2 Wheres The Beautiful Blonde? (1/1)
”Lemon pie, 2 apple pies. Right away, ladies.”
Robert Knox looks at the tall girl who just took the order and thanks the sky for being served by the pretty s.e.xy little blonde. Robert is not macho, he doesn't chase after young women either or have fun giving them a grade, however, having worked with many pretty women and seeing this one, he shudders a little.
Robert is an artistic agent for a small agency he has newly created with a partner. He has been working in the field for twenty years but the agencies are more and more numerous, the big agencies are more and more powerful, paradoxically, the talented beautiful girls are not increasing in number. Capricious and angry girls are, but talented girls don't.
Bringing his fork to his mouth to taste his pie while he studies the few photo-books he received, perhaps it is his instinct to lift his eyes, anyway, he directs his gaze to the back of the counter and freezes. Who is this girl? Her dress is really horrible, the horrible word may not even be enough to describe this grandmother garment, but her slender figure, her very tall waist, her perfect face, her fine blond hair and her very penetrating green eyes almost destabilize him.
Hesitant about how to proceed, he only realizes too late that the sublime blonde is already gone. Quickly, he picks up his smartphone and files and rushed to the counter where a little white-haired man washed the dishes.
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”Oh grandpa, where's the beautiful blonde?”
A little too enthusiastic, Robert doesn't think about his words and speaks a little loudly. A few laughs. .h.i.t his ears and the boss stops was.h.i.+ng his dishes. There are plenty of customers coming to pick up his daughter, but such rude customers are rare. The man may be very well dressed, but it is without regret that the boss points his index finger at the door. ”Out! We don't want people like you here.”
Robert remains in shock for a moment. He goes back a little bit and remembers his own words, he understands a little bit the reaction of this owner who certainly only wants to protect his employees. After a sorry nod, Robert heads towards the door. After two steps, he is stopped by the little blonde who served him his pie and who hands him her business card with her red cheeks before laughing and running away.
He leaves the restaurant, crumples the business card and throws it to the ground. That evening, Robert wants to wait until the restaurant closes with the hope of seeing this girl of incredible beauty come out. However, not only did he not see her, but he was chased out of the place by the police after the restaurant owner called them to report a peeping.
Shameful, he is. However, it would be wrong to believe that this is enough for Robert to abandon his treasure hunt. On 18 at 04h30pm, he sees the strange girl come out, he also sees a brunette and later the little blonde runs to him, to bring him a piece of apple pie, but he doesn't see the beauty again.
On the 19th, the little blonde girl brings him pear pie, the police come back and he finishes his day at the police station. On the 20th, he rents a car with tinted windows and parks 100ft from the restaurant. He misses the pie a little bit, but Robert would rather go on a diet than be considered a pervert again looking for young girls. The brunette starts her s.h.i.+ft around 11:00am, the strange girl in grandmother's clothes whose face can barely be seen at 01:00pm and. Grandmother's clothes?
Suddenly, as if the mist seems to dissipate in his mind, Robert makes the connection. But who could have said that behind these long fringes and gla.s.ses wider than windows was hidden such an unpolished diamond. Congratulating himself on his discovery, Robert decides that tonight he will be pouring champagne. With his eyes on his watch, Robert cursed and starts the rental car.
21 September
When Gin gets out of work, her left foot hurt terribly. Her boots are not made for walking all day and they break her toes. In a hurry to be able to sit down for a while, she walks along the long street that will lead her to the door of her building, when suddenly, a hand from nowhere grabs her wrist and drags her into an empty alleyway.
The hand is large, probably a man's. A second hand landings on her mouth to prevent her from calling for help and while she antic.i.p.ates what will happen to her, the man takes off her gla.s.ses. A growl later, he pushes her bangs back and p.r.o.nounces a sentence that surprises Gin a lot. ”I knew it was you.”
Now free but terrified of the man taller than her, Gin can't make a move. To please him, she simply nods, confirming that she is herself. She doesn't know exactly who he's looking for, but happy lunatic beings are still more pleasant than angry lunatic beings, according to Gin, who shudders in front of the handsome brown man over 40.