Part 6 (1/2)
”This is the number three time I told you,” she answered, shaking her head. ”That's the boy from the show in the Opera House!”
Bunny looked closely at the climbing lad.
”Why, so it is!” he cried. ”Look, Charlie--Harry--that's the acrobat from the show!”
The boy in the tree was in plain sight now, over the heads of the crowd, as he made his way upward from limb to limb, and several of Bunny's chums were sure he was the same lad they had seen in the show.
”But what's he doing here?” asked Bunny. ”Mother read in the paper that the same show we saw here was traveling around and was in Wayville last night. I wonder why that boy is here?”
”And where's his sister that sang such funny little songs?” inquired Sadie West.
”We'll ask him when he comes down,” suggested George Watson, who used to be a mean, tricky boy, making a lot of trouble for Bunny and Sue. But, of late, George had been kinder.
Higher and higher, up into the tree went the ”show boy,” as the children called him. w.a.n.go still was perched on the limb of the tree, eating his cake. He did not climb higher or try to leap to another tree, as Jed Winkler said he was afraid his pet might do.
Up and up went the boy, and a moment later he was calling in a kind and gentle voice to the monkey and holding out his hands.
”Come on, old fellow! Come on down with me!” invited the climbing boy.
”They want you down below! Come on!”
Whether w.a.n.go was tired of his tricks, or whether he had eaten all his cake and thought the only way he could get more was by coming down as he was invited, no one stopped to figure out. At any rate the old sailor's pet gave a friendly little chatter and then advanced until he could perch on the boy's shoulder, which he did, clasping his paws around the lad's neck.
”That's the way! Now we'll go down!” said the boy.
”He's got him! He's got your monkey, Mr. Winkler!” cried the children standing beneath the tree.
”He's a good climber--that boy!” said the old sailor. ”He's as good a climber as I used to be when I was on a s.h.i.+p.”
Down came the boy with the monkey on his shoulder. Of course w.a.n.go himself could have climbed down alone had he wished to, but he didn't seem to want to do this--that was the trouble.
”There you are!” exclaimed the boy, as he slid to the ground, and walked over to Mr. Winkler, with w.a.n.go still perched on his shoulder. ”Here's your monkey!”
”Much obliged, my boy,” said the old sailor. ”It was very good of you.
Do you--er--do I owe you anything?” and he began to fumble in his pocket as if for money, while w.a.n.go jumped from the lad's back to the shoulder of his master.
”No, not anything. I did it for fun,” was the laughing answer. ”I'm used to climbing and that sort of thing. I like it!”
”Didn't you used to be in the show that was in the Opera House here last week?” asked Harry Bentley.
”Yes,” answered the boy, as he put on his coat. ”I was with the show.”
”Why aren't you with it now?” asked Bunny.
”And where's your sister--the one that sang?” added Sue.
The boy's face turned red, and he seemed to be confused.
”Well, we--er--I--that is we left the show,” he said. ”Maybe I ought to say that the show left us. It 'busted up,' as we say. There wasn't enough money to pay the actors, and so we all had to quit.”