Part 13 (1/2)

Where it is desirable to make a continuous seam, a special machine is required, or an attachment for one of the other types. In this form of work the stock must be thoroughly cleaned and is then pa.s.sed between copper rollers which act in the same capacity as the copper dies.

_Other Applications._--Hardening and tempering can be done by clamping the work in the welding dies and setting the control and time to bring the metal to the proper color, when it is cooled in the usual manner.

Brazing is done by clamping the work in the jaws and heating until the flux, then the spelter has melted and run into the joint. Riveting and heading of rivets can be done by bringing the dies down on opposite ends of the rivet after it has been inserted in the hole, the dies being shaped to form the heads properly.

Hardened steel may be softened and annealed so that it can be machined by connecting the dies of the welder to each side of the point to be softened.

The current is then applied until the work has reached a point at which it will soften when cooled.

_Troubles and Remedies._--The following methods have been furnished by the Toledo Electric Welder Company and are recommended for this cla.s.s of work whenever necessary.

To locate grounds in the primary or high voltage side of the circuit, connect incandescent lamps in series by means of a long piece of lamp cord, as shown, in Figure 43a. For 110 volts use one lamp, for 220 volts use two lamps and for 440 volts use four lamps. Attach one end of the lamp cord to one side of the switch, and close the switch. Take the other end of the cord in the hand and press it against some part of the welder frame where the metal is clean and bright. Paint, grease and dirt act as insulators and prevent electrical contact. If the lamp lights, the circuit is in electrical contact with the frame; in other words, grounded. If the lamps do not light, connect the wire to a terminal block, die or slide. If the lamps then light, the circuit, coils or leads are in electrical contact with the large coil in the transformer or its connections.

If, however, the lamps do not light in either case, the lamp cord should be disconnected from the switch and connected to the other side, and the operations of connecting to welder frame, dies, terminal blocks, etc., as explained above, should be repeated. If the lamps light at any of these connections, a ”ground” is indicated. ”Grounds” can usually be found by carefully tracing the primary circuit until a place is found where the insulation is defective. Reinsulate and make the above tests again to make sure everything is clear. If the ground can not be located by observation, the various parts of the primary circuit should be disconnected, and the transformer, switch, regulator, etc., tested separately.

To locate a ground in the regulator or other part, disconnect the lines running to the welder from the switch. The test lamps used in the previous tests are connected, one end of lamp cord to the switch, the other end to a binding post of the regulator. Connect the other side of the switch to some part of the regulator housing. (This must be a clean connection to a bolt head or the paint should be sc.r.a.ped off.) Close the switch. If the lamps light, the regulator winding or some part of the switch is ”grounded” to the iron base or core of the regulator. If the lamps do not light, this part of the apparatus is clear.

This test can be easily applied to any part of the welder outfit by connecting to the current carrying part of the apparatus, and to the iron base or frame that should not carry current. If the lamps light, it indicates that the insulation is broken down or is defective.

An A.C. voltmeter can, of course, be subst.i.tuted for the lamps, or a D.C.

voltmeter with D.C. current can be used in making the tests.

A short circuit in the primary is caused by the insulation of the coils becoming defective and allowing the bare copper wires to touch each other.

This may result in a ”burn out” of one or more of the transformer coils, if the trouble is in the transformer, or in the continued blowing of fuses in the line. Feel of each coil separately. If a short circuit exists in a coil it will heat excessively. Examine all the wires; the insulation may have worn through and two of them may cross, or be in contact with the frame or other part of the welder. A short circuit in the regulator winding is indicated by failure of the apparatus to regulate properly, and sometimes, though not always, by the heating of the regulator coils.

The remedy for a short circuit is to reinsulate the defective parts. It is a good plan to prevent trouble by examining the wiring occasionally and see that the insulation is perfect.

