Part 11 (1/2)

Blood Sins Kay Hooper 54140K 2022-07-22

Tessa wasn't at all sure she believed that, because a certainty inside herdeeper than instinctinsisted that during or after her trip to the Compound, something was different, changed, maybe even her. And it was a difference she didn't understand.

She needed to understand, but her thoughts chased themselves in circles uselessly until finally, exhausted, she slept.

And dreamed.

Chapter Seven.

”YOU SENT for me, Father?”

”Yes, child. How do you feel?”

Bambi smiled. ”Oh, I feel wonderful, Father. I always do, after Testifying.”

”I'm glad to hear that, child.” He positively beamed as he came around his desk and took her hand. But even with the smile, he looked pale and weary, and his eyes were darkened and held a curiously flat, almost empty s.h.i.+ne. ”I want you to sit here and talk to me for a little while.”

”Of course, Father.” She sat down in the single low-backed visitor's chair in front of his big mahogany desk.

He perched on the edge of the desk, still holding one of her hands. ”You've been happy here with us, haven't you, Bambi?”

”So happy, Father. It's just like I said in my Testimony. I found peace here. I found G.o.d here.”

”And G.o.d is happy you found Him. He loves you very, very much.”

Bambi began to tear up. ”I feel that. Thanks to you and the church, I really do feel that, Father.”

”I know you do, child. And G.o.d knows. But it never hurts to pray to Him and give thanks for your happiness.” He slipped off the desk and went around her chair, releasing her hand so that both of his could rest on the top of her head, just as they had earlier in the church.

And just as in the church, she bowed her head and squeezed her eyes shut.

”Pray with me,” Reverend Samuel said, half-closing his eyes as his voice thickened. ”Give thanks with me, child.”

”Yes, Father. I give thanks to G.o.d” She jerked suddenly and moaned, her head tipping back.

He cradled her head in his hands, his fingers moving gently as though ma.s.saging her scalp, his own head moving side to side like some creature searching blindly. ”Give thanks to G.o.d,” he said hoa.r.s.ely. ”Give thanks to me. Give yourself to me, child.”

Bambi moaned again. Her hands, resting on the arms of the chair, twitched spasmodically and then curled over the wood, fingers tightening until they turned white with the force.

”Give to me, child. Give me all that you are, all you have.”

”Yes, Father yes oh, G.o.d it feels so good”

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rose and fell jerkily and her body shuddered. Again and again, as though shaken by wave after wave of sensation. Long minutes pa.s.sed. Her face paled, then flushed, then paled again. Her moans grew quieter, weaker. Her hands relaxed their grip on the chair, fingers loosening and finally letting go.

Reverend Samuel lifted his head, his eyes opening. He looked down at her for a moment, then took his hands off her and walked around behind his desk.

He was changed. His face showed a healthy color, his eyes were bright, and his every movement showed a dynamic energy. Even his hair looked more silver than gray. He seemed almost to glow.

”Thank you, child,” he said softly. He settled into his chair, then pressed a b.u.t.ton on a very elaborate-looking phone system.

The door opened, and Reese DeMarco stepped into the room.

”Bambi and I are done,” Samuel said.

”Of course, Father.” DeMarco went to the visitor's chair and picked Bambi up, holding her limp body easily. His face was completely without expression. ”Will there be anything else tonight?” he added, waiting there with the young woman cradled in his arms.

”No, I think not. Good night, Reese.”

”Good night, Father.” DeMarco carried Bambi from the room, closing the door quietly behind them.

Samuel leaned back in his chair and chuckled. ”It's good not to be hungry,” he said.

Tessa sat up in bed with a gasp, her heart pounding.

Oh, my G.o.d.

He was feeding off them.

”He's aa G.o.dd.a.m.n psychic vampire.”

”Sounds like it,” Hollis agreed.

Tessa turned to face the other woman, cradling her cup in both hands as she took a cautious sip of the hot coffee. ”You don't seem surprised,” she said finally, slowly.

”Well, we had the suspicion it would work like that. Or that it could, at least. A brain apparently hardwired to steal psychic abilities is already stealing energy. Somewhere along the way, he must have realized he could steal enough to replenish whatever he expended.”

Hollis sounded and looked wide awake, despite the fact that it was half past four in the morning and she was in a nightgown and robe, just as Tessa was.

Tessa stared at her. ”Most people just rest when they've used up energy reserves.”

Hollis shook her head. ”Most people don't use energy the way psychics do. Even so, the majority of psychics probably do just rest, sleep. h.e.l.l, after one case, I slept for four days straight.”

”Samuel can't do that?”

”Maybe he can. Maybe he can't. Maybe he can't afford the luxury of being that weak and vulnerable for that long.”

”Because he has enemies?”

”Because he has to hold on to his flock.”

Tessa thought about that for a moment. ”If he weakens too much, or for too long, then his grip loosens. And theywhat? Wake up? Realize they've been held captive by a kind of power most of them would consider witchcraft?”