15 CHP#15. The Celestial Time Gate (1/2)
After their battle against the two members of 10 Flames the student who faced them were given a chance to rest for a bit in their class....
Christian: ”We manage to pull it off guys!”
Class: ”Yeah!”
Eliza: ”What's with the high spirit Christian getting warmed up?” Christian smiled and said...
Christian: ”Heh maybe Eliza maybe....” he smiled and Eliza smiled as well
Sir Christian: ”We can't celebrate yet class, remember some of us have been wiped out easily by them, and it was only the two of them who fought all of us”
Jabez: ”Sir is right let's face it we have to be stronger than them so we could defeat all of them, we've only manage to encounter 6 members so far the identity of the 4 are still unknown.....”
Aaron: ”I didn't expect that he will take down Joelle and the others....”
Daryll: ”Your right he managed to evaporate my water.....and the scorch rock from the his attack leaved us a scar”
Joelle: ”He managed to break my armor like it was nothing”
Jean Clair: ”I was shocked of what Melvin done into our battle, he changed the flow of gravity and he is much faster when it comes to teleportation”
Angelo: ”This is our third encounter to them and as we determine the members one by one we ended up being defeated so easily”
Sir Christian: ”You're right about that Angelo, but even though we are almost our limit some of us never gives up, as a learner you must learn where to get your motivation and your passion.”
Class: ....
After a few minutes in the class, Precious foresaw a vision when she was awake and this time it was a shock to her....
Eliza: ”Come on Precious let's go to the canteen”
Precious: ”Okay I'll be right there...(what's this....I feel dizzy all the sudden.....)” a vision appeared
Precious: (What where am i?....a gate?.....Huh!? that's me why am I wearing a cape hood who are those two and why am I staring that gate?....Huh! Leif and what's that book? B.E.A.M? what's that jewels?.....the gate is opening, why is that boy crying? Huh? (shocked) Joelle no!....) she gain her consciousness and she doesn't even know what happened to her
Aaron: ”Precious?, Prescious? are you alright?”
Precious: ”Huh!? what happened?”
Eliza: ”You were unconscious and we are trying to wake you up”
Precious: ”I feel dizzy all the sudden then....”
Eliza: ”Then what?...”
Jabez: ”You had a vision don't you?”
Precious: ”I do.....but how did you know?”
Jabez: ”According to my studies the chosen Priestess of the Moon may have the power to see into the future and this ability is called Future Sight. Your Future Sight showed you what will happen to the near future and now tell us what did you saw?”
Precious: ”I saw a gate, I was there and their were two people behind me, I toss seven jewels in the air they glowed and headed towards the gate, the gate opened.....after that I saw Leif he was holding a book there were four letters in the book B.E.A.M and I saw a boy crying, I saw Joelle being killed.....that's just what I have foresaw in my vision”
Jabez: ”A gate.....strangers.....jewels, keys to open a gate...a book..sorrow....and death”
Eliza: ”It doesn't make any sense to us....”
Jai Cloyd: ”Is there something else you saw?”
Precious: ”Hmmmmm wait...(that's it) Isaw a cave behind the waterfall near a mountain”
Jai Cloyd: ”A waterfall...”
Jabez: ”That's it, I finally figured it out, there is a gate that can't be opened and we can't open it because we don't know its seven keys, I think you just said the keys to open that gate and those are the seven jewels, but the problem is where can we find the keys?....”
Joelle: ”That's right we don't know where the keys are”
Precious: ”Let's go to the gate first I want to see it”
Jabez: ”Alright.....” he flicked his fingers and they teleported inside a cavern near a waterfall
Jabez: ”The gate is just a little bit further from here”
Aaron: ”Alright let's go”
Meanwhile in the land of the Malgerion....
???: ”It's been so long since I've been here, Tartoros brings back memories....”
???: ”Is that so?...”
???: ”I've forgot you haven't been here, have you find master BEAM' s book Marceleon?”
Marceleon: ”Yes I found it already” he handed over the book. Marceleon an Etherious, he can manipulate the shadow and he can reanimate the dead, he is known as the ”Necromancer”. A member of the 10 Flames.
???: ”At last master BEAM your in our possession”
Marceleon: ”Aria what do you want to achieve in getting that book anyway?”
Aria: ”Master BEAM is the last and strongest demon that lord Zerphious have ever created, once we revive him and awaken him from his slumber we can finally defeat our foes and bring Tartoros back” Aria also known as the ”Dark Wind Empress”, she's an Etherious with the power to control air and turn it into darkness, a member of the 10 Flames
Marceleon: ”I see...”