Vol 1 Chapter 4 (1/2)

Tartious Forest1 The Sacred Tree“This is unbelievable”

The beautiful blonde priestess said as she shook her head, she shook it quite violently

“I can’t believe it”

Little Merrill said

“This really is unbelievable”

The burly warrior woman said, as she squinted at the man

(I don’t want to believe this is true)

The do, but he knew he couldn’t answer them back

Mostly because he kneouldn’t be forgiven

Because of Louie, all four of them were now prisoners of the Tartious forest Known cooblins and all kinds of other creatures, but mostly notably Elves

Despite the forest being a dangerous place, they didn’t run into any kind ofdeep into the forest

Their goal was to find a five hundred year old oak tree, and bring the tree branches back to the Magician’s Guild, then Louie would be able to create another wand

Otherwise, Louie cannot use ician, it will also let others knoho you areA enerally carry a sword either, but Louie does

The search so far has progressed smoothly Unfortunately, the only place where they can find an old tree is somewhere in the Elf territory, everyone except Louie couldn’t believe that they’d have to do there……Louie cut off an oak branch, a e sound

He kneas Elf tongue, but didn’t knohat it meant

Learning the Elf language is one of the coh learning such a thing isn’t that important

The e of the ancients, especially the high and low languages If you can’t understand the es, you are not qualified to becoician

Louie grew up learning the ancient language under his adoptive father, Carwes

But Louie had been unable to speak the Elf language

Though if he knew the Elf language, maybe Genie would praise him for his efforts


Louie said, as started cli down the tree

Genie looked around, but she couldn’t tell where the voice came from

“It’s probably just a stray elf Unless they have a hiding place nearby”

At that moment, the priestess of the Goddess of Mylee stepped forward, she had an uneasy look on her face

“Could it be a dark elf?”


The fee sword from her back

She had oblins, in addition to her fighting skills, they would stand a good chance at winning in combat

“A dark elf? This place really is dangerous”

The little thief girl Merrill er

Louie just happened to be in a unique position, he was right above her and he could clearly see her breasts However, even fro special

“Are you ju from there?”

Genie asked Louie, as she raised her head

“You !”

Louie angrily replied

In order to obtain more branches, Louie climbed over the tree a couple of tih place, he’d certainly injure himself, or even lose his life

“Why don’t you use an incantation?”

Genie said,him

(If I use ic, then demons are sure to come But I don’t have a wand)

Louie thought Even if he could use roup would surely become food for the monsters

So far they hadn’t encountered any ood luck on their part, but they are in a dangerous forest, luck can only get them so far

(This is no time to mess around)

Louie said inside himself

Whether it was ht now If an enemy attacked, he’d be done for

“Do you think they’ll attack the guy in the tree first? Though it’s not like they know our position……”

Little Merrill said, Louie could hear her clearly

“The hero should shoulder any responsibilities……”

Merrill finished speaking, Melissa couldn’t stand her comment

“You think he’s a hero?”

Melissa said in protest

Louie couldn’t stand it either, he didn’t want to be the first one to be targeted by the eneic and arrows

However, nothing happened“If we get attacked, you better move!”

Louie couldn’t bear it any longer, he loudly shouted

“……I know!”

Louie cried Then he left the tree, he floated gently to the ground, he was like a feather

(That actually wasn’t too hard, the height was only a little more than mine)

Louie thought His heart now calmer than it had once been

Genie showed Louie her obvious disdain

Melissa wondered, if he was able to juht, does that make him a hero?

“Well, why don’t you ask a dark elf?”

A figure dropped to the ground, and sloalked towards Louie

“Never ular elf”

Merrill put her hand on her chest, and sighed

She had long, thin leaf-like ears, her silver hair went down to her waist, she had a tall yet plureen clothes Also, tied to her waist was a dagger, on her shoulders was a bow and a quiver Currently, she was exa Louie

Louie looked back at her, she was a pretty young wo lives when coine how old this elf in front of him was

However, he had only heard rumours about their beauty, now he kneas true

She was like a fine paining or a ap in the trees leaves and sunlight sirl a more fantastic impression

Louie had long become accustomed to women, but to see a beautiful elf, he couldn’t help but stare

The elf stopped about ten steps in front of Louie

“She is wary of us”

Melissa said to herself

“Obviously, she’s just met us”

Louie said, in response to her words Melissa looked at him coldly

(I’ve got to ood impression)

Louie thought If he wanted to prove he was a hero to someone, it was be this elf, and not the woman who follows him because of a revelation from her God Louie so h he would never say this to her, mainly because he feared the repercussions

However, thanks to Melissa, Louie was able to become an adventurer He intends to learn as much as he can from the three woreat adventurer

Especially when it co hiain One day, he hopes that he could be called a ical warrior

“……This is nerve-racking”

The elf girl was standing ten paces away from Louie, he didn’t knohat to say to her, he hesitated for a long ti

“You said this is nerve-racking”

Merrill went behind Louie and pushed him

“If there is so to help”

Little Merrill is a thief, she was accusto with all kinds of people She kneould be hard for Louie to talk to her, but she wanted him to at least make an effort

“Talk to her”

Merrill said coldly

“Shebranches off that tree, hopefully we haven’t troubled her”

“……Is that so?”

