Chapter 218 (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 24820K 2022-07-22


at 19th of August 2019 12:35:11 PM

Chapter 218


Stella quickly swallowed her last piece of pie, that Joe had made her, and looked up . ”Yes?”

”I need a few days to adjust to my current body, but then I want to go to the world tree and cleanse it . Right now, I'm only able to do about 80% of what my new body is capable of, and I'm pretty sure NURKONG is going to try and stop us on the way . Once the tree is cleansed, the ability to resist invaders from other realms will increase several orders of magnitude . ”

”Ok . So?”

”I'd like to do some things before the final boss fight . ”

She laughed . ”Such as?”

”I want to visit my little sister and brother with the elves, pay one last visit to the dwarven king and the other realm world tree, ask Saisho for any last minute pointers on killing G.o.ds instead of lesser G.o.ds, finish the TRUE SUN generator for the capital to start floating, and get married . ”

Her eyes went wide . ”G-get married?”

”Yeah, I think getting married and not consummating the wedding is probably our best bet at surviving . ”

She frowned again, shaking her head, ”What?”

”Well, us getting married as soon as this is over, just seems like I'm about to die a heroic sacrifice, doesn't it?”

”Okay, but why not consummate it then?”

”Oh, do you want to consummate the marriage?”

”Joseph!? You know what I meant!”

He laughed . ”Sorry, I couldn't, well, didn't want to resist . I think getting you pregnant right before the final fight would be even more of a trigger for a heroic sacrifice, complete with leaving a child to remember me by . I have no desire to have to reincarnate to find you again . It will only waste time . ”

She looked at him for a moment, as if trying to figure out if he was serious or not, before finally scowling . ”Is that the only reason you want to marry me?”

”Ok, fine . Honestly, I just want to see you in a gorgeous dress and have you call me dear husband . Happy now?” Even he had a little trouble saying it out loud . His cheeks turned a light pink for a moment before he got control of himself .

Stella froze . ”D-dear husband?”