Chapter 96 (1/2)
Chapter 96
It was 8pm, well past dinner time.
Suhyuk was getting on the elevator with Binna.
She grabbed her meal box tightly, and fixed her eyes at her feet, not knowing where to look.
Suhyuk made a bitter expression, seeing her.
Soon they arrived at the Sky Park on the rooftop.
When the lights, which were turned off during the day, illuminated the rooftop brightly, it created quite a romantic atmosphere.
“Have a seat.”
Both of them sat on the bench.
“You must be hungry.”
Binna began to open the meal box, when Suhyuk’s hand touched the back of her hand.
“Let me do it.”
“No, I can do…”
Suhyuk pulled the meal box to his side and slowly opened it, saying,
“I am sorry for how I acted a while ago.”
Binna, whose face became reddish in a blush, shook her head quickly.
“No, it’s understandable that you could behave in such a way from time to time when you’re so busy and stressed out. I saw many doctors like that. And I happened to speak to you at that moment.”
Opening the 3-layered meal box, Suhyuk handed her the chopsticks.
“Thanks for the meal!”
Sweeping up her hair, Binna, whose face became brighter than before, said, “Me, too.”
So both of them began eating.
Suhyuk ate slowly.
“You must have a lot of hard times, right?” asked Binna cautiously.
Picking a seaweed roll, Suhyuk shook his head as if to say he was doing just ok.
“Please try this one, too.”
She poured some hot soup from the tumbler and gave it to Suhyuk.
“Thank you.”
While Suhyuk was drinking soup slowly, Binna, while picking one small tomato, stole a glance at Suhyuk.
Suddenly she thought of her childhood days.
She recalled a time when she was 10.
At that time she had her knee damaged when she fell down. She cried a lot because it hurt so much. She threw a tantrum at her father, saying she did not want to go to the hospital.
She was so scared of the hospital at that time. Doctors, too.
It was still vivid in her memory that the doctor checked her knee, twisted it, disinfected it and sewed it. Without changing his expression at all, he moved his hands like a robot.
Going out of the hospital, her father said,
‘We should never come back here again.’
She could not understand why he said that. If he had met a doctor like Lee Suhyuk, would he have said that? Like her, was he also scared of doctors? Maybe not.
“Please have some, too. You have to eat a lot if you’re on night duty.”
“Oh, yes!” Binna put into her mouth a baby tomato she was holding, and stole a glance at Suhyuk.
Their meal time lasted more than 30 minutes.
Cleaning up, they stood up.
“Thanks for the food like this every time.”
‘I could bring it to you every day…’
“Shall we leave now?”
Binna nodded at Suyuk’s words.
The two headed towards the elevator.
Pus.h.i.+ng the b.u.t.ton, Suhyuk turned his head and said,
“Are you free by any chance?”
Binna said, quite surprised, “Oh, yes! Why…”
“Let me treat you to coffee. I’m always served food like this.”
With an instant bright smile, she answered, “Yes. Thank you.”
The two stopped by a coffee shop inside the hospital.
When Suhyuk ordered a kiwi smoothie, Binna carefully looked at the menu with some hesitation. 4000, 5000 won per coffee.
The price looked expensive to her, as she was used to a mixed coffee, and when she tried it, the taste of the coffee was somewhat similar to her no matter which cofee she picked.
Then from the menu she picked one, the cheapest off the coffee menu.
The two sat at the coffee table, and soon the smoothie and coffee were served.
“I wonder if I’m taking too much of your time,” said Suhyuk.
Spoon on her lips, she waved her hands quickly,
“No. I’ve got still 20 more minutes of free time. I’m the one who has a late dinner break in the s.h.i.+ft.”
With a smile, Suhyuk nodded his head, when his cell phone buzzed.
It was Hana.
“Uh? Hana. What’s up?”
There was a sigh coming out of the phone.
“Did you forget that we agreed to see each other for a bit today?”
He made a double take. He made a promise to meet her one week ago, which he forgot about accidently.
That meant he was hectically busy, because Suhyuk usually had a good memory.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Where are you now?”
“I’m at the hospital lobby right now. Where are you? Are you busy? You didn’t answer the phone. I’ve been waiting here one hour!”
“Sorry, sorry. Let me come to you now!”
Standing up, Suhyuk looked out the window.
Hana was looking up at him from the lobby.
“No, just stay there. I’m thirsty.”
After he hung up the phone, Suhyuk could not help but look perplexed.
Forgetting the promise, he was siiting in the coffee shop carelessly.
Suhyuk checked his cell phone immediately.
10 text messages and three calls.
Why did he not notice it when his phone buzzed?
“Are they paging now?”
Suhyuk shook his head when Binna was standing up,
Then, they heard Hana’s voice from the side.
Seeing Hana coming in, Binna stood up, bowing her head.