Part 7 (1/2)



Peter Rabbit never will forget the first time he saw Seek-Seek the Ground Squirrel, often wrongly called Gopher or Gopher Squirrel, but whose real name is Spermophile, which means seed eater. Peter won't forget that meeting, because of the funny mistake he made and the foolish feeling he had as a result of it. You see, Peter didn't know that there was such a person as Seek-Seek. He was hopping along across the Green Meadows in his usual happy-go-lucky way when, right in front of him, he saw what at first he took to be a stake, a small stake, driven in the ground. But as he drew nearer, it suddenly moved. It wasn't a stake at all, but a very lively small person in a striped coat who had been sitting up very straight and motionless.

”h.e.l.lo, Striped Chipmunk! What are you doing way out here so far from the old stone wall?” exclaimed Peter.

The small person in the striped coat whirled and faced Peter with snapping eyes. ”Don't call me Striped Chipmunk, and don't call me Gopher!” said he very fiercely for so small a person. ”I am neither one.

I am Seek-Seek the Ground Squirrel, and I'll thank you to call me by my own name. I am getting everlastingly tired of being called the names of other people.”

Peter looked very foolish. ”I beg your pardon,” said he. ”I do indeed.

I'm sorry. Perhaps you don't know it, but you look very much like Striped Chipmunk, who is one of my best friends. You look so much like him that I thought you must be him. I wonder if you are related to him.”

”Certainly I'm related to him, or he is related to me, whichever way you please to put it,” snapped Seek-Seek. ”We are cousins. But he is a Rock Squirrel, and I am a Ground Squirrel which is altogether different. You don't find me where there are rocks and stones in the way if I know it.

Besides, if you used your eyes, you would see that we are not dressed alike either. Just because we both happen to wear stripes is no reason why we should be mistaken for each other.”

Peter looked at Seek-Seek more closely than he had, and at once he made a discovery. ”Why!” he exclaimed, ”your coat has more stripes than Striped Chipmunk's has, hasn't it?”

”I should hope so,” retorted Seek-Seek.

”And it has little rows of spots, too!” cried Peter. ”If I had noticed those spots at first, I wouldn't have made such a foolish mistake. I do believe that your coat is prettier than Striped Chipmunk's, and I had thought his as pretty as a coat can be.”

Seek-Seek looked rather pleased, though he tried not to. ”Huh!” he sniffed. ”Of course it's prettier. It took you a long time to find it out. I wouldn't trade coats with Striped Chipmunk or anybody else of my acquaintance.”

”Neither would I if I were in your place,” declared Peter. ”I wish Old Mother Nature had given me a coat like that.” He said this so wistfully that Seek-Seek, who had started to laugh, turned his head so that Peter might not know it. ”I'm afraid it wouldn't look so well on one as big as you,” he replied. ”Anyway, you wouldn't be able to hide from your enemies as you can now.”

”That's so,” said Peter thoughtfully. ”I would be easily seen in a coat like that, for a fact. I hadn't thought of that. I guess Old Mother Nature knows best. I--I wonder how she ever happened to think of a coat like yours.”

Seek-Seek chuckled. He had quite forgotten that he had felt offended because Peter had mistaken him for his cousin, Striped Chipmunk. He enjoyed Peter's admiration of his coat. He is naturally rather talkative, and like most folks he enjoyed talking about himself.

”This coat,” said he, ”has been in the family a very great while. Of course, I don't mean this particular coat that I am wearing,” he hastened to add, as he saw Peter beginning to grin. ”I mean this style of coat has been in the family a very long time. My father was dressed just as I am. So was his father and--”

”I know,” interrupted Peter. ”You were going to say that so were all your grandfathers way back to the days when the world was young, and Old Mother Nature made the very first one of your family. It's funny to me that all the interesting things happened such a long time ago. Now wasn't that what you were going to say?”

Seek-Seek admitted that it was, and looked a little disappointed that Peter had guessed it. But a second later he felt better when Peter asked him very politely but very earnestly for the story of how the first Ground Squirrel got such a pretty coat. ”There is a story. I know there is a story,” declared Peter. ”Won't you tell it to me please, Seek-Seek?”

Now Peter didn't want to hear it any more than Seek-Seek wanted to tell it, so while Peter squatted down comfortably, Seek-Seek sat up very straight and began the story.

”First of all, you must know that Seek-Seek is an old family name which has been handed down just as the pattern of my coat has been. The very first of all my great-great-grandfathers was called Seek-Seek. When Old Mother Nature made Seek-Seek she must have had two families in mind at one time, the Marmot family and the Squirrel family, for she made him a little like each, so that in his looks he sort of fitted in between the two. Mother Nature told him that he was a member of the Squirrel family and set him free to find a place for himself in the Great World.

”Now it didn't take Grandfather Seek-Seek long to find out that though he might be a member of the Squirrel family, Old Mother Nature had failed to furnish him with the right kind of claws for climbing trees, as most of his cousins did. True, he could climb a little, but it was not easy, and he felt anything but comfortable off the ground. But if those claws were of little use for climbing they were splendid tools for digging, just as are the claws of the Marmot family. So Old Mother Nature must have been thinking of the Marmots when she fas.h.i.+oned those claws.

”At first Seek-Seek wandered about trying to find a place for himself in the Great World. Being a Squirrel, he tried to live as did his cousins, Mr. Red Squirrel and Mr. Gray Squirrel, but on account of those claws he didn't make much of a success of it. Then one day he met Mr.

Chipmunk. They stopped and stared at each other in surprise because, you know, their coats were so much alike. At that time Seek-Seek was wearing plain stripes, just as Striped Chipmunk does to this day.

”'What do you mean by stealing my coat?' demanded Mr. Chipmunk angrily.

”'I was just about to ask you the same question,' retorted Seek-Seek.