Part 1 (2/2)

Conjectural dates are cited within brackets. Except for Nos. 144 (frontispiece), 139 and 164 (on same plate as No. 40), and 196 (on same plate as No. 175), the etchings reproduced (entirely from the British Museum collection) are given in the order of this catalogue, so that plate numbers have been dispensed with. The Roman numerals following the catalogue numbers in the underlines to the plates refer to the states of the etchings as described in the complete catalogue. B. = Bartsch.

1. Rembrandt's Mother: Head Bust, three-quarters r. 1628. B. 354.

2. Rembrandt's Mother: Head only, full face. 1628. B. 352 2.* Rembrandt with a Broad Nose. (1628) B. 4 3. Rembrandt Bareheaded, with High Curly Hair: Head and Bust.

(1628.) B. 27 4. Rembrandt Bareheaded: A Large Plate Roughly Etched: Head and Bust. 1629. B. 338 4.* Aged Man of Letters. (1629.) B. 149 5. Peter and John at the Gate of the Temple: Roughly Etched.

(1629-30.) B. 95 6. The Small Lion Hunt (with one Lion). (1629-30.) B. 116 7. Beggar Man and Beggar Woman Conversing. 1630. B. 164 8. Beggar Seated Warming his Hands at a Chafing Dish. (1630.) B. 173 9. Beggar Leaning on a Stick, facing l. (1630.) B. 163 10. Beggar in a Long Cloak, Sitting in an Arm-chair. (1630.) B. 160 11. Beggar Seated on a Bank. 1630. B. 174 12. Beggar with a Wooden Leg. (1630.) B. 179 13. Beggar Man and Beggar Woman Behind a Bank. (1630) B. 165 14. Man in a Cloak and Fur Cap Leaning against a Bank. (1630.) B.

151 15. Beggar in a High Cap, Standing and Leaning on a Stick. (1630.) B. 162 16. Ragged Peasant with his Hands Behind Him, Holding a Stick.

(1630.) B. 172 17. The Flight into Egypt: A Sketch. (1630.) B. 54 18. The Presentation in the Temple (with the Angel): small plate.

1630. B. 51 19. The Circ.u.mcision: small plate. (1630.) B. 48 20. Christ Disputing with the Doctors: small plate. 1630. B. 66 21. Bust of a Man (Rembrandt's Father?) in full face, wearing a Close Cap. 1630. B. 304 22. Bust of a Man (Rembrandt's Father?) wearing a High Cap, three-quarters r. 1630. B. 321 23. Bald-headed Man (Rembrandt's Father?) in Profile r; head only; bust added afterwards. 1630. B. 292 24. Bald-headed Man (Rembrandt's Father?) in Profile r.; small bust.

1630. B. 294 25. Three Studies of Old Men's Heads. (1630.) B. 374 26. Bust of an Old Man with Flowing Beard and White Sleeve. (1630.) B. 291 27. Bust of an Old Man with Flowing Beard: the Head Bowed Forward: l. shoulder unshaded. 1630. B. 325 28. Bust of an Old Man with Flowing Beard: the head inclined three-quarters r. 1630. B. 309 29. Rembrandt in a Fur Cap: the Dress Light: bust. 1630. B. 24 30. Rembrandt Bareheaded, in Sharp Light from r.; Looking over his Shoulder: bust. 1630. B. 10 31. Rembrandt Bareheaded and Open-mouthed, as if Shouting: bust.

1630. B. 13 32. Rembrandt in a Cap, Open-mouthed and Staring: bust in outline.

1630. B. 320 33. Rembrandt Bareheaded, with Thick Curling Hair and Small White Collar: bust. (1630.) B. 1 34. Rembrandt in a Cap, Laughing: Bust. 1630. B. 316 35. Rembrandt Bareheaded, Leaning Forwards as if Listening: bust.

(1630.) B. 9 36. Rembrandt Bareheaded, Leaning Forward: bust lightly indicated.

(1630-1.) B. 5 37. Head of a Man in a Fur Cup, Crying Out. (1631.) B. 327 38. The Blind Fiddler. 1631. B. 138 39. Head of a Man in a High Cap: three-quarters r. (1631.) B. 302 40. A Polander standing with Stick: profile to r. (the ”Little Polander”). 1631. B. 142 41. Sheet of Studies of Men's Heads (the plate afterwards cut into five parts). (1631.) B. 366 42. Diana at the Bath. (1631.) B. 201 43. Naked Woman Seated on a Mound. (1631.) B. 198 44. Jupiter and Antiope: the smaller Plate. (1631.) B. 204 45. A Man Making Water. 1631. B. 190 46. A Woman Making Water. 1631. B. 191 47. Bust of an Old Bearded Man Looking Down, three-quarters r. 1631.

B. 260 48. Bust of an Old Man with Flowing Beard: Head Nearly Erect: Eyes Cast Down: Looking Slightly l. 1631. B. 315 49. Bust of an Old Man with Fur Cap and Flowing Beard: nearly full face: Eyes Direct. (1631.) B. 312 50. Rembrandt's Mother with Hand on Chest: small bust. 1631. B. 349 51. Rembrandt's Mother Seated Facing r., in an Oriental Headdress: half length, Showing Hands. 1631. B. 348 52. Rembrandt's Mother Seated at a Table Looking r.: three-quarter length. (1631.) B. 343 53. Bearded Man (Rembrandt's Father?) in Furred Oriental Cap and Robe: half length. 1631. B. 263 54. Rembrandt Wearing a Soft Hat, c.o.c.ked: head only: body added afterwards. 1631. B. 7 55. Rembrandt with Long Bushy Hair: head only. (1631.) B. 8 56. Rembrandt in a Heavy Fur Cap: full face: bust. 1631. B. 16 57. Rembrandt Wearing a Soft Cap: full face: head only. (1631.) B. 2 58. Rembrandt with Cap Pulled Forward: bust. (1631.) B. 319 59. Rembrandt with Fur Cap, in an Oval Border: bust. (1631.) B. 12 60. Rembrandt with Bushy Hair and Contracted Eyebrows: bust. 1631.

B. 25 61. Rembrandt Bareheaded, the Light Falling from the r.: bust.

(1631.) B. 332 62. Rembrandt in a Slant Fur Cap: bust. 1631. B. 14 63. Rembrandt in a Cloak with Falling Collar: bust. 1631. B. 15 64. Rembrandt with a Jewel in his Cap. (1631.) Middleton, 18 65. Bust of a Young Man in a Cap. (1631.) B. 322 66. Rembrandt in a Dark Cloak and Cap: bust. (1631.) B. 6 67. Rembrandt(?), Scowling, in an Octagon: head only. (1631.) B. 336 68. Grotesque Profile: Man in High Cap. (1631.) B. 326 69. Peasant with his Hands Behind his Back. 1631. B. 135 70. Bust of a Snub-nosed Man in a Cap: Profile r. 1631. B. 317 71. Bust of a Man in a Cap, Bound Round the Ears and Chin. (1631.) B. 323 72. Beggar with a Stick, Walking l. 1631. B. 167 73. Beggar with his l. Hand Extended. 1631. B. 150 74. The Blindness of Tobit: A Sketch. (1631.) B. 153 75. Seated Beggar and his Dog. 1631. B. 175 75.* A Stout Man in a Large Cloak. (1631.) B. 184 76. Old Woman Seated in a Cottage, with a String of Onions on the Wall. 1631. B. 134 77. The Leper (”Lazarus Klap”). 1631. B. 171 77.* Beggar Man and Beggar Woman. (1631.) B. 183 78. Two Beggars Tramping towards the r. (1631.) B. 154 78.* Two Studies of Beggars. (1631.) B. 182 79. Beggar with a Crippled Hand Leaning on a Stick r. (1631.) B. 166 80. Old Beggar Woman with a Gourd. (1631.) B. 168 8l. Beggar Standing Leaning on a Stick l.: small plate. (1631.) B.

169 82. Bust of an Old Woman in Furred Cloak and Heavy Headdress. 1631.

B. 355 83. Bust of an Old Woman in a High Head-dress Bound Round the Chin.

(1631.) B. 358 84. Bust of a Beardless Man (Rembrandt's Father?) in a Fur Cloak and Cap: Looking Down: three-quarters l. 1631. B. 307 85. Bust of a Bald Man (Rembrandt's Father?) in a Fur Cloak Looking r. 1631. B. 324 86. Bust of a Bald Man Looking Down, Grinning. 1631. B. 298 87. Bust of Bearded Old Man with High Forehead and Close Cap. 1631.

B. 314 88. Bust of an Old Man Looking Down, with Wavy Hair and Beard: cap added afterwards. (1631.) B. 337 89. Small Bust of Bearded Man Looking Down, with Eyes Nearly Closed. (1631.) B. 296 90. Sheet of Studies: Head of Rembrandt, Beggar Couple, Heads of Old Man and Old Woman, etc. (1632.) B. 363 91. Rembrandt's Mother in Widow's Dress and Black Gloves. (1632) B. 344 92. Old Man Seated, with Flowing Beard, Fur Cap and Velvet Cloak.

(1632.) B. 262 93. Man Standing in Oriental Costume and Plumed Fur Cap. 1632. B.

152 94. St. Jerome Playing: Arched Print. 1632. B. 101 95. The Holy Family. (1632.) B. 62 96. The Raising of Lazarus: the larger Plate. (1632.) B. 73 97. The Rat-Killer. 1632. B. 121 98. Polander Leaning on a Stick: Profile l. (1632.) B. 141 99. A Turbaned Soldier on Horseback. (1632.) B. 139 100. A Cavalry Fight. (1632-3.) B. 117 101. The Good Samaritan. 1633. B. 90 102. The Descent from the Cross: first plate. 1633. B. 81, I 103. The Descent from the Cross: second plate. 1633. B. 81, II, etc.

104. Joseph's Coat Brought to Jacob. (1633.) B. 38 105. The Flight into Egypt: small plate. 1633. B. 52 106. The s.h.i.+p of Fortune. 1633. B. 111 107. Rembrandt's Mother in a Cloth Head-dress, Looking Down: head only. 1633. B. 351 108. Rembrandt in Cap and Scarf: the Face Dark: bust. 1633. B. 17 109. Rembrandt with Raised Sabre: half-length. 1634. B. 18 110. Rembrandt with Plumed Cap and Lowered Sabre: three-quarter length: afterwards bust in oval. 1634. B. 23 111. Jan Cornelis Sylvius, Preacher (r). 1634. B. 266 112. Rembrandt's Wife Saskia, with Pearls in her Hair, bust. 1634.

B. 347 113. Woman Reading. 1634. B. 345 114. A Peasant: One of a Pair, Calling Out. 1634. B. 177 115. A Peasant: the Other of the Pair, Replying. 1634. B. 178 116. Two Tramps, a Man and a Woman. (1634.) B. 144 117. Sheet of Two Slight Studies: One of Two Peasants. (1634.) B.

373 118. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife. 1634. B. 39 119. St. Jerome Reading. 1634. B. 100 120. The Angel Appearing to the Shepherds. 1634. B. 44 121. Christ at Emmaus: the smaller plate. 1634. B. 88 122. Christ and the Woman of Samaria: among Ruins. 1634. B. 71 123. The Crucifixion: small plate. (1634.) B. 80 124. The Tribute-Money. (1634.) B. 68 125. The Stoning of S. Stephen. 1635. B. 97 126. Christ Driving the Money-Changers from the Temple. 1635. B. 69 127. Girl with Hair Falling on her Shoulders (the ”Great Jewish Bride”). 1635. B. 340 128. Jan Uytenbogaert, Preacher of the Sect of Arminian Remonstrants. 1635. B. 279 129. Old Woman Sleeping. (1635-7.) B. 350 130. Old Bearded Man in a High Fur Cap, with Closed Eyes. (1635.) B.

290 131. The First Oriental Head (Rembrandt's Father?). 1635. B. 286 132. The Second Oriental Head (Rembrandt's Father?). (1635.) B. 287 133. The Third Oriental Head. 163;. B. 288 134. The Fourth Oriental Head. (1635.) B. 289 l35. Head of an Old Man in a High Fur Cap. (1635.) B. 299 136. Bald Old Man with a Short Beard, in profile r. 0635.) B. 306 137. Curly-headed Man with a Wry Mouth. (1635.) B. 305 138. Polander Standing with Arms Folded. (1635.) B. 140 139. The Quacksalver. 1635. B. 129 140. St. Jerome Kneeling in Prayer, Looking Down. 1635. B. 102 141. The Pan-cake Woman. 1635. B. 124 142. The Strolling Musicians. (1635.) B. 119 143. Christ before Pilate: large plate. 1635-6. B. 77 144. Rembrandt and his Wife Saskia: busts. 1636. B. 19 145. Studies of the Head of Saskia and others. 1636. B. 365 146. Samuel Mana.s.seh Ben Israel, Jewish Author. 1636. B. 269 147. The Return of the Prodigal Son. 1636. B. 91 148. Abraham Caressing Isaac. (1637.) B. 33 149. Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael. 1637. B. 30 150. Bearded Man Wearing a Velvet Cap with a Jewel Clasp. 1637. B.

313 151. Young Man in a Velvet Cap with Books Beside Him. 1637. B. 268 152. Three Heads of Women, one Asleep. 1637. B. 368 153. Three Heads of Women, one Lightly Etched. (1637.) B. 367 154. Study of Saskia as S. Catherine (the ”Little Jewish Bride”).

1638. B. 342 155. Sheet with Two Studies: a Tree, and the Upper Part of a Head Wearing a Velvet Cap. (1638.) B. 372 156. Rembrandt in Velvet Cap and Plume, with an Embroidered Dress: bust. 1638. B. 20 157. Rembrandt in a Flat Cap with a Shawl About His Shoulders.
