137 Chapter 134 A Month Of Hunting (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 33650K 2022-07-22

Stella held out her hand, and each of the six clones stepped forward, shrinking to two-inch figurines, that she then placed into her purse.

”These golems are awesome. I'm so glad you made them for me.”

”Getting them to sync with your mind, so you could telepathically control them, was the hardest part. I'm just glad I was able to figure out orichalc.u.m so they are made of such strong stuff.”

”That definitely helps!” she laughed.

Zeroing in on the next location, Joseph took her hand and teleported them. They were on a ridge, overlooking a camp site below them. A group of around a hundred people were milling around, waiting on something. The source of the mana, that he had followed here, was a pit of bones, where two people were in deep trances overlooking it.

”What's going on?” asked Stella, wrinkling her nose at the stench of corruption in the air.

”They just finished something big, and it looks like the guys in charge are arguing over there,” said Joseph, pointing at three men across the valley.

As they watched, it was obvious the people were waiting, that something bad must have happened, by the way everyone kept glancing around.

”We need to take out the leader's first. I can do that with my magma b.a.l.l.s. Why don't you get your gang out and start taking out these followers down here? If those guys by the pit try to join in, I'll try and take them out next.”

Stella nodded, pulling her figurines out of her purse and throwing them on the ground behind her. They flipped in midair, landing full sized and crouched.

As the first magma ball flew through the air, Stella and her gang jumped over the lip of the ledge, pulling daggers out of thin air.

The leaders never saw the b.a.l.l.s coming, only turning when the screams erupted as Stella and her golems began slaughtering everyone. The b.a.l.l.s. .h.i.t them all, directly in their faces. They broke open, spilling magma everywhere, but the men were already dead from the impact.

Stella flitted through the crowd, stabbing and slas.h.i.+ng as fast as she could, killing every person who was present. Blood that should have been bright red, sprayed out as thick black ick. It didn't take long for the people to turn to flee, or try to fight back. The few who tried to fight back died faster. Bodies littered the ground as the two who had been deep in trances seemed to wake. Turning to face Stella and her group of identical golem fey, they both ducked under the magma b.a.l.l.s that Joseph sent their way.

”You are the reason we can no longer contact our G.o.d,” said one, in a deep bubbling voice that brought gooseb.u.mps to Stella's arms.

”The dragon has been lost to us, we are doomed to die,” said the other, with no real emotions.

”Yes, best to flee before the other factions come for us,” added the first.

Joseph appeared next to Stella as the two began to cast a spell, keeping her from attacking them.


The two froze where they stood, their arms still raised to finish the last bit of their spell.


”You will think your answer as I ask it,” said Joseph calmly, as the two struggled against their paralysis.

”Where were you thinking of going?”

Their thoughts betrayed them, as Joseph read them easily. These two were already possessed by demons, very weak demons, but stronger than the simple humans that had summoned them.

”The cave you were going to hide in, is there any others to this group of wors.h.i.+ppers and followers?”

He paused briefly as they fought against the answers he wanted.


The two bodies fell to the ground, the owners long dead, as the two demons rose up into the air.


The two demons never even had a chance to flex their newfound freedom, before a portal opened up behind them and sucked them through. Joseph learned this time, and averted his eyes from the portal, so as not to be harmed from whatever sight he might see.

”What did they say?” asked Stella, glancing around the area to make sure it was still clear of any danger.

”There's five factions. They've been fighting every since they were successful in desecrating the world tree, otherwise the world would have died by now.”