Part 15 (1/2)
They spotted the police officers congregating near a corner of the emergency department. Each bed was sectioned off with curtains.
Nezuma nodded at Shuko, who slid behind one of the officers and then came back a moment later as he stood there studying a sheaf of papers on a desk nearby.
”The chart says she is scheduled for X-rays in twenty minutes,” Shuko said.
Nezuma nodded. ”Fast for a hospital this size.”
They walked out of the emergency department and Nezuma led them toward radiology. Along the way, he grabbed a large brown envelope with X-ray screens from a clear plastic file holder outside a patient's room. Shuko helped herself to a clipboard and pen and appeared to be taking notes as they walked.
”There's no telling how many people will be in the department,” Nezuma said. ”Hopefully, there won't be too many.”
”Incapacitate or kill?” Shuko asked.
”Just knock them out,” Nezuma said. ”And I'd prefer if we did this as covertly as possible. No sense having our faces televised. I have a reputation to keep up, you know.”
”I understand.”
As they approached the radiology department, they suddenly found themselves facing a group of doctors engaged in a spirited conversation as they walked toward Shuko and Nezuma.
Nezuma started talking to Shuko. ”Mr. Hanaguchi's X-ray films show that he has a stress fracture on his right fibula, possibly resulting from an overexertion during his daily fitness regimen. However, certain diseases cannot be ruled out as the cause of bone weakening and fracturing, so I'd like to make sure...”
The group of doctors pa.s.sed by without incident, not even pausing to say h.e.l.lo. To them it probably looked as if Nezuma was an older doctor discussing a diagnosis with a younger intern.
The doors to the radiology department slid open. Nezuma kept up his monologue with Shuko, who pretended to jot down extensive notes on the clipboard she carried. Nezuma noted to himself that she carried it just high enough to obscure her face. Nezuma himself was turned slightly toward Shuko and he had changed the timbre of his voice.
He could see a door leading back to the X-ray room. A lone nurse sat at the desk busy working on a computer. Nezuma kept talking as Shuko moved forward and then behind the nurse at the desk.
Within seconds, the nurse was unconscious. Nezuma helped Shuko move her and then he nodded at the doors. ”Better check and see who else is here.”
Shuko slid through the doors. Nezuma thought he heard a brief snippet of conversation, followed by a thud. Shuko reappeared and waved him back.
Nezuma took the nurse by her armpits and backed through the doors.
Shuko waited by an empty closet. The radiology technician was already bound and gagged. She tied up the nurse and then gagged her, as well.
Nezuma glanced at her. ”How long do you think we have until they come around?”
”A half hour, no more. We'll have to be quick.”
Shuko took the nurse's place behind the desk. Nezuma waited on the other side of the doors.
Five minutes later, he heard the approach of a wheelchair. He looked out through the doors and saw a lone schoolgirl sitting in the chair with her head bent slightly forward. Nezuma frowned.
He could see the girl was playing on her injuries. Every so often she would surrept.i.tiously scan the area. He smirked. Whoever had hired them knew how to find talent.
He walked through the door and saw a police officer and nurse's a.s.sistant standing next to the wheelchair.
”What do we have here?” Nezuma asked.
”She won't tell us her name,” the nurse's a.s.sistant said. ”But she took quite a thump on the head. Dr. Tohno wants a complete X-ray of the skull to make sure she doesn't have anything to worry about.”
Nezuma took the chart from the nurse's a.s.sistant and opened it, pretending to scan the information. He snapped it shut and nodded. ”Very well. Let's get her in back.”
Shuko came around from the desk and took the wheelchair. Nezuma held the doors for her. The police officer and a.s.sistant started to sit, but Nezuma smiled and said to them, ”There's no need to wait. I'll have my a.s.sistant bring her back down when we're done.”
The nurse's a.s.sistant frowned. ”I'm supposed to wait for her. Apparently, she's been a bit troublesome.”
Nezuma shook his head. ”If she's got a knock on her head, she's probably got a headache that won't quit. That makes anyone cranky.” He gestured to the police officer. ”You look tired. Are you all right?”
The cop nodded. ”I'm fine.”
”Tell you what, why don't you two go and grab a cup of coffee upstairs? Come back in about forty minutes and I'll have her all ready for you to take back.”
”Are you sure?” the nurse's a.s.sistant asked.
Nezuma waved at them. ”Go. Enjoy.”
They started to leave but as the doors to radiology slid open, the police officer stopped. ”Doctor?”
Nezuma turned around. ”Yes?”
”Can we bring you anything back?”
”Hmm? Oh, you know, that would be very kind of you. If it's no bother, I'll take a large coffee with extra cream, please. And my a.s.sistant is a real lover of the chai chai they serve there now.” they serve there now.”
The cop grinned. ”My partner digs that stuff, too. Me? I can't see the attraction.”
Nezuma smiled. ”Thanks. I'd better get back there and start the X-rays. If she's as cranky as you say, I don't want her around here any longer than necessary.”
He watched them leave and then slid back through the doors into the X-ray room. Shuko was standing over the girl. Her hands were bound to the wheelchair and her ankles were tied, as well.
Nezuma could see the fear in her eyes. She looked as if the entire situation simply didn't compute.
He bent down so she could see his face. ”h.e.l.lo there, my dear. You and I are going to have a nice little conversation. And if I like what you have to say, I'll even let you go.”
He patted her hand. ”But if you don't be a good little girl and tell me exactly what I want to know, then my a.s.sistant here is going to make sure your life becomes very painful indeed.”
Shuko made a show out of sliding a scalpel under the girl's nose, just an inch from her skin. The girl's breathing increased. Nezuma could see the line of sweat that broke out along her hairline.
”Now, I'm going to take the gag out of your mouth and ask you some questions. If you scream, you will only do so for a mere second before we kill you.” He chuckled. ”I'd suggest you refrain from such activity.”
Shuko stood poised to strike. Nezuma leaned closer. ”Do we have a deal?”
The girl nodded.
Nezuma smiled. ”Excellent. Let's begin.”