That is most likely one of the reasons Because this is a forest where elves live, they serve as the de-facto guardians“Have we troubled you, since we cut the branches?”

Louie asked the elf girl

“We don’t ood condition Anyhat has been cut off will only grow back”

Louie said, not knowing if that was true or not

The ancient tree they took the branches from was over five hundred years old, the tree trunk was also very strong Even if they took ten branches, it would not have that much impact on the tree

“Although it will not wither……”

The elf girl said thoughtfully

“Oh, so you can speak? We entered this ancient forest to gather branches for a special reason, we have got e came for We will leave the forest immediately”

“……I know”

The elf girl sighed, now she started to speak rather slowly

“This tree……no, all of these trees are called Trees of the Dead Our tribe has a custoround, and a tree is planted on top”

“In other words, these are graves?”

The words of the elf girl caused Louie great shock, after listing to her explanation, he realized that their actions were no different frorave robbers

“Yes, this place is very important to my tribe, it’s a scared place”

Then, the elf girl looked at soround From the looks of it, a tree had been cut down recently

“Cut down……”

The elf said in a remorseful tone

“Ah——we had nothing to do with that!“

Merrill said, trying to convince the elf

Genie and Melissa looked at each other, and sighed“We really didn’t knoe’re sorry”

Right now, this was the only thing Louie could say

“No, I should have said so before you cut the branches……”

Then, the elf repeated the words “cut down” again

“We apologise for our actions”

In this vast forest they looked for a long time, but they didn’t expect to stued to the elves They would have to find ancient trees someplace else

“You can have these back These are the branches that we cut”

Louie picked up the branches, and walked towards the elf girl

Then, Louie apologized to the elf girl again After they said their goodbyes, Louie and the three girls turned to leave

“Wait a minute!”

The elf girl shouted

“What is it?”

“This is our forest, normal humans or hunters aren’t allowed in these parts If you walk around in the forest, it will only cause me further problems”

“Your forest, but we……”

Then, the elf’s tone of voice changed

“You cannot casually cut down trees and kill ani back some branches from the ancient trees……”

The elf girl lowered her head, it looked like she suddenly thought of soht sht as a flower in full bloom

“If you don’t e, you can have as many branches as you want”

“That’s great……”

A smile appeared on Louie’s face

At the same time, someone mercilessly kicked Louie in the back of his foot Out of the three wo her feet Also, she was a thief, nothing she does is considered “clean”

“What was that for?”

Louie said, staring at the little thief girl

“Don’t you think it’s strange?”

Merrill bent over and whispered into Louie’s ear

“What do you e?”

Louie spoke as quietly as he could

“I’estions, are you stupid or so?”

“That’s a terrible thing to say”

Louie couldn’t stand the thought of the elf having ill intent

“Don’t worry about it”

As a result, Merrill denied Louie a smile

“Elves are a noble race, they wouldn’t do anything mischievous”

“Are you sure about that, this is their territory?”

Merrill couldn’t believe that Louie ignored her warning

“She’s not an evil dark elf, she probably wouldn’t hurt a fly”

Louie said with confidence

Although this was the first time Louie had met a real elf, he had read nuht

“In addition to dark elves, I’ve heard rumours about other elves”

“A rumour is just a rumour I believe that this elf is a woman of her word”

Louie said decisively

Merrill was very confused, she slumped her shoulders

“If you say so”

Merrill said with disdain

“I cannot allow you to casually walk around the forest either, I’ll lead you out afterwards”

The elf girl was listening to all of Louie’s and Merrill’s conversation, she could see through their anxiety

(I believe in this elf, she is trustworthy)

Louie was determined——

“It’s dangerous to walk around the forest unguided, ould also be causing problems to the elf We’ll do as she says”

Then, Genie said so

“……If you say so, brave hero”

While Melissa was reluctant to follow Louie, this was the first time she had not complained about him

Perhaps out of Loue’s confidence, Melissa wanted to reassure everyone

“In any case, it’s not like we’re going to die”

Naturally, Genie was upset, Merrill too However, they didn’t show they’re dissatisfaction

“Alright, it’s decided”