Part 7 (1/2)
She prodded her finger into his arm, the hard muscles making her think once more about the other muscles of his body and how beautifully they flexed under her hands. ”I'm more in l.u.s.t with a dash of why- am-I-doing-this.”
”Man, this sounds familiar.” Asher's eyes locked with Temperance whose hands went to her hips defensively.
”You vamps are very pushy and don't give a woman time to catch her breath.”
The looks the two people shared were caught by Aureliann. I want that. Her eyes went to Valdemar. I have that. So why am I fighting it? That was the question. For someone who considered herself pretty tough, she was actually pretty pathetic when it came to dealing with love. Valdemar gave Aureliann a sudden wink, making her jump in surprise. d.a.m.n, he is s.e.xy.
”From what you say the vampires you have here are different from the ones in Serawych. We live normal lives and vampirism is considered normal in the community.”
”Well, it would be for you because you said vampires rule in your town so it's not like the plebs are going to pick a fight with you, are they?” Aureliann pointed out Valdemar. ”You're their prince. It's not like someone is going to p.i.s.s you off without incurring your royal wrath.”
Valdemar smiled at her knowingly. ”Are you wanting to start an argument with me, lovely?”
Maybe. The idea of being angry at him was easier than admitting to loving him. If he left her then she would not have to make a decision about being with him. Aureliann sighed. If I had never picked up that half- priced book then none of this would have happened.
”For you information, we not only have vampires and 'plebs' as you call them but we also have elves and-”
Aureliann looked at him in surprise. ”Elves? They exist? You never told me about them.”
”If you recall, we had other things on our mind when we were together. Besides you read the book.”
”Yes, but I was concentrating on other stuff and must have missed the pixie thing.”
Valdemar shook his head. ”Elves get really cranky if you call them pixies so I would strongly advise against doing that.”
”Are you scared of them?” Aureliann could not imagine this man scared of anything.
”Just remember I warned you.”
Asher cleared his throat. ”Okay then, we can talk to Marlow. He knows most of the fringe-dwelling vampires in the city.”
”He is Sybylla's man.” Temperance added the extra information for Aureliann.
”Oh right. The other vamp.” Aureliann turned to Valdemar. ”Sybylla's a witch.”
”Of course she is,” he responded urbanely.
”Okay, we should go.” Asher handed them his card. ”Call me if you need help. I will be in touch.”
”And if you need to talk email me and I'll be right over,” Temperance told Aureliann before leaving.
”So, we're all alone, lovely,” Valdemar murmured as he shut the door and leaned back against the wall and watched her.
”Yes.” When he looked at her like he wanted to devour her Aureliann got all fidgety. Her hands wanted to reach out for him but her mind kept reminding her that she barely knew this man. ”Maybe we should slow down.” Those words sounded dumb to her own ears especially after the very un-acquaintance-like things they had done together.
”Yes?” d.a.m.n, now I'm sounding breathless.
”What do you feel at this moment?” ”That I shouldn't have left the wet, soggy was.h.i.+ng in the plastic was.h.i.+ng basket this long.” Hard to believe so much had happened since then and she had no clean clothes left.
”Woman, you are going to drive me mad.”
Before she had time to react, Valdemar was on her and picked her up and slung her over his shoulder.
”Hey!” Manhandling was good.
”We have things to discuss.” Valdemar walked to her back door and opened it.
”Outside? People will see.” It was a small courtyard with fences that people could look over if they wanted. And why does that turn me on?
”I want everything between us out in the open and I could not care less about other people,” Valdemar replied as he stalked over to a sun lounger and dropped her none too daintily upon it.
Aureliann tried to get up but Valdemar gave her a look that made her sit back down. A s.h.i.+ver ran down her spine. Yum, forceful men. ”Yeah well, I live here.”
”Not for long.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
”Says you.”
”d.a.m.n right I do.” Valdemar dropped down beside her on the lounge. ”What are you scared of?”
”Nothing.” What was there to be scared of? She was in love with a vampire from a novel who wanted her to drop her life and go to another world so he could fight his evil cousin. It was not like it was uncommon.
Turn on the televisions and any soap opera could provide the same. The thing was her looking off into the distance with a meaningful stare on her face would not solve her problems.
”Come on, Aureliann, tell me the truth.” Valdemar started to tickle her.
This was her weakness. She was very ticklish. ”That is the truth,” she gasped between giggles. ”Stop it.”
Valdemar grinned at her helpless laughter and tickled her harder. ”Only when you are honest with me.”
A minute later Aureliann gave in. ”Okay, it's you. I'm scared of you.” She saw the worry flare in his eyes.
”Me?” Valdemar's hands stilled on her body.
Aureliann sighed. This was not all his fault. ”I'm also scared of me and the way I feel.”
”How? And be honest because I will tickle you again.”
As torture went that sounded pretty good. ”You make me feel like I would do anything for you.”
Valdemar looked at her in confusion. ”Is that a bad thing?”
”What if I'm not sure if it's the right thing for me?” She reached out and touched his hand.