Prologue (1/2)


I guess I’ll never forget what happened that day

---It was eleven years ago Back when I, Alec Wolfgang, was still six years old Ever since, I have never felt as much hope as I had back then

On that glorious day, frourd» was more livelier than ever You only had to arrive to the entrance of the city and thecould be heard And in the heart of the crowd, a group of adults were happily doing a dance of sorts, hopping around laughing, holding aof wine or beer in one hand

Just looking at that made my heart race too

This whole event was a festival to commemorate the «Imperial Exploration Squad» ould be dispatched to the «Sword Labyrinth» under the emperor’s direct order

I had courd to bid off eon

Since ere the close relatives of one of the members of the «Iuests and had been given a seat in a high-class terrace, covered in a red carpet

The surroundings were filled oant dresses which made me more nervous and unable to calm down

Forof ha out of the chi surrounded by soin an entirely different world

But I wasn’t truly ed Instead, I felt a bit assured

And as to why that was, it was becausebeside me was more beautiful than anyone

It wasa dress It wasn’t a fancy dress, in the contrary, compared to the wonified aura she e

My heart was filled with pride knowing that I was her son

The parade started then

The stone street spanning beloas crowded to the brim with people

Slowly flowing through that cheerful croere the golden carriages with the elite alleys through a river, heading to the «Sacred Sword Gramm»

In one of the carriages was also

The bigout even between the elite members of the squad was him

He was a Master Blacksmith He wore a selfmade lion cub silver helmet and was clad in a plate mail, and a si on his broad back

The giant er than anyone

“Hey! Look over there! Look, it’s Vincent Isler!”

“He’s so dazzling! Are there other good men like him?”

“What’s up with you? Are you aiet him? Don’t talk nonsense! He becahteen years old, he’s the elite of the elite you know? There’s noay you would be a good match for him”

“Yeah, exactly, how could a irl like you become his partner!”

“I don’t want to hear that fro around the bar all the tiht?”


“It’s so noisy here… And in any case, behind the youngest knight chief comes the number one blackshter of the head hly known nobles!”

“There’s also the known leader of the mercenary army, and the renown priest too This place really is filled with incredible people!”

“Seeing all of this, even if it sounds a bit nasty I’ forward for them to arrive at the lowest floor!”