Part 15 (1/2)
”Of Marshal Blucher's armies?”
The grenadier nodded his head.
”What of them? Quick man, your tidings? Have you been among them?”
”All day long.”
”Where are they?”
”General Yorck with his men is at etampes.”
”And Macdonald?”
”Fighting a rearguard action beyond Chateau-Thierry.”
”On what side of the Marne?”
”The north side, Sire. Right at La Ferte-sous-Jouarre.”
”What else?”
”Sacken's Russians are advancing along the main road through Montmirail toward Paris. Olusuvieff's Russian division is at Champaubert.”
”And where are Blucher and Wittgenstein and Wrede?”
”Major Marteau will have to tell you that, Sire. He went that way.”
”You separated?”
”Yes, Sire.”
”You were to meet somewhere?”
”At the Chateau d'Aumenier.”
”Did you go there?”
”I did, Sire.”
”And you found?”
”The ground around the chateau filled with wagons.”
”A train?”
”Of arms, clothing, ammunition, everything the army lacks.”
”What was it doing there?”
”There had been a battle. Horses and men were slain; Frenchmen, Cossacks, Russians. I pillaged one wagon,” continued the grenadier.