Part 18 (1/2)

”I take it the Onigawa-gumi played it off as nothing?”

Nezuma shook his head. ”The Yakuza are fools. They have little appreciation for what the dorje dorje means and how it can be used to further all of our agendas if it is handled properly. Kennichi's behavior has angered them substantially. They feel he has caused them a tremendous loss of face and mean to make him pay for it. Unleas.h.i.+ng their child was their pathetic attempt to make him feel like less of a man for being forced to deal with them.” means and how it can be used to further all of our agendas if it is handled properly. Kennichi's behavior has angered them substantially. They feel he has caused them a tremendous loss of face and mean to make him pay for it. Unleas.h.i.+ng their child was their pathetic attempt to make him feel like less of a man for being forced to deal with them.”

”There's no evidence that he did deal with them,” Shuko said.

”And the people you spoke to confirmed it was one man who took them all out?”

Shuko nodded. ”They were quite specific, actually. They didn't call him a man at all. They said he was a monk. Complete with the ringed staff and everything. There was little doubt about what he'd done.”

”And they report that there was some sort of strange fog or mist?”

”They say the alley filled with mist and the monk walked right into the midst of it, taking the out as easily as drawing a breath. When he was done, he simply walked back out of the alley and vanished in the crowds.”

Nezuma smiled. ”That must have played well with the police.”

”I imagine they have no idea what to do with the case,” Shuko said. ”Presumably, they will lose it in the bottomless pile of unsolved mysteries they have.”

”Presumably,” Nezuma said. ”In the meantime, we are somewhat closer to our own goal of recovering the dorje dorje.”

Shuko frowned. ”You really think she will hand it over to us?”

”Of course not.”

”But you asked her for it anyway.”

Nezuma brushed a hand along the length of Shuko's hair. She leaned into him and closed her eyes. Nezuma leaned closer to her ear and whispered, ”She must be allowed to feel like she still has some measure of control over her own destiny. Otherwise, she will feel like a trapped animal and respond accordingly. That will not help us. By allowing her to still feel some semblance of power, she will play right into our hands.”

Shuko looked into his eyes. ”Have I always played into your hands?”

Nezuma glanced around the train car. They were almost alone save for five other pa.s.sengers. Still, as much as he desired Shuko, he would not allow himself to falter.

He pushed her away. ”The question has always been, who is playing into whose hand?”

She grinned and went back to looking out the window. ”I suppose one day we will have to discover the answer to that.”

”There will be time later,” Nezuma said. ”For now, we have but one thing to set our minds to.”

She glanced back at him. ”Only one?”

He smiled. ”Perhaps the ryokan ryokan, there may be time for us to briefly allow ourselves an interlude.”

”I like interludes,” Shuko said.

”As do I.” He licked his lips, then looked out of the window at the pa.s.sing countryside. ”And when we have our hands on the dorje dorje at long last, there will be many more such interludes.” at long last, there will be many more such interludes.”

Shuko nodded. ”As long as we can keep the Yakuza from guessing we have recovered it.”

”That will be the biggest task of all, I fear,” Nezuma said. ”Finding the dorje dorje thus far has largely been uncomplicated. Kennichi, for all his skill, is still resolved to finding it. Since he doesn't know where it is, it makes it harder for him to elude our surveillance, as much as he might try.” thus far has largely been uncomplicated. Kennichi, for all his skill, is still resolved to finding it. Since he doesn't know where it is, it makes it harder for him to elude our surveillance, as much as he might try.”

”I'm not convinced he is trying,” Shuko said. ”And I must admit I find that suspicious.”

”You think he knows we are on his trail?”

”I think he would be a pretty pathetic ninja if he did not a.s.sume he had other interested parties following him.”

Nezuma frowned. ”And yet he makes no attempt to discourage our pursuit.”


”I see why you are concerned. But perhaps his mind is as fixated on the prize as mine is. Perhaps he has allowed himself to be blinded by it.”

Shuko shook her head. ”You may be fixated, but you are still in control of your faculties. You still coordinate the recovery efforts rather than simply allow yourself to become blindly obsessed.”

Nezuma shrugged. ”Perhaps Kennichi is less skilled than we thought.”

”Or he may be more skilled than we give him credit for. He may well be setting a trap for us to walk into,” Shuko said.

Nezuma smiled. ”There would be very little he could arrange that would take us by surprise. I have, after all, the finest partner one could ever wish for.”

Shuko frowned. ”I appreciate the compliment, master. But I would prefer to reserve judgment about Kennichi until we have the item we seek in hand. And he and the woman are both dead.”

”I wonder how Miss Creed will react when she learns that it is I who has been taunting her at every stage of the game. Surely she will replay the ending moments of my victory over her at the budokan budokan over and over. I imagine it will be enough to stop her in her tracks and enable me to finally strike her down dead.” over and over. I imagine it will be enough to stop her in her tracks and enable me to finally strike her down dead.”

Shuko smiled. ”I will enjoy that.”

Nezuma shook his head. ”She should never have stepped into the ring. An American woman in the budokan budokan fighting? It disgusts me to even consider it. I certainly hope she learned her lesson.” fighting? It disgusts me to even consider it. I certainly hope she learned her lesson.”

”Doubtful,” Shuko said. ”She seems far too stubborn for such a thing to sink into her mind.”

”Death, then,” Nezuma said, ”is the only way for her to truly understand.”

”And the Yumegakure-ryu will cease to exist, as well.”

Nezuma nodded. ”Kennichi Ogawa, the last descendant in that troublesome ninja family, will finally find himself out of options. He will go down fighting-I have little doubt of that.”

”And then we will see what skills he truly does have at his disposal.”

Nezuma looked at her. ”I am glad you are with me.”

Shuko bowed her head low. ”As am I. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you once more.”

”You are my finest pupil. It is only fitting.”

”And if it comes down to it, will you permit me the honor of dispatching Ogawa?”

”Not the woman?” Nezuma smiled.