Part 12 (1/2)
”Turn the hands up, my good fellow, and let them go to quarters.” (The people were at their breakfast.) ”We will not fire the first shot; but if she attacks us, we will give it them as well as we can. One satisfaction is, that they cannot board us while the gale lasts.” While the mate flew forward to execute the orders, Bowse approached his pa.s.sengers, and, pointing out the stranger to them, to which they were now rapidly drawing near, told them his suspicions as to her character, and advised them to go below.
”But do you think he will fire into us?” inquired the colonel.
”He would gain little by so doing, while the gale lasts,” replied Bowse, ”and he might get injured in return, as he probably knows that we have guns on board.”
”There you see, Ada, there is little chance of any of us being hurt, but there is a possibility--so you must go below again.”
This the colonel said in a positive tone, and his niece was obliged to comply.
”Oh, how I wish Captain Fleetwood was here in the _Ione_,” she thought, as she quitted the deck. ”No pirate would dare to molest us.”
The stranger was hove to, under her fore-topsail, and appeared to be making what seamen call very fine weather of it. The _Zodiac_ came down scarcely a cable's length from her quarter, but the stranger gave no sign of any intention of accompanying her. Very few seamen appeared on her deck, and two or three officers only, whose uniform, seen through the gla.s.s, was evidently that of Austria. One of them, who, from his wearing an epaulette on either shoulder, Bowse thought must be the captain, leaped up on the taffrail, and waved his hat to them, while another, in the _lingua franca_, sung out through a speaking trumpet--
”Heave to, and we will keep your company.”
”I'll see you d.a.m.ned first, my fine fellow,” answered the master, who had been attentively surveying them through his gla.s.s. ”I wish I was as certain of heaven as I am that the fellow who waved to us is the same who came on board when in Malta harbour. I know his face, spite of his changed dress.”
”I don't think he's unlike, except that he didn't look so tall quite as the Greek you mean,” observed the mate. ”However, as they did not fire at us, and don't seem inclined to keep company with us either, I suppose they are after other and surer game.”
The _Zodiac_ had by this time left the stranger far astern, and numberless were the surmises of the crew as to what she was and what she was about. All agreed in p.r.o.nouncing her a Greek-built craft. She was a large vessel, too, and well armed, if all the ports which showed on a side had guns to them; and she was, probably, as are most of the Greek vessels of that cla.s.s, very fast. It is odd that they did not, however, regard her with half the suspicion that they did the little speronara, which could scarcely have harmed them, by mortal means, if she had tried.
The _Zodiac_ had left the polacca brig about eight or ten miles astern, and her topsails could just be seen rising and falling above the boiling cauldron of waters which intervened, as she remounted the seas or sunk into the trough between them.
The s.h.i.+p had also by this time a.s.sumed her usual peaceful appearance; the shot and powder had been returned below, the guns were run in and secured, the small arms had been replaced in their racks, and the colonel had withdrawn the charges of his pistols, and sent Mitch.e.l.l with them to his cabin.
”Well, I suppose as soon as this tornado blows over, we shall have a tranquil time of it, and hear no more of your Flying Dutchman and b.l.o.o.d.y pirates,” he observed to the master, as he held on the weather bulwarks.
”I did not bargain for all this sort of work, I can tell you, when I refused a pa.s.sage in a king's s.h.i.+p in order that I might avoid the society of those young jackanapes of naval officers, and save my little girl from being exposed to their interested a.s.siduities.”
”Can't say what may happen to us,” returned Bowse, who was a great stickler for the honour of the navy, and did not at all relish the colonel's observations. ”I've done my best to please you, and I'm sure the officers of any of his Majesty's s.h.i.+ps would have done the same.
I've belonged myself to the service, and have held the king's warrant, and I have had as good opportunities of judging of the character of a very large number of officers as any in the same station, and I must say, sir, in justice to them, though with all respect to you, Colonel Gauntlett, that a less interested and less money-loving set of men than they are, are not to be found in any profession.”
”Well, well, Mr Bowse,” answered the colonel, seeing by the frown on the master's good-natured countenance that he was in earnest, ”I did not want to hear a defence of the navy, but I should like to have your opinion as to when there is a probability of our enjoying a little quiet again, and whether we are likely to be molested by these reputed pirates after all.”
”I do not think, by the looks of it, that the gale will last as long as I at first supposed,” said the master, at once appeased. ”As for the matter of the pirates, no man can answer; I'm sure I can't.”
”Well, but what do you think, Mr Timmins?” said the colonel, turning to the mate.
Now, although the officer would not have ventured to give an opinion in opposition to his superior, yet, as Bowse had not expressed one, he felt himself at liberty to p.r.o.nounce his judgment.
”Why, sir--looking at the state of the case on both sides--the long and short of it is, in my opinion, that there has been a bit of free-trading going on with some of the Liverpool merchantmen, which isn't at all unusual; and that those chaps who came about us mistook us for one of their friends; and then, when they found their mistake, wanted to bung up our eyes with a c.o.c.k and a bull story about pirates. That's what I think about it. You see that brig, whether Austrian or not, was looking out for some one else.”
”Was she, though?” exclaimed the master, with sudden animation. ”I think not; for, by Heavens, here she comes.”
All those who heard the exclamation turned their eyes over the taffrail.
Just astern was the polacca brig--her head had paid off, and, with a reef shaken out of each of her topsails, she was seen heeling over to the gale, and tearing away through the foaming waves in chase of them.
The master, whose suspicions as to the honesty of her character had never been removed, now no longer hesitated to declare that he believed her to be the very pirate of whom he had been warned. He felt that he was now called on to decide what course it would be wisest to pursue.
To avoid her by outsailing her, he knew to be hopeless--except that, by carrying on sail to the very last, he might induce her to do the same, till, perhaps, she might carry away her masts or spars, and the victory might remain with the stoutest and best-found s.h.i.+p. His next resource was the hope of crippling her with his guns, as she drew near, and thus preventing her from pursuing, while he escaped; and if both means failed, he trusted that Providence would give the victory to British courage and seamans.h.i.+p, should she attempt to engage him alongside. He explained his intentions to his officers and Colonel Gauntlett, who fully agreed with him, and, acting on the first plan he proposed trying, he immediately ordered a reef to be shaken out of the topsails. The men flew aloft obedient to the order--the reefs were quickly shaken out, and the yards again hoisted up.