Part 24 (1/2)

Every district has elected its local officers, and appointed delegates to meet in general convention at this place on the 1st proximo, to form a State Const.i.tution or plan of territorial government, which will be submitted to the people for their ratification, and transmitted to Was.h.i.+ngton for the action of Congress.

Most of the local and judicial officers named in my proclamation of the 3d of June, have already entered upon their duties, and the interest which was taken by the people in every part of the country in this election, and the zeal manifested by those elected and appointed to office, afford strong hopes that the existing government will be able to preserve order and secure the administration of justice until a new one shall be put into regular and successful operation.

In my former despatch I mentioned that the civil officers of the existing government would be paid their regular salaries from the ”civil funds,” which had been formed, under the direction of the governor of California, mainly out of the proceeds of the temporary custom-houses established by my predecessors on this coast.

It will also be necessary to use a portion of this fund in the immediate construction of jails for the security of civil prisoners.

The want of such jails has already led to the most serious inconveniencies; prisoners have so frequently effected their escape, that, on several occasions, the people have risen in and executed criminals immediately after trial, and without waiting for the due fulfilment of all the requisitions of the laws.

In many cases it has been found necessary to confine civil prisoners on board vessels of war, and in the guard-houses of the garrison; but in towns, at a distance from the coast and the military posts, the difficulty of retaining prisoners in custody has led, in some instances, to immediate and summary executions.

This evil calls for an immediate remedy, which will be afforded, so far as the means at my disposal will admit.

I beg leave, in this place, to add a few remarks on the use which has been, and will continue to be, made of this ”civil fund.”

In the instructions from Was.h.i.+ngton to General Kearny, in 1846, for his guidance in California, the establishment of port regulations on this coast was a.s.signed to the commander of the _Pacific squadron_, while it was said ”the appointment of temporary collectors at the several ports appertains to the civil governor of the province.”

It was also directed that the duties at the custom-houses be used for the support of the necessary officers of the civil government. This division of duties, and this disposition of the proceeds of the customs were continued during the whole war.

On the receipt of the Treasury Department regulations respecting the collection of military contributions in Mexico, officers of the army and navy were made collectors at some of the ports, but at others the civil collectors appointed by the Governor of California were retained.

At the close of the war, Governor Mason, for reasons already communicated, determined to continue the collection of revenue in the country, on the authority which had previously been given to him, until Congress should act in the matter, or orders to the contrary be received from Was.h.i.+ngton. He, therefore, as governor of California, again appointed civil collectors in the ports where military officers had temporarily performed those duties, and collected the customs on all foreign goods, in accordance with the provisions of the tariff of 1846, while the commander of the Pacific squadron continued the direction of all matters relating to port regulations. A double necessity impelled the governor to this course. The country was in pressing need of these foreign goods, and Congress had established no port of entry on this coast. The want of a more complete organization of the existing civil government was daily increasing, and, as Congress had made no provisions for supporting a government in this country, it was absolutely necessary to create a fund for that purpose from the duties collected on these foreign goods. It is true that there were no laws authorizing the collection of these duties; but at the same time the laws forbade the landing of the goods till the duties _were_ paid. Governor Mason, therefore, had no alternative but to pursue the course which he adopted. He immediately communicated to Was.h.i.+ngton his action in the case; and as the receipt of his despatch was acknowledged without any dissent being expressed, it must be presumed that his course met the approbation of the government. When I a.s.sumed command in this country as civil governor, I was directed to receive these communications and instructions from Governor Mason, for my guidance in the administration of the civil affairs of this Territory. I have accordingly continued the collection of the revenue, and added the proceeds to the ”civil fund,” using that fund for the necessary expenses of the civil government. The expenses of employing civil officers in this country are very great; and as I have no authority to lay taxes, this fund forms my only means of carrying on the government. The necessity of employing these officers, and of paying them the full salaries authorized by law under the existing state of affairs, is too obvious to require comment. I have pledged myself to pay these salaries from the ”civil fund,” unless forbidden to do so by direct orders from Was.h.i.+ngton; and that pledge will be fulfilled. This ”civil fund” was commenced in the early part of 1847, and has been formed and used in the manner pointed out in the early instructions to the governor of the Territory. This money has been collected and disbursed by the ”Governor of California” and by those appointed by him in virtue of his office. He is, therefore, the person responsible for this money, both to the government and to the parties from whom it is collected, and it can be expended only on his orders.

