Part 12 (1/2)
Why, this very convoy tells the story. We intercepted letters that told how pressing was its need. Your army is without arms, without food, without clothes.”
”It still has its Emperor.”
”Death!” cried the Russian impatiently. ”Must we kill him in order to teach you a lesson?”
”You will not kill him while there is a soldier in France to interpose his body.”
”Very heroic, doubtless,” sneered the Russian, beginning to get angry.
”But you know your cause is lost.”
”And if it were?”
”Be reasonable. There are many Frenchmen with the allied armies. Your rank is----?”
”I am a Major on the Emperor's staff if you are interested to know.”
”Major Marteau, I have no doubt that my interest with my Emperor, the Czar Alexander, with whom I am remotely connected--I may say I am a favorite officer in his guard--would doubtless insure you a Colonel's commission, perhaps even that of a General of Brigade, with my gracious master, or in the army of King Louis after we have replaced him on his throne if----”
”If what?”
”If you release us, restore us to our command. Permit us to send for horses to take the place of those we have killed to take the wagons of the valuable convoy to our own army.”
”And you would have me abandon my Emperor?”
”For the good of France,” urged the Russian meaningly.
”Will you answer me a question, monsieur?” continued the young man after a moment's deep thought.
”Certainly, if it be not treason to my master.”
”Oh, you have views on treason, then,” said the Frenchman adroitly and not giving the other time to answer he continued. ”To what corps are you attached?”
”Count Sacken's.”
”And whose division?”
”General Olsuvieff's.”
”Monsieur,” said the young Frenchman calmly, ”it is more than probable that before to-morrow your division will be annihilated and the next day the corps of General Sacken may meet the same fate.”
The Russian laughed scornfully at what seemed to him the wildest boasting.
”Are you mad?”
”Not so mad as you will be when it happens.”
The Russian controlled himself with difficulty in the face of the irritating observations.
”And who will do this?” he asked, at last.
”The Emperor.”