Vol 1 Chapter 1 (1/2)

The beginning of the story

Rune Soldier Louie

Chapter 1 – The beginning of the story

With the deic cao Then cae of swords” It was an age unlike any other, it was full of sorcery and barbarians as all tried to use their swords to forge new kingdodoms rose and fell

On the Alecrast continent, a new kingdodo his sword, this kingdodoe of swords, it seeic didn't disappear, they were called ”ic ever since their incarnation Aicians, there are soood natured people who fight using ical Soldiers”


With these blessing words, four cerah in the air

”Thank you”

A strong young lass, in response to the four blessings Then, a thin layer of foa man took one breath and sed the red liquid It was beer, a wave of bitter taste spread throughout his mouth

”You haven't changed”

Another young ht hand side spoke, he didn't knohether the others were in a daze from God, or their emotions

”With a physique like that, you should be able to gulp more than a barrel”

Five of the man said this In order to prevent her little brown hair frolass clean with her mouth

”Drinking a barrel is far too lasses will do me”

Said the youth, while waving to the barkeep to give hilass of beer

”Another glass, though I'ht not quench my thirst”

The youngman's name is Louie

This summer, he had just turned nineteen, in the world he currently lives in, he is considered an adult Louie lives in Ohfun, the capital of the kingdoician's Guild However, even though he is a qualified ician, he is still a disciple in the world when it coic

This young icians

He entered the an to learn under his ical kingdo this ti at the Magician's Guild Today, there is only five students

”Don't worry, this will be the last one”

Louie said, while looking at the barmaid

Now, there are alicians

The only thing they have to do is chant the ”ical words, only then will they be regarded as real ical stick” to cast ic

After learning basic ic, they will have to study the ancient texts frodom Afterwards, they attend an awards ceremony where they will receive a forician Benefits of this qualification include beco out research activities

Three days ago, Louie received a book of ancient ic at the ceremony, there was five people in total who received an ancient book of ic

After the cereicians went to a local tavern to celebrate

”We were the last ones…”

The woman called IIa said She o years older the Louie, the oldest of the last five

”You shouldn't worry too much, ere just slower than the others”

That didn't do much to improve her spirits

”You know, every day I struggle to even use ic!”

Louie said, in a trance like state

”That's because you don't focus on your ic studies, I'ician”

”Is that so?”

Louie replied with a wry sulped down on his beer

”I'm not cut out for it…”

Louie looked disappointed as he finished looked into his elass, IIa then patted him on the shoulder and spoke

”With the amount of beer you drink and your physique, not ician”

IIa said, Louie also certainly didn't dress like a ician

If Louie had beco the size of his body

”Aren't you and Mr Carwes related?”

Mr Carwes is a court ician's guild It's said that he's one of the icians on the continent Louie was a relative of this great ician, but his parents died when he was a child and he was adopted

”I and randfather aren't the same”

Louie said decisively

Though, Carwes could be consider his father, he was too old at the tihout his childhood

”If you really are related to hiician”

Daly said, as she laughed

”I heard that people who becodom”

”That legend is too far-fetched”

Daly said, Louie jokingly replied

In fact, Louie also thought that, he was related to the great ician Carwes after all

The great Carwes never s

Louie didn't really care about whether he had the blue blood or not, because it wouldn't affect his relationshi+p with his adoptive father

To hiician whether you have blue blood or not

”What kind of aspect do you like the most?”

Louie didn't hear her, he was lost in his thoughts, and it seeed the topic

”Basic ic, specifically the part where you stick out your hand and say the incantation”

When Louie replied, he looked really lonely

”Mr Carwes always does make sure you learn the basics”

Ila smiled

”I'ical talents”

She was referring to using the ancient ic, like teleport or clairvoyance, etc

”Aren't you satisfied with your body?”

Ila looked surprised

”I'd like to be just like Louie”

Daly easily said

”Since you work out so often, you're better suited to be an adventurer, you could go out and explore ancient ruins”

”That gives , then we could carry out soive us a boost in our studies”


”An adventurer?”

