Part 2 (1/2)
”Messieurs, it is surely better to die hungry and naked and without arms for the Emperor than to consent to his dishonor, which is the dishonor of France,” suddenly burst forth the young man at the door.
”How dare you,” thundered the usually cool and collected Berthier angrily, ”a mere boy, monsieur, a.s.sume to speak in the presence of the Emperor, to say nothing of these great captains?”
”May my life be forfeit, _Monsieur le Duc_,” said the young soldier more boldly, since Napoleon had condoned his first remark, ”if I have done wrong in a.s.suring my Emperor that we would still die for him.”
”Of what regiment are you?” said Napoleon, waving Berthier of the frowning face into silence.
”I belong to the fifth of the line, Sire.”
”He is in my corps, Sire,” said Ney. ”I have brigaded that veteran regiment with the new recruits of the Young Guard.”
”But I have seen service before,” said the young captain.
”And I have seen you before,” said Napoleon, fixing upon him a penetrating glance.
”Yes, Sire, at the end of the bridge over the Elster at Leipsic. You were watching the men streaming across when the bridge was blown up. I was among the last to cross the bridge.”
”Go on,” said the Emperor, as the young man paused.
”Your majesty was pleased to say----”
”I recall it all now. I saw you plunge into the river and bring back to sh.o.r.e an Eagle--that of your regiment. You fell at my feet. You should have had the Legion of Honor for it. I promised it to you, did I not?”
”Yes, Sire.”
”Why did you not claim it?”
”I was wounded and left for dead; when I got back to France and my regiment I could not add to your anxiety by----”
”Here,” said the Emperor, ”I still have power to reward faithful servants and bold spirits.” He took off his own cross, fastened it on the heaving breast of the amazed young soldier. ”Prince,” continued the Emperor, turning to Ney.
”Spare me this young man. I need him on my staff.”
”I can ill spare any officer from my weak corps of boys and old men, much less a veteran,” the marshal laughed. ”One campaign makes us veterans, it seems, nowadays, but you shall have him.”
”Berthier,” continued Napoleon, ”make out the transfer. Give the young man a step up. Let him be Major.”
”Very well, Sire,” said Berthier, turning to one of the secretaries and giving him directions.
”Meanwhile, what's to be done?” continued Napoleon.
”Tell Caulaincourt to agree to anything,” said Maret bluntly.
”I yet live,” said Napoleon proudly. ”Naked, starving, unarmed, though we may be, I and my soldiers have not forgot our trade. Courage, messieurs. All is not yet lost while your Emperor breathes. Here at Nogent, at Montereau and farther back we still have seventy thousand men. With seventy thousand men and Napoleon much may be accomplished.
Blucher, it is true, marches on Paris. He counts on the army of Schwarzenberg to contain us. He marches leisurely, with wide intervals between his divisions. What shall prevent us----”
”Your majesty,” cried Marmont, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng as he divined the Emperor's plan.