_To Locate Grounds and Short Circuits in the Secondary, or Low Voltage Side._--Trouble of this kind is indicated by the machine acting sluggish or, perhaps, refusing to operate. To make a test, it will be necessary to first ascertain the exciting current of your particular transformer. This is the current the transformer draws on ”open circuit,” or when supplied with current from the line with no stock in the welder dies. The following table will give this information close enough for all practical purposes:

K.W. ----------------- Amperes at ---------------- Rating 110 Volts 220 Volts 440 Volts 550 Volts 3 1.5 .75 .38 .3 5 2.5 1.25 .63 .5 8 3.6 1.8 .9 .72 10 4.25 2.13 1.07 .85 15 6. 3. 1.5 1.2 20 7. 3.5 1.75 1.4 30 9. 4.5 2.25 1.8 35 9.6 4.8 2.4 1.92 50 10. 5. 2.5 2

Remove the fuses from the wall switch and subst.i.tute fuses just large enough to carry the ”exciting” current. If no suitable fuses are at hand, fine strands of copper from an ordinary lamp cord may be used. These strands are usually No. 30 gauge wire and will fuse at about 10 amperes.

One or more strands should be used, depending on the amount of exciting current, and are connected across the fuse clips in place of fuse wire.

Place a piece of wood or fibre between the welding dies in the welder as though you were going to weld them. See that the regulator is on the highest point and close the welder switch. If the secondary circuit is badly grounded, current will flow through the ground, and the small fuses or small strands of wire will burn out. This is an indication that both sides of the secondary circuit are grounded or that a short circuit exists in a primary coil. In either case the welder should not be operated until the trouble is found and removed. If, however, the small fuses do not ”blow,” remove same and replace the large fuses, then disconnect wires running from the wall switch to the welder and subst.i.tute two pieces of No. 8 or No. 6 insulated copper wire, after off the insulation for an inch or two at each end. Connect one wire from the switch to the frame of welder; this will leave one loose end. Hold this a foot or so away from the place where the insulation is cut off; then turn on the current and strike the free end of this wire lightly against one of the copper dies, drawing it away quickly. If no sparking is produced, the secondary circuit is free from ground, and you will then look for a broken connection in the circuit. Some caution must be used in making the above test, as in case one terminal is heavily grounded the testing wire may be fused if allowed to stay in contact with the die.

_The Remedy._--Clean the slides, dies and terminal blocks thoroughly and dry out the fibre insulation if it is damp. See that no scale or metal has worked under the sliding parts, and that the secondary leads do not touch the frame. If the ground is very heavy it may be necessary to remove the slides in order to facilitate the examination and removal of the ground. Insulation, where torn or worn through, must be carefully replaced or taped. If the transformer coils are grounded to the iron core of the transformer or to the secondary, it may be necessary to remove the coils and reinsulate them at the points of contact. A short circuited coil will heat excessively and eventually burn out. This may mean a new coil if you are unable to repair the old one. In all cases the transformer windings should be protected from mechanical injury or dampness. Unless excessively overloaded, transformers will last for years without giving a moment's trouble, if they are not exposed to moisture or are not injured mechanically.

The most common trouble arises from poor electrical contacts, and they are the cause of endless trouble and annoyance. See that all connections are clean and bright. Take out the dies every day or two and see that there is no scale, grease or dirt between them and the holders. Clean them thoroughly before replacing. Tighten the bolts running from the transformer leads to the work jaws.


This method bears no relation to the one just considered, except that the source of heat is the same in both cases. Arc welding makes use of the flame produced by the voltaic arc in practically the same way that oxy-acetylene welding uses the flame from the gases.

If the ends of two pieces of carbon through which a current of electricity is flowing while they are in contact are separated from each other quite slowly, a brilliant arc of flame is formed between them which consists mainly of carbon vapor. The carbons are consumed by combination with the oxygen in the air and through being turned to a gas under the intense heat.

The most intense action takes place at the center of the carbon which carries the positive current and this is the point of greatest heat. The temperature at this point in the arc is greater than can be produced by any other means under human control.

An arc may be formed between pieces of metal, called electrodes, in the same way as between carbon. The metallic arc is called a flaming arc and as the metal of the electrode burns with the heat, it gives the flame a color characteristic of the material being used. The metallic arc may be drawn out to a much greater length than one formed between carbon electrodes.