Part 10 (1/2)
”I'm going to go around back and climb in the bedroom window.” Lucius paced as he formulated the plan. ”I need you to make a ruckus in the hallway-you know, cause a distraction. Maybe take Hero out or something, but make sure he's on his leash. And if the door to my apartment starts to open, get the h.e.l.l out of there. I don't want the b.a.s.t.a.r.d to have two hostages, understand?”
”I'm going to come up behind him. Try not to worry. I won't let him hurt her.”
She grabbed his hands, and the strength of her grip stunned him. ”Promise me, Lucius.”
”I promise. Wait two minutes. That'll give me time to grab some gear from my truck.”
”What gear?”
”My sniper rifle, for one thing.”
Her eyes rounded. ”You keep a sniper rifle in-”
”I keep all my gear locked in my truck.” He cupped her cheek. ”You're okay?”
”Be careful, Marci. Bethany will never forgive me if anything happens to you.”
”And vice versa.” She gave him a shove. ”Now go. Show me what a bada.s.s SWAT guy can do.”
Lucius didn't grin, but he did go back over the balcony railing and hit the ground running. Thank G.o.d his truck was in the back lot rather than out front, where someone might see him. Still, he used caution as he unlocked the truck and took out what he'd need.
Getting in the back window of his apartment might have been tricky except that he'd done it before, when he'd accidentally locked himself out when he'd first bought the place.
The building sat on a slight incline, so while they had balconies out front, at the side, the windows could be reached with a little stretch.
With the Blaser LRS2 slung over his shoulder, he hefted himself up, pried the window open, and after one quick glance inside, slithered silently over the sill. Crouching down, he crept across the floor to the open bedroom door.
He could barely see Bethany as she plastered herself against the door, speaking in a trembling monotone about dogs and psychic ability. He couldn't see Tracer, but judging by the direction of Bethany's gaze, Lucius knew he had to be positioned in front of her, probably with a weapon trained on her.
More than anything, Lucius wanted to take him apart. It wasn't easy, but he utilized patience, waiting for Marci's part.
Then it happened. From one second to the next, Hero barked furiously in the hallway, no doubt wanting in to protect Bethany. Marci called to him loudly, causing all the racket Lucius asked for.
A man's voice said, ”What the f.u.c.k?” and then he was there, in plain sight, shoving Bethany aside and putting his eye to the peephole.
Lucius saw the gun gripped in his hand. He saw Michael stiffen and spin around to face Bethany. ”You little lying b.i.t.c.h! You're Bethany, aren't you?”
Michael started to raise his gun hand-and Lucius put a bullet clean through his shoulder.
With a scream, Michael fell back against the door, splattering blood. His arm went limp from the wound.
In a few long strides, Lucius reached him. He retrieved the weapon, spared a quick glance for Bethany, who looked shaken but fine, and then he secured the scene-just as he'd always been taught to do.
”You're sure you're okay?” Lucius asked her for the umpteenth time.
Bethany curled in closer to his right side. She wore a pair of his shorts with his tee. The shorts read:Monkeys steal my underwear while I sleep . He wasn't sure Bethany had noticed.
Everyone else had.
”I'm okay.” But she continued to tremble, so he tightened his hold, kissed her hair, and allowed others to handle everything.
On his left side, Marci leaned into him, too. Like her sister, she was still pretty shook up, so Lucius hugged her.
Hero sat before them, keeping them all three in his sights while paramedics worked over Michael, and officers helped themselves to coffee.
Lucius's team members kept looking at him-and grinning. But h.e.l.l, with two gorgeous twins plastered to him, he could have been in a p.o.r.n video. What red-blooded male wouldn't stare?
He kissed Bethany again, making sure everyone knew she was more than a mere conquest. Then, to seal the deal, he asked, ”Will you marry me?”
Her head shot off his shoulder and she stared at him. ”What?”
”I love you. I want to marry you.”
His men hooted and raised their coffee cups in a salute.
Marci chuckled and finally freed herself from his hold. ”This is wonderful.” Then, to her wide-eyed sister, ”Just say yes, Bethany.”
Bethany looked ready to hyperventilate, but she nodded. ”I do love you.”
”I know. I love you, too. And unless I stake a claim right now, one of my guys is going to start getting ideas and I'll have to set him straight and there'll be more damage to my apartment.”
One man laughed. Two snorted in challenge. Another said, ”I just got the blood off your door. You make another mess and you can d.a.m.n well clean it yourself.”
Marci glanced at the other men, all of whom watched her from across the room. She chuckled. ”They're a cute bunch. All single?”
”Yeah.” And then, loud enough for them to hear, Lucius said, ”Of course they're single. What woman in her right mind would have them?”
There was more good-natured ribbing back and forth as the men touted their dubious qualities and flexed some outrageous muscle until finally, almost an hour later, everyone left the apartment and Lucius was alone with Bethany, Marci, and his dog.
Holding Bethany close, Lucius said, ”I'd suggest we go out to dinner to celebrate, but I don't want to leave Hero alone.”
Marci hugged the dog and sighed. ”You are the most perfect man, Sergeant Lucius Ryder. I'm so glad you love my sister.”
”I'm so glad she loves me back.”
Bethany grinned. ”You know, sis, if you'd give a guy a chance, we could both settle into marital bliss together.”
”A double wedding would be nice,” Lucius added.
Marci shook her head and backed up three steps. ”No way. I'm happy single. Besides, what guy would want to hook up with a fruitcake like me?”