None of the military departments of the army, nor any army officer simply in virtue of his commission, can have any control, direct or indirect, over it. It is true that some of this money has, from time to time, as the wants of the service required, been transferred to the different military departments; but this transfer was in the form of a _loan_, and the money so transferred will be returned to the ”civil fund” as soon as arrangements can be made for that purpose. The increased expenditures for the support of the existing government will soon render the restoration absolutely necessary; especially as the transfer of the custom-houses to the regular collectors appointed by the general government, will now cut off all further means of supplying the civil treasury. These collectors have not yet arrived, but are daily expected.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant, BENNET RILEY, _Brevet Brig. Gen. U.S. Army, and Governor of California_.

Major-General R. JONES, _Adjutant-General of the Army, Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C._


The following official despatch of General Persifor F. Smith, contains an opinion of the position of San Francisco totally different from that of the numerous California tourists. It is a valuable opinion, nevertheless, and led to the selection of the town of Benicia, on the Straits of Karquinez, as a military and naval station.

HEADQUARTERS THIRD DIVISION, _San Francisco, April 5, 1849_.

GENERAL:--Since my last communication no troops have arrived to change the strength of the force here; but the steam transport Edith arrived on the 21st of March, and reports that the transports Iowa and Ma.s.sachusetts, the former having General Riley with a part of the 2d infantry, and the latter having the command of artillery for Oregon on board, left Valparaiso about the 8th of February. The former is expected here every day, and the Edith is held in readiness to convey the troops south to the position they are to occupy.

There will be great difficulty in establis.h.i.+ng and maintaining a post at the mouth of the Gila, until more knowledge is acquired of the navigation of the head of the gulf of California and the lower part of the Colorado. Transportation by land from San Diego is impossible for large quant.i.ties of stores.

In the gulf, the winds blow in the winter almost invariably from the northward; and in the summer, when they come occasionally from southward, it is in violent gales, with severe squalls and thunder, rendering it very dangerous to be in the gulf then. In other words, it is always difficult to run up the gulf, but almost always easy to run south. These circ.u.mstances render the employment of steam vessels very advantageous. If the navigation of the gulf permits the Edith to be used she will answer, having both sails and steam. If she draws too much water, others of lighter draught could be procured. I mention this now, as the boundary commission will commence their labors on this end of the line, and will be on the Gila next season. I should have observed that the Colorado is supposed to be navigable only for boats drawing three or four feet.

I see no reason for posting troops on any other point out of reach of the ports on the Pacific. The Indians in the interior do not make it necessary, and it would be useless to place them near the mines to maintain order there. Nothing but the establishment of a regular civil government, to be carried on by those most interested in the existence of good order, will answer that end.

Such detachments as go to the southern part of the Territory will accordingly be placed, as heretofore mentioned, in healthy and convenient positions, and those on this bay at such points as will combine good climate, convenience of supply, and facility of movement.

I propose, when such a point is found, to have removed all the public stores there, both from this place and Monterey, leaving the heavy ordnance and stores.

The town of San Francisco is no way fitted for military or commercial purposes; there is no harbor, a bad landing-place, bad water, no supplies of provisions, an inclement climate, and it is cut off from the rest of the country, except by a long circuit around the southern extremity of the bay. In time of war, enemies' troops could be landed for many miles south of the entrance of the bay on the sea beach, and thus cut it off by a short line across the peninsula on which it stands. There are points on the bay, more inland, having good harbors and landings, good water, and open to the whole country in rear, and accessible without difficulty to s.h.i.+ps of the largest cla.s.s. One of these should be the point at which the future depots should be established; and I propose to go to-morrow in the Edith, in company with Commodore Jones and other officers of the army and navy, to examine the straits of Karquinez, said to combine most advantages. I hope to return and report the result of our examination before the next mail boat leaves, (on Monday, 9th,) but at any rate by the succeeding boat, a few days afterwards.

I hope that in fixing the port of entry, capital, or other public places, the law will leave to the President the selection; otherwise, private interests already involved in speculation here, will, by misrepresentation, lead to a very bad choice.

If Congress has not provided by law for the government of this Territory, or its admission as a State, I would be very glad that the government would officially promulgate its views as to the civil authority now exercised here. Some important questions of law, involving both life and property, are now depending; and judges and jurors, without experience in these difficult questions, are called upon to act under great responsibility.