The twothis seriously


On the continent of Alecrast (font face=”Ni=”zh-CN”亚力克拉斯/span/font), abandoned ruins can be found all over the place

It's been five hundred years since the collapse of the ancient kingdom, inside the ruins left behind it was said that untold amounts of treasure, precious ical treasures, etc These so called adventurers sneak into these relics and plunder the

Though, so off monster infestations, bandits, pirates, etc However, not all adventures have such high achieveuard a rich noble's e for food In other words, they'll pretty much any job

Being an adventure is the ultienerally trust in their abilities or the wealth they desire

Louie thought about this considerably

”If I can gain the trust of the people…”

Louie murmured

At that tis, no one noticed Louie

Louie reached to eat some of the food, he then chatted to some of the others

And thus, the celebration continued into the night


After the celebration, they returned to the uild, and then to their rooms

The other four were pretty wasted, it didn't seeic tomorrow

However, Louie didn't drink enough Knowing hi, he only continues if he's having fun, but his ed his clothes and went onto the street, he headed towards a small alley

In the south-western part of the city lies Joy Street, it's still bustling with activity even though it's the h most of the public stay away from this part of the city

Louie frequently visit's this area

He wants to be a ician—

Throughout his childhood, this was the only thing he wanted to be

However, Louie always doubts himself whenever it coressing, and whenever he is in a bad ic

It's this strange i, woive him a temporary moment of joy and improve his mood

However, this place doesn't always satisfy him

He turned the corner and headed down a dimly lit street

The air was filled with the s on whatever rubbish they could find, a dog barked He didn't knohere it was coht

Then suddenly—

He heard so broken, then ca

In this place, these sounds were quite common

”It's a fight!”

Louie picked up his pace and headed towards the sounds

His eood night after all

His destination was a lively bar just up the street, Louie had never been inside because he thought the place looked boring—but this time he just had to check it out

Gathered at the entrance was about twenty people, parts of the bar were daht was intense

He tried to woret a better look However, he wasn't prepared for what he saw inside, in fact, he was speechless There o men and three women, it was clear that the women has prevailed

These three women, it was the first time he had seen them

While the two hts, or at least that was the iot from them

Previously, Louie overheard a conversation they were having in the sah they didn't explicitly mention their profession, Louie was able to learn that they were knights in training from their conversations

However, these two trainee knights didn't pose a threat to the three women

One of the women had a sturdy physique, like Louie If not for her red hair and large breasts, she was have been mistaken for a man Her upper torso was half covered in leather armour, parts of her wrists and ankles were covered in white cloth, though ht dark skin was clearly visible, on her cheeks, thighs and aro

As far as Louie can recall, it looked like a mark similar to that of the Arido tribe that live in the northern Yasugarun mountains, for some reason she must have left her tribe

They are brave dom of Ohfun was created they sent many people to help in its construction Ever since, the tribes have retained their autonomy and continue to live in their ancient tradition

One of the other wo, there was a char her companions out However, if she joined, her efforts would probably be fruitless

Then one of the men, a freckled faced man, tried to slap her in the face, but she slapped his hand away and sent hi to the floor

On her plump chest, there was a pattern of a Warhammer embroiled

It was the symbol of Mylee, the God of War

Louie didn't know if she was a siical priestess, the only thing that was certain, was that she believed in the God of War

And the last woirl

Her face was like a cat playing with a hts away

Her body was that of a teenager, and it was obvious that her chest wasn't developed, though her waist looked soft and curvy However, in the light of the bar, Louie found her sparkling black eyes particularly ht, she was probably a lovely girl

Together, the three girls didn't look that big when compared to Louie

However, they were causing serious harhts

Onlookers gathered inside and outside the bar to watch the ongoing fight, these people see However, none of thehts were taking a beating ”If this continues, they'll most likely die…”

A stranger holding a glass said to Louie

Louie thought this too, he and this man were different, none of them wanted to see someone lose their life

(Someone should stop this)

Louie thought to himself

However, it see to step forward, they were happy to see the three girls huhts

(What should I do?)

Louie ondering if he should end this farce, but then he saw one of the trainee knights put his hand on his sword handle

Then, the entire roo

”The guards are co!”

Someone outside the bar cried out

It was probably souards out on patrol, they were aware of the co countries, had very good security And if anyone was caught by the guards, they would be subjected to severely punished ”If you draw your sword, then I cannot guarantee your life!”

A smile appeared on the red-haired feht just started her down

Even though Louie atching from the side-lines, he could help but shi+ver, his whole body rought with goose bumps

Seeing the feht hesitated for a ht of honour, so he pulled out his sword His silver blade dazzled in the light of the bar

His comrade followed suit and pulled out his blade

”It seems you can't wait to die!”

The female warrior leisurely said, as she pulled out her sword

Her little coly from nowhere

The blonde women didn't pull out any weapon, she just concentrated and preforestures It seeic of Mylee, which

Both men looked at each other, they couldn't decide if they would be victorious

(I can't sit idly by)

Louie decided

He liked fighting, and wasn't afraid to fight to the death!

The guards were getting closer, if they saw this situation, then the trainee knight would be in trouble But if they saw hiht to a woman, he would be shamed for the rest of his life