Prologue (1/2)

Female Complete Management Law

In the near future, humanity made the ultimate choice

A groundbreaking policy was made due to the increase in death rate along with the low amount of birth rate

This law was called as…” Female Complete Management Law”

The main point of this law stated that all females would from then be managed by men

Until medieval times this world was a perfect male based society

After the two world wars took place, humanity settled down

And then women acquired human rights

However, this caused a distortion to occur in many countries

This was 'shrinking population'

Obtaining freedom did protect the females, but in turn the couples reduced the number of children they had

It could not be compared to when the society was managed by men

And the childbirth rate decreased

In the latter half of 21st century, the population was reaching a critical low rate

And this [Female Complete Management Law] was created

Female Complete Management Law-

1. All women are now under the control of men

Here are the terms under management-

Women have no more human rights and will be treated as objects