Part 37 (1/2)
Such, however, was a conjecture a lover would naturally form, as he considered her the most valuable thing on board; but, perhaps, the more worldly reader may consider that the rich cargo had greater attractions, as well as the prospect of a large sum for her ransom. He was not aware that, at that very time, Zappa had sent to Aaron Bannech, the old Jew of Malta, to negotiate with her friends for that very purpose. The colonel, of course, remained on board to a.s.sist in the search for his niece, while Bowse begged that he might be allowed to remain also for the same object, and his men entered on board the _Ione_, which was some hands short.
A few words must explain the appearance of Captain Bowse and his crew and pa.s.sengers on the rock. When Zappa had left the _Zodiac_ he had bored holes in her, for the purpose of sending her to the bottom; she, however, did not sink as soon as expected; and Bowse, with some of his people who were unhurt, were able to put a boat to rights, and to launch her. The boat carried them all, and they were making for the nearest coast when they were picked up by a French man-of-war. The French s.h.i.+p was soon after wrecked on a barren rock, on which they existed without food for many days, and where many of the Frenchmen went mad. Here they remained till the _Ione_ took them off.
Fleetwood had been very unhappy at having been compelled to go so much out of his way to get rid of the Frenchmen; but he was well rewarded for the delay, by falling in, when just off the mouth of the Gulf of Egina, with the very brig he had chased before touching at Cephalonia, the _Ypsilante_. Captain Teodoro Va.s.silato came on board, and expressed his delight at meeting him again, insisting on being allowed to accompany him on his search.
”I was once taken prisoner by the rascals myself, and narrowly escaped with my life, and I may have some little expectation of satisfaction in punis.h.i.+ng them,” he observed. ”Indeed, without my a.s.sistance, I do not think you have much chance of success.”
This last argument prevailed, and Fleetwood, warmly pressing his new friend's hand, a.s.sured him of his grat.i.tude for his promised a.s.sistance.
The two brigs, therefore, sailed in company to search for the pirate's island.
Captain Fleetwood followed his unknown guide into the open air without a word having been exchanged between them. He felt no fear, and scarcely any doubt as to the object of the summons he had received; for he had, from the first, persuaded himself that it was in some way or other connected with Ada Garden, and that he was either to hear of her, or to be conducted into her presence. The guide stopped at the door of the building to conceal the light, and looked cautiously around to ascertain, apparently, that no unwelcome eyes were near to watch their proceedings. Having convinced himself that he was un.o.bserved, he again beckoned the English officer to advance, leading him round close to the line of ruins, which at one time formed the outer walls of the castle, and the shadow of which now served to aid in concealing them from any person who might; by chance, be crossing the more open ground.
As Fleetwood was pa.s.sing beneath Nina's tower he looked up at her cas.e.m.e.nt under the vague impression that he should there find her whom he was so eager to meet; but no light was visible, either there or in any part of the building; and he had little time for observation, for his guide led him on with a step so light and rapid that he had to do his best to keep up with him. The night was one of the most perfect with which that eastern clime is blessed. The air though warm was pure and fresh after the storm--the golden stars were s.h.i.+ning forth with a brilliant l.u.s.tre, from the intense blue of the sky, on the dark tranquil sea, which lay in calm majesty at their feet, the gentle hush of its slumbering waves being the only sound to break the tranquil silence of the hour.
It was a night formed for the holy meeting of those whose hearts, though bound together, had long been parted, a night for pure happiness and love. Fleetwood felt its benign influence, and had he before been inclined to despair, it would have rea.s.sured him. A moon reduced to a thin crescent was sinking towards the horizon, and casting a bright s.h.i.+ning line across the ocean, its light being just sufficient to throw the tall shadows of the towers and ruins along the open ground, and to tinge their summits with a silvery hue.
The guide every now and then stopped and listened, as if apprehensive that some one might be abroad, and interrupt their proceedings; and then hearing nothing, on he went again as rapidly as before; Fleetwood each time imitating his example, and stopping also. He had scarcely before remarked his conductor's appearance; but he now observed, while thus stopping, that his figure was small and light, and that he wore a dark _capote_, with the hood drawn over his head, so as completely to conceal his features and to envelope his form. They went on till they got close to the tower in which Ada resided, when the guide once more came to a stop, and beckoned Fleetwood to approach.
