Volume I Part 3 (1/2)

There was only one thing that the besieged had to dread, and it was haply, too, the only thing in which the Scots placed any degree of hope, and that was the total failure of provisions within the castle.

Musgrave's plan, of getting small supplies at a time from England by night, was discovered by Sir Ringan Redhough, and completely cut off: and as Douglas hanged every messenger that fell into his hands, no new plan could be established; and so closely were the English beleaguered, that any attempt at sending additional supplies to those they had proved of no avail. The rival armies always grew more and more inveterate against each other, and the most sharp and deadly measures were exercised by both. Matters went on in this manner till near the end of October, when the nights grew cold, long, and dark. There was nothing but the perils of that castle on the Border talked of over all Scotland and England. Every one, man, maid, and child, became interested in it.

It may well be conceived that the two sovereign beauties, the Lady Jane Howard and Princess Margaret of Scotland, were not the least so; and both of them prepared, at the same time, in the true spirit of the age, to take some active part in the matter before it came to a final issue.

One of them seemed destined to lose her hero, but both had put on the resolution of performing something worthy of the knights that were enduring so much for their sakes.


And O that pegis weste is slymme, And his ee wald garr the daye luke dymme; His broue is brente, his brestis fayre, And the deemonde lurkis in hys revan hayre.

Alake for thilke bonnye boye sae leile That lyes withe oure Kynge in the hie-lande s.h.i.+ele!

_Old Rhyme._

I winna gang in, I darena gang in, Nor sleep i' your arms ava; Fu' laithly wad a fair may sleep Atween you an' the wa'.

War I to lie wi' a belted knight, In a land that's no my ain, Fu' dear wad be my courtesye, An' dreich wad be my pain.

_Old Ballad._

One cold biting evening, at the beginning of November, Patrick Chisholm of Castleweary, an old yeoman in the upper part of Teviotdale, sat conversing with his family all in a merry and cheerful mood. They were placed in a circle round a blazing hearth fire, on which hung a huge caldron, boiling and bubbling like the pool at the foot of a cataract.

The lid was suspended by a rope to the iron crook on which this lordly machine was hung, to intercept somewhat the showers of soot that now and then descended from the rafters. These appeared as if they had been covered with pitch or black j.a.panning; and so violently was the kettle boiling, that it made the roof of Pate Chisholm's bigging all to s.h.i.+ver.

Notwithstanding these showers of soot, Pate and his four goodly sons eyed the boiling caldron with looks of great satisfaction,--for ever and anon the hough of an immense leg of beef was to be seen cutting its capers in the boil, or coming with a graceful semicircular sweep from one lip of the pot to the other.

”Is it true, callants,” said Pate, ”that Howard is gaun to make a diversion, as they ca't, in the west border, to draw off the warden frae the Cheviots?”

”As muckle is said, an' as muckle expect.i.t,” said Dan, his first born, a goodly youth, who, with his three brethren, sat in armour. They had come home to their father's house that night with their share of a rich prey that the warden had kidnapped while just collecting to send to Roxburgh under a guard of five thousand men. But Sir Ringan, getting intelligence of it, took possession of the drove before it was placed under the charge of those intended to guard it.

”As muckle is said, an' as muckle is expect.i.t,” said Dan; ”but the west border will never turn out sae weel to us as the east has done. It's o'er near the Johnstones, and the Jardines, and the hurkle-backit Hendersons.”

Pate looked from under his bonnet at the hough of beef.--”The Cheviot hills hae turned weel out for the warden,” continued Dan; ”Redhough an'

his lads hae been as weel scrieving o'er law and dale as lying getting hard pelts round the stane wa's o' Roxburgh, an' muckle mair gude has he done; for gin they dinna hunger them out o' their hauddin, they'll keep it. Ye'll draw an Englishman by the gab easier than drive him wi' an airn gaud. I wad ride fifty miles to see ony ane o' the bonny dames that a' this pelting an' peching is about.”

”Twa wanton glaikit gillies, I'll uphaud,” said Pate, looking at the restless hough; ”o'er muckle marth i' the back, an' meldar i' the brusket. Gin I had the heffing o' them, I sude tak a staup out o' their bickers.--Whisht, I thought I heard the clanking o' horse heels.--Callant, clap the lid down on the pat; what hae they't hinging geaving up there for?”

The clattering of the horses approached, but apparently with caution; and at length a voice called at the door in an English accent, ”Hollo, who holds here?” ”Leel men, an' for the Scots,” answered Dan, starting to his feet, and laying his hand on his sword. ”For the knight of Mountcomyn, the Scottish warden?”--inquired the horseman without. ”For the same,” was the answer. ”It is toward his castle that we are bound.

Can any of you direct us the way?”

”Troth, that I can,” said old Pate, groping to satisfy himself that the lid was close down on the pot, and then running to the door; ”I can tell you every fit o' the road, masters: You maun gang by the Fanesh, you see; it lies yon way, you see; an' then up the Brown rig, as straight as a line through Philhope-head, an' into Borthwick; then up Aitas-burn,--round the Crib-law,--an' wheel to the right; then the burn that ye come to there, ye maun cross that, and three miles farther on you come to the castle of Mountcomyn.--Braw cheer there lads!”

”I am afraid, friend,” said the English trooper, ”we will make nothing of this direction. Is it far to this same castle of the Scottish warden?”

”O no, naething but a step, some three Scots miles.”

”And how is the road?”

”A prime road, man; no a step in't a' wad tak your horse to the brusket; only there's nae track; ye maun just take an ettle. Keep an ee on the tail o' Charlie's wain, an' ye'll no gang far wrang.”

”Our young lord and master is much fatigued,” said the trooper; ”I am afraid we shall scarcely make it out. Pray, sir, could you spare us a guide?”

Dan, who was listening behind, now stepped forward, and addressed them: ”My masters, as the night is o' darkness, I could hardly ride to Mountcomyn mysel, an', far or near, I couldna win there afore day. Gin ye dought accept o' my father's humble cheer the night--”