Chapter 427 (1/2)

Chapter 427: Collectively Hit In The Face

“That’s right,” Qi Hongan confirmed self-righteously, “You are not worthy. It would be unfair to the other disciples!”

“The headmaster should only train those who are gifted with two elements. Why should a single element user like you have him as your master?”

“Silence!” Gu Nansheng berated sharply.

But those who were unafraid of Gu Nansheng or were stirred up by the protests of the others began to chant loudly, “Feng Tianlan is not fit to be the headmaster’s disciple!”

“We are opposed to Feng Tianlan being the headmaster’s disciple!”


In an instant, a large crowd of people began to protest altogether. Their voices were washed into one loud raging wave that rippled across a vast ocean surface.

Feng Tianlan leered in disdain at the sight and stretched out her hands to either side, gathering her spiritual force together and unleashing it. To her left, a fireball transformed into a phoenix and flew upward furiously, while on her right, frigid cold air burst out and morphed into a huge ice tiger that stood on the stage.


The raging protests were silenced in an instant.

Qi Hongan felt a burning wind across his old face as if he was hit directly by the fire phoenix and ice tiger that had appeared suddenly. He felt hot for a moment and then cold the next.

If the headmaster of the Flying Frost Pavilion could feel her power like continuous slaps across his face, the others below the stage suffered much more than that. Their faces contorted into horrified expression at the burning-like sensations that struck them.

Gu Nansheng looked at her with grudging bemusement. She had once again underestimated Feng Tianlan!

“Even if you have two elements, you are still not worthy—”

Before he could finish his sentence, vines appeared in front of Qi Hongan, twisting around like snakes. They lashed onto each other, drawing the strokes to form the words ‘YOU ARE NOT WORTHY’!