”_Zitto_, hus.h.!.+” said the guide, in the softest Italian. ”I have risked much to serve you, and her you love--my life--and even more than my life--yours also, perhaps--and, therefore be cautious. I can allow you only a short time to say all you long to utter; but remember what might happen were you discovered. I will remain below to watch and warn you of danger, and afterwards to conduct you back to your lodging, as I must lock you in there. No one yet suspects you; but when our chief returns I know not how that may be--therefore be advised by me; what you have to do, do quickly. Now go--a short half-hour is all the time I can allow you.”
Fleetwood, as he listened, was certain that he knew the accents of the voice, and that the speaker could be no other than the Signora Nina; but he did not stay to utter empty thanks. He thought he could do that as well on his return, but sprang towards the door, which she opened for him, as she spoke; and again taking the lantern from beneath her cloak showed him some steps by which he might ascend the tower.
”Be cautious,” she whispered, seeing that he was about to leap up them at the rate his impatience would have urged him to proceed. ”Tread lightly, and speak not loud, lest any one pa.s.sing may hear you. Now, go.”
She held the light to show him the turnings in the stairs. He stepped up two or three at a time, with the light tread of a seaman; and on the summit a door stood open, a bright gleam of light streaming through it.
A female figure stood in the centre of the apartment. He would have known her among a thousand. She sprang forward to meet him, and in another instant Ada Garden was clasped in her lover's arms. For some minutes the hearts of both were too full to allow them to speak, and joy such as is experienced but seldom in the life of any, and by many never, was their predominant feeling. How much of the precious time allowed them to be together they had thus spent, I do not know, when Marianna, who had been standing retired in a corner of the room, thought it inc.u.mbent on her to make her appearance, and embracing Fleetwood's knees in her delight, she poured out a torrent of thanks to him for his having come to rescue them. However much they might have wished the good little girl anywhere but where she was, her presence was very useful to them, as it sobered Fleetwood down to the things of this world; and reminded him that he had all his plans and arrangements to explain to his mistress, and numerous directions to give her for her guidance. Ada also was recalled to her present position, and as the first ecstasies of her joy subsided, fears for her lover's safety took possession of her mind.
”Oh! Fleetwood,” she exclaimed; ”you have risked your liberty and your life for my sake; and I fear the treacherous and fierce man who brought me here will wreak his vengeance on your head, when he finds himself disappointed in obtaining a large ransom for me--his object, I expect, in carrying me off.”
”But, my sweet Ada, I do not intend to give him the power of so doing,”
returned Fleetwood. ”We have stanch friends to a.s.sist us, and our arrangements are excellent, so that provided we are not suspected we have every chance of success.”
”I will not then, Fleetwood, damp your generous energy with my own, perhaps too weak, fears,” answered Ada. ”But I am ready to do whatever you think best.”
”That is my own brave girl,” said Fleetwood, pressing her to his heart.
”We must succeed; and now, Ada, listen to what I have to tell you.”
”I will--but first tell me, for I have been undutiful in not asking before, have any tidings been received of my poor uncle, and the brave crew of the _Zodiac_?”
”Your uncle is safe on board the _Ione_, and our good friend Bowse is one of the companions of my adventure,” replied Fleetwood. ”The gallant fellow insisted that, as you had been in a manner under his charge, when you were carried off, it was his duty to come in search of you; and I was too glad to have his a.s.sistance.”
”Thank Heaven for my uncle's safety! And I trust, Fleetwood, that he has conquered the prejudices he entertained against you since he has been on board your s.h.i.+p,” said Ada, smiling. ”Indeed, his nature is generous, and I know that he must.”
”I trust that he has, dearest,” returned Fleetwood. ”I have treated him as I believe I should any other person in a similar position; and I may, recollecting that he was your uncle, have shown him more respect and tenderness than I might otherwise have done; but, at all events, he appears well disposed towards me. However, in two days, I hope you will have the means of judging for yourself.”
”So soon!” exclaimed Ada. ”Is your s.h.i.+p so near?”