Part 38 (1/2)

”I have got used to the city,” he wrote, ”and have made a good many friends here. I don't know yet whether I shall take a business position, or go to school; but, if the latter, the schools here are better than in the country. I hope to come and see you before long; but, I would prefer to live in New York.”

”He's gettin' uppish,” said Aunt Hannah, who was considerably disappointed, for she had made up her mind just how much they could venture to charge for board, and how this would increase their annual savings.

”I suppose it's natural for a boy to prefer the city,” said his uncle.

”If the boy has a chance to handle his money there won't be much of it left by the time he's twenty-one,” said Aunt Hannah. ”You ought to be his guardian.”

”He has the right to choose his own guardian,” said Uncle Pelatiah.

”He'll take some city man likely.”

Frank did, in fact, select the lawyer, having learned that he was a man of high reputation for integrity. He offered it to Mr. Bowen; but that gentleman, while congratulating his young friend upon his greatly improved prospects, said that he was a man of books rather than of business, and would prefer that some other person be selected.

The next thing was to resign his place as telegraph boy.

”We are sorry to lose you,” said the superintendent. ”Your are one of our best boys. Do you wish to go at once?”

”No, sir; I will stay till the end of the month.”

”Very well. We shall be glad to have you.”

Three weeks yet remained till the close of the month. It was not long, but before the time had pa.s.sed Frank found himself in a very unpleasant predicament, from no fault of his own, but in consequence of the enmity of the clerk whom he had been instrumental in displacing.



No one rejoiced more sincerely at Frank's good luck than Mrs. Vivian.

Her interest in our hero had increased, and while at first she regarded herself as his patroness she had come now to look upon him as a member of the family. Fred had already returned, and Frank, bearing in mind that he had only been invited to remain during his absence, proposed to find another home, but Mrs. Vivian would not hear of it.

”No,” she said, ”Fred needs a young companion, and I prefer you to any one I know of.”

As Fred was of his mother's opinion, Frank readily agreed to stay. He occupied a room adjoining the one a.s.signed to Fred, and during his hours of leisure the two were constantly together.

”I shall be glad when you leave the telegraph office,” said Fred. ”Then we can be together more.”

”You may get tired of me.”

”If I do I will let you know.”

Two days afterwards Frank was riding down town in a Sixth-avenue car.

Until he had taken his seat he was not aware that James Haynes was a pa.s.senger. When a lady who sat between them got out, Haynes moved up, so as to sit next to our hero.

”I see you are still in the telegraph service,” he said.

”Yes, sir,” answered Frank, briefly.

”I wonder Mr. Hartley didn't offer you a permanent position in his employ,” said Haynes, with a sneer. ”Spies are useful sometimes.”