Part 1 (1/2)
The Hero of Panama.
by F. S. Brereton.
A Post of Responsibility
It was one of those roasting days in the Caribbean, when, in spite of a steady trade wind, the air felt absolutely motionless, and the sea took on an oily surface from which the sun flashed in a thousand directions, in rays that seemed to have been lent some added fierceness by the reflection.
Squis.h.!.+ Squels.h.!.+ The ground surf, which was hardly perceptible from the coast, and scarcely so from the deck of a liner, was apparent enough from the old tub which wallowed in it. She rolled in a manner that was sickening to behold, until at times her scupper ports took in water, then a surge of the ocean would take her in a different direction; she would dive forward, dipping her nose in the oily sea till the hawser which had been pa.s.sed out over her stern, secured to a large anchor, brought her up with a jerk and tumbled her backwards with her stern rail awash.
Ugh! It was enough to make a white man groan. Even a n.i.g.g.e.r would have been inclined to grumble. But the Chinamen aboard the tub seemed, if anything, rather to enjoy this rocking. One of them stood almost amids.h.i.+ps, his feet wide apart to preserve his balance, while he gripped the handle of the pump he was working, and turned it over and over with a monotonous regularity that seemed to match with his surroundings.
The man, who was barefooted, boasted of the very lightest of clothing, and wore his pigtail rolled in a coil at the back of his head. Other protection against the roasting sun he had none. Indeed, to look at him, he hardly seemed to need it, while the hot blast which came from the adjacent land pa.s.sed over him without any apparent effect. Ching Hu was in his element.
”Nicee place, missee,” he sang out after a while. ”Plenty nicee and warmee. Stay long? No? Velly solly.”
On he went, turning the handle without a pause, while there crept into his slanting eyes just a trace of disappointment. He sighed ever so gently, then a.s.sumed his accustomed expression. Not the wisest man in all the world could have said whether Ching Hu were happy or otherwise.
Just about ten feet from him, sheltered beneath a narrow awning of dirty canvas, a girl stood on the deck of the small s.h.i.+p, or, rather, she occupied a projection which overhung the water. Had this vessel been a liner, one would have guessed that this projection was the gangway from which the ladder descended towards the water to enable pa.s.sengers to come aboard. But here a rapid inspection proved it to be merely a platform built out from the side, and suspended some eight feet from the surface of the ocean. From it a clear view of the s.h.i.+p's side was to be obtained, and, in these wonderfully clear waters, of the sandy bottom of the lagoon at whose entrance the vessel was moored. And it was upon the latter, upon the bottom of this heaving ocean, that Sadie Partington's eyes were directed.
”Ching,” she called out suddenly, turning towards him, ”I think they'll be coming up right now. Call the boys.”
”You sure, missee? Yes? Velly well.”
Ching Hu raised his eyebrows quaintly as he asked the question, and on receiving a nod from the girl, who at once turned to stare into the water, he raised his voice and called aloud in a sing-song style which would have made a stranger laugh. ”Tom, Tom!” he shouted. ”You comee now wid Sam. Wanted plenty soon.”
A black face popped instantly from the caboose leading to the cabin--a big, round face, the face of a negro of some thirty years of age. Then the shoulders came into view, and following them the whole figure of the man. He stood for a moment or two on the topmost step, balancing himself against the edge of the caboose, one hand gripping a plate, while the other vigorously polished it with a cloth. It gave one an opportunity of thoroughly inspecting this negro, and promptly one was filled with a feeling of pleasure. It was not because Tom was handsome, for he was the reverse of that. Nature had, indeed, liberally provided him with nose and lips, so much so that those two portions of his physiognomy were the most prominent at first sight. But if his nose were somewhat flattened and decidedly wide, and his lips undoubtedly big and prominent, Tom was possessed of other features which counterbalanced these detractions. His eyes seemed to attract attention at once. They seemed to smile at all and sundry on the instant, and flash a message to them. They were s.h.i.+ning, honest eyes, which looked as if they could do nothing else but smile. Then the man's mouth completed his appearance of joviality; between the lips a gleaming double row of ivories were always to be seen, for Tom's smile was permanent. The smallest matter was sufficient to increase it, when the negro's ample face would be divided by a gaping chasm, a six-foot smile that could not be easily banished--the prelude to a roar of mirth and of deep-toned, spontaneous laughter. As for the rest of him, Tom was a monster. Six-feet-three in height, he was broad and thickset, and beside the dainty figure of Sadie Partington had the appearance of a veritable elephant.
”What you say, Chinaboy?” he asked, regarding the placid individual working the pump. ”Come plenty soon, eh?”
”Ye-e-s. Missee say now.”
”Den dinner be spoiled for sure. Taters boiled to rags ef I wait little minute. Stew no good ef left on fire for longer dan five minute. Missee, what you say dey doin'? They ain't gwine ter move yet?”
”Call Sam; you know as well as I do that the stew won't be spoiled. Come now, they're going to signal.”
Sadie turned upon the negro with a frown, then again bent her eyes towards the bottom of the sea; for the girl was always ill at ease when the divers were working. Somehow or other, since her brothers had taken to this particular profession--and she had accompanied them upon their various trips--she had felt impelled to take upon herself the duty of watching them at work. She was only eleven now, though tall and old for her age, and for a year past she had almost daily taken her post on that tiny gangway to watch the two figures moving in the water below. For hours together she would be on the deck of this little boat, careless of the sun and heat, superintending the action of the pump and waiting for signals from the divers. And to Ching Hu, Tom, