Part 17 (1/2)

”Samson was a boro mush, wery hunnalo an' tatto at koorin', so that he nashered saw the mushi+s avree, an' they were atrash o' lester He was so surrelo that yeckorus when he poggered avree a ker, an' it had a boro sasterni wuder, he just pet it apre his dumo, an' hookered it avree, an'

jalled kerri an' bikin'd it

”Yeck divvus he lelled soni-trushnees to their poris andin the sala, when sar the iv puvius, and hotchered sar the giv

”Then the krallis bitchered his mushi+s to lel Samson, but he koshered 'em, an' pash mored the tat of 'em; they couldn't kurry him, and he sillered 'em to praster for their miraben An' 'cause they couldn't serber hierben drum Now Samson was a seehiatty ot a wery rinkeni chi to kutter an' kuzzer him So yuv welled a laki to a worretty tan, an' she hocussed him with drab till yuv was pilfry o'

sutto, an his sherro hungered hooper side a lacker; an' when yuv was selvered, the mushi+s welled and chinned his ballos apre an' chivved him adree the sturaben

”An' yeck divvus the foki hitchered him avree the sturaben to kair pyass for 'eillerin' and huljerin' hiurs of the sturaben, and bongered his kokerus adree, an sar the ker pet a lay with a boro gudli, an' sar the pooro ered to bitti cutters”

”Sa, so that he drove allthat once when he broke into a house, and it had a great iron door, he just put it on his back, and carried it away and went hoht soo And they ran away like old devils, early in the , when all the people were asleep, across the field, and burned all the wheat

”Then the king sent his men to take Samson, but he hurt them, and half killed the whole of them; they could not injure him, and he compelled them to run for life And because they could not capture hi, they did it otherwise by an opposite way Now Saot a very pretty woman to cajole and coax him And he ith her to a lonely house, and she 'hocussed' him with poison till he was heavy with sleep, and his head drooped by her side; and when he was poisoned, the people came and cut his hair off and threw hied him out of prison tofun of hireat pillars of the prison, and bowed hireat noise, and all the poor men were killed and the house broken to small pieces

”And so he died”

”Do you knohat the judgo in sleep, or drea on this reply of the untutored Roht that the deepest and most beautiful phrase in all Tennyson's poems was that in which the impassioned lover promised his mistress to love her after death, ever on ”into the dreaht as beautifully expressed by an old Gipsy, who, he declared, for two hts when he wasn't as drunk as four fiddlers And the saht have been said of Carolan, the Irish bard, who lived in poetry and died in whisky

The soul sleeping or dreaested an inquiry into the Gipsy idea of the nature of spirits

”You believe in _hosts), Puro Can everybody see them, I wonder?”

”Avo, rya, avo Every mush can dick mullos if it's their cammoben to be dickdus But 'dusta critters can dick rais an' mylas can dick rai that was trasher 'dree a tes the rikkorus of a drum, pash a boro park where a mush had been mullered He prastered a mee pauli, but pash a cheirus he welled apopli to the wardos A chinned jucko or a wixen can hunt'dree the world--dan'r 'es can't be dukkered by hosts if it is their will to be seen But hosts wish it or not There are horses and asses (which) can see ghosts by the night; and once I had a horse that was frightened in a place by the side of a road, near a great park where a man had been murdered He ran a ons A cut (castrated) dog or a vixen can hunt ghosts Yes, they chase spirits just the saht 'ehosts”

”Dogs,” I replied, ”sohosts”

”Avo; but men can fool the juckals avree, and men too, and mullos can't”

”How do they kair it?”

”If a choraro kaums to chore a covva when the snow is apre the puvius, he jals yeck piro, palewavescro If you chiv tutes piros pal-o- the-waver--your kusto piro kaired bongo, jallin' with it a rikkorus, an'

the waver piro straightus--your patteran'll dick as if a bongo-herroed mush had been apre the puvius (I jinned a mush yeckorus that had a dui chokkas kaired with the dui tachabens kaired bongo, to jal a-chorin'

with) But if you're pallered by juckals, and pet lully dantyro adree the chokkas, it'll dukker the sunaben of the juckos