Part 12 (1/2)
”A very fine, promising young man,” said Mrs. Linwood, with emphasis.
”A most intelligent, agreeable companion,” added the gentle Edith, looking smilingly at me, as if expecting me to say something.
”Very,” responded I, in a constrained manner.
”Is that all?” she asked, laying her soft, white hand on my shoulders, and looking archly in my face; ”is that all, Gabriella?”
”Indeed, you are mistaken,” said I, hastily; ”he is nothing more,--and yet I am wrong to say that,--he has been,--he is like a brother to me, Edith, and never will be any thing more.”
”Oh, these brother friends!” she exclaimed, with a burst of musical laughter, ”how very near they seem! But wait, Gabriella, till you see _my_ brother,--he is one to boast of.”
”Edith!” said her mother. Edith turned her blue eyes from me to her mother, with a look of innocent surprise. The tone seemed intended to check her,--yet what had she said?
”You should not raise expectations in Gabriella which will not be realized,” observed Mrs. Linwood, in that quiet tone of hers which had so much power. ”Ernest, however dear he may be to us as a son and brother, has peculiar traits which sometimes repel the admiration of strangers. His impenetrable reserve chills the warmth of enthusiasm, while the fitfulness of his morals produces constant inquietude. He was born under a clouded star, and the horoscope of his destiny is darkened by its influence.”
”I love him better for his lights and shadows,” said Edith, ”he keeps one always thinking of him.”
”When would this shadowy, flas.h.i.+ng being appear, who kept one always thinking of him?”
As I had made an engagement with Mr. Regulus for one year, I remained with Dr. Harlowe's family during the winter months, while Mrs. Linwood and Edith returned to the city.
The only novelty of that wintry season was the first correspondence of my life. Could any thing prove more strikingly my isolated position in the world than this single fact? It was quite an era in my existence when I received Mrs. Linwood's and Edith's first letters; and when I answered them, it seemed to me my heart was flowing out in a gus.h.i.+ng stream of expression, that had long sought vent. I knew they must have smiled at my exuberance of language, for the young enthusiast always luxuriates under epistolary influences. I had another correspondent, a very unexpected one, Richard Clyde, who, sanctioned by Mrs. Linwood, begged permission to write to me as a _friend_. How could I refuse, when Mrs. Linwood said it would be a source of intellectual improvement as well as pleasure? These letters occupied much of my leisure time, and were escape-pipes to an imagination of the high-pressure kind. My old love of rhyming, too, rose from the ashes of former humiliation, and I wove many a garland of poesy, though no one but myself inhaled their fragrance or admired their bloom.
”As down in the sunless retreats of the ocean, Sweet flowers are springing no mortal can see,--”
So in the solitude of my chamber, in the loneliness of my heart, in the breathing stillness of the night, blossomed the moon-born flowers of poesy, to beautify and gladden my youth.
Thus glided away the last tranquil season of my life. As was one day, so was the next. Mrs. Harlowe's clock-work virtues, which never run down, the doctor's agreeable carelessness and imperturbable good-humor, the exceeding kindness of Mr. Regulus, who grew so gentle, that he almost seemed melancholy,--all continued the same. In reading, writing, thinking, feeling, hoping, reaching forward to an uncertain future, the season of fireside enjoyments and comforts pa.s.sed,--spring,--summer.
Mrs. Linwood and Edith returned, and I was once more installed in that charming apartment, amid whose rosy decorations ”I seemed,” as Edith said, ”a fairy queen.” I walked once more in the moon-lighted colonnade, in the shadow of the granite walls, and felt that I was born to be there.
One evening as I returned home, I saw Edith coming through the lawn to meet me, so rapidly that she seemed borne on wings,--her white drapery fell in such full folds over her crutches it entirely concealed them, and they made no sound on the soft, thick gra.s.s. Her face was perfectly radiant.
”Oh, Gabriella,” she exclaimed, ”he is coming,--brother is coming home,--he will be here in less than a week,--oh! I am so happy!”
And the sweet, affectionate creature leaned her head on my shoulder, and actually sobbed in the fulness of her joy. My own heart palpitated with strange emotions, with mingled curiosity, eagerness, and dread.
”Dear Edith,” I cried, putting my arms around her, and kissing her fair, infantine cheek, ”I rejoice with you,--I could envy you if I dared. What a blessing it must be to have a brother capable of inspiring so much love!”
”He shall be your brother too, Gabriella! For, are you not my sister?
and of course he must be your brother. Come, let us sit down under the dear old elm and talk about him, for my heart is so full that I can speak and think of nothing else.”
”And now,” added she, as we sat under the kingly canopy of verdure,--on a carpet of living velvet,--”let me tell you why I love Ernest so very, very dearly. My father died when I was a little child, a little feeble child, a cripple as well as an invalid. Ernest is four years older than myself, and though when I was a little child he was but a very young boy, he always seemed a protector and guardian to me. He never cared about play like other children, loving his book better than any thing else, but willing to leave even that to amuse and gratify me. Oh! I used to suffer so much, so dreadfully,--I could not lie down, I could not sit up without pain,--no medicine would give me any relief. Hour after hour would Ernest hold me in his arms, and carry me about in the open air, never owning he was weary while he could give me one moment's ease. No one thought I would live beyond childhood, and I have no doubt many believed that death would be a blessing to the poor, crippled child.
They did not know how dear life was to me in spite of all my sufferings; for had I always been well, I never should have known those tender, cheris.h.i.+ng cares which have filled my heart with so much love. It is so sweet to be petted and caressed as I have been!”