in his hand. It felt quite natural to him! Slowly, it got bigger and bigger, until he thought it was big enough, he launched it to the ground, ready for an explosion. And it happened. Except it was much bigger than he expected! He screamed like a little girl, ”EEK!” He was too young to die! The explosion almost 'slapped' him as he got flung all the way back to his house! He missed the house by a literal inch! An inch! An inch away from getting pummelled by his mother!

Rather than caring about how he just got flung by an explosion, he just sighed in relief that he didn't break another wall. Celeron tried to get up, but screamed in pain before he could, his legs were mangled and he was positive he had a few broken ribs. He would probably die, if his mother didn't come out like right now.

And then his mother came out of the house. She stared at him, clearly trying to hold back her laughter at her son's misery. After quite a few seconds (that felt like hours), she finally calmed down. Picking up her son by the collar, she dragged him inside and threw him in a glass 'case' with green liquid inside and said, ”Off you go into the healing pod!” Celeron's clearly surprised but muffled voice questioned out from behind the glass, ”A feafing pod?!” His arrogant mother, proudly replied, ”HAHAHAHA! Who do you think you're mother is?! Yes! This is my healing pod! I went through great troubles to get this! I had to kill out a few of Frieza's minions and some traitor Saiyans to snag it!”

Surprisingly, Celeron didn't react much to the word 'killing', maybe because he was a Saiyan now? In response to his mother's claims, he just rolled his eyes as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

A few hours later... Celeron's eyes suddenly opened. He was about to punch the glass open, how badasses normally should get out of a healing pod. But slowly brought his fist back as he remembered, he didn't want to get battered by his mother. He slowly got out, like a civilised huma- Saiyan. If a civilised Saiyan was even a thing? Anyway, he walked out, and cracked a few fingers and popped a few joints.

He walked out of the 'healing' room and walked around the house aimlessly, having no idea what to do... and then he remembered - the Ki blast! He grinned as he made his way out of the house, but on his way out, he saw a green, futuristic lens thing? It was connected to a white part... and it clicked in his mind! This was a scouter! Definitely a scouter! How he didn't realise it as soon as he looked at it, he had no idea. It looked exactly like how it was portrayed in the anime and manga! He cautiously looked around, he was guessing it was his mother's but... it was worth the risk! He walked past it, quickly grabbing it into his hand and running as fast he could out of the house and then using all of his power to fly as fast as he could.

He soon reached the explosion site. His adrenaline still didn't stop pumping through his body. He breathed heavily, not from exhaustion but from being relieved that he didn't get followed! And then, he started paying attention to the huge destruction he made. The crater was huge! It went around 300 metres deep and had a diameter of probably around a kilometre! He looked like an ant when he stood in the middle of the crater!

And this wasn't even his full power, AND it was just a Ki blast, not even a concentrated beam like the Kamehameha or anything! He was excited but also disappointed! He wanted to test a full-powered Ki blast, but he probably couldn't without destroying a quarter of the planet... never mind a Ki beam.

But that didn't mean he couldn't test a Ki beam with less power! He was going to make his own signature move!

And he knew the perfect move already! He first experimented with shooting his Ki out of specific parts of his body, he tried shooting beams from his hands and his mouth, both worked easily on the first try. Now was the main bit, this was probably going to be much harder! He was going to shoot beams from his fingers, 10 beams simultaneously! He tried concentrating Ki into his fingers, each finger had a ball of Ki floating above it, he did it on the first try! Slowly he brought his hands together, all of the balls of Ki joined together, creating a football-sized ball of Ki. He added a tiny bit more Ki to the beam, it got darker and darker until it was as black as he thought black could even get! And then he let it go in the sky, aiming at one of the moons that orbit the planet. The beam hit the moon, as the whole moon was engulfed in glowing Ki. A few seconds later, Celeron looked up to see - nothing - the moon had been completely disintegrated.

”Yes!!! I'll call this move - Celery Cannon!”