Part 4 (1/2)
This method of communication is only a superior fountain discharging itself into another; or, as two rivers bearing each other to the same sea.
Receive then this poor heart in the fulness of Christ's love, and believe me, no one can be more fully united to you than I am.
You enquire, my friend, why I do not use obscure terms and extraordinary expressions, in explaining the Scriptures. My Lord teaches me, that while there are no writings so profound as the Gospels, there are none so simple. And further, that simplicity of soul gives simplicity of expression. When we speak of a state beyond our experience, we do so with difficulty, and have recourse to learning to aid us, and use forced expressions.
In the natural, simple expressions of Scripture, there are deep sentiments, adapted to the wants of each soul--to those less and more advanced.
The word of G.o.d enters the centre of the soul; it has a penetrating quality; an operative efficiency. No words of man can produce the same effect; at least, none but such as come from souls, who are pure channels of the word of G.o.d. It is the good pleasure of our Lord, to express and reproduce himself upon the self-abandoned soul. Who does not admire the profound mystery of the creation of the world, where G.o.d produced all things by his word? When G.o.d created man, he formed him of the dust of the earth--the lowest form of matter--made of dust, that he might not rob G.o.d of his glory! But man thus created, received _the spirit_--the breath of the Word. This dust of the earth became the living breath of G.o.d. When Jesus Christ is formed in the soul, he imparts not only a clear understanding of the word, but is himself the Word, reproduced in the soul. Those only in whom Christ dwells, fulfill the word, or have the word accomplished in them. Such only are able fully to interpret the word. It is not learning which best explains the truths of G.o.d, but the reproduction of these truths in the life---the experience of them.
I cannot compliment you, dear sir, and I am persuaded, that you will expect from me, only the simplicity of the Christian. This simplicity leads me to say, only what our Lord gives me. You need more of this simplicity. The frequent self-returns you make, dwelling so much on your unworthiness, although it may have the appearance of humility, is only a refined self-love. True simplicity regards G.o.d alone; it has its eye fixed upon him, and is not drawn towards self; and it is as pleased to say humble as great things.
All our uneasy feelings and reflections, arise from self-love, whatever appearance of piety they may a.s.sume. The lack of simplicity inflicts many wounds. Go where we will, if we remain in ourselves, we shall carry everywhere our sins and our distresses. If we would live in peace, we must lose sight of self, and rest in the infinite and unchangeable G.o.d. These self-returns have a tendency to establish the soul more and more in itself, and hinder it from running into its great original. But it is to this, G.o.d is calling you. You withhold from G.o.d the only thing he desires--_the possession of your heart_. The time is short; wherefore spend it in the compa.s.s and surroundings of self? The single eye sees only G.o.d. You act as a person who being called before a king, instead of regarding the king and his benefits, is occupied only with his own dress and appearance. G.o.d wishes to disarrange you--to destroy self; and you wish to preserve what he would destroy. Be more afraid of self than of the evil one. It is the spirit of Satan to exalt self above G.o.d, and this spirit is fostered by these continual returns you make upon your own doings and misdoings, which leaves no place in your mind for the occupation of G.o.d.
Although there are impenetrable mysteries in G.o.d's dealings with souls, in order to promote their sanctification, it is true that each soul, aside from the ordinary means, common to all, has a specific training, and this method of the divine order can alone accomplish the work. The means that sanctifies another may not sanctify you. You, my friend, will not be led by great crosses and severe sufferings, but in the way of helpless infancy. The child-like, yielding soul is necessary for you; therefore G.o.d has chosen a child, myself, to be your helper.
Forget yourself as the man to whom many eyes are turned, and become the little, helpless one, who cannot take care of itself, but lets another care for it. The pride, presumption and vanity, of the natural man, must give place to the littleness and simplicity of the child. Says our Saviour, ”Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.” O, when shall we learn that it is littleness, and not greatness, that G.o.d requires of his child!
G.o.d has given me a maternal yearning for your soul. I sympathize deeply in your wants and burdens. Be a.s.sured, the eyes of the G.o.d of Love are upon you. I entreat you, yield to the influences which are in operation to restore your soul to G.o.d. I can offer no apology for my letter; for in all things, I obey my Lord.
I a.s.sure you, Dear Sir, I sympathize deeply in your afflictions. With all my heart I present you before our Lord. I have prayed, and still pray, that if you are called to partic.i.p.ate in the sufferings of Jesus Christ, you may partake also of his patience and submission. You will find the Lord at all times near your heart, when you seek him by a simple and sincere desire to do and suffer his will. He will be your support and consolation in this time of trouble, if you go to him, not with fear and agitation of spirit, but with calm, confiding love.
Jesus said to the blind man, whose eyes he anointed with clay, ”Go wash in the waters of Siloam”--waters soft and tranquil. O, that you might experience the abiding peace which Christ gives. O, that you might become reduced to the simplicity of the little child! It is the child who approaches the nearest to Jesus Christ. It is the child whom he takes in his arms and carries in his bosom. O, how lovely, how attractive, is child-like simplicity! May the sufferings you are now experiencing, render you, child-like and submissive to all the will of your Father. My ill health forbids my writing more fully. G.o.d loves you, and you are very dear to me in him. Amen. Jesus, help.
G.o.d has united my soul to yours in the oneness of his own nature, and when all the obstructions on your part are removed, you will realize this same divine union. ”We have many masters, as said St. Paul, but only _one Father in Christ_.” This Father unites himself to us by the impartation of his own nature, and from this communication, of himself to the soul, proceeds our spiritual paternity; or the power by which we communicate to others what we receive from him. We are not always sensible how this power, or aid we render others, is imparted. In some individuals it is more manifest than in others. It always adapts itself to the subject who receives it. All the gifts and graces of the spirit are either more sensible and apparent, or more spiritual and inward, according to the power of receptivity in the individual.
It seems to me that when I am with you, there is only a simple, imperceptible transmission from my soul to yours. You do not perceive any marked results, and they are not great, because you are not in a state to receive much, and often interrupt me by speaking, which causes in me a vacillation of grace. If we were together some considerable time without distraction, you would perceive more marked results. It is the desire of G.o.d that there should be, between us, perfect interchange of thoughts, of hearts, of souls;--a flux and reflux, such as there will be when souls are new-created in Christ Jesus. At present, my soul in rotation to yours, is as a river which enters into the sea, to draw and invite the smaller river to lose itself also in the sea.
This truth,--the fruitfulness of souls who are in G.o.d, whereby they communicate grace,--however much it is rejected, is, nevertheless, a truth. This flux and reflux of communication, like the ebbing and flowing of the great ocean-current, is the secret of the heavenly hierarchy, and makes a communication from superior orders to inferior,--and of equality, between angels of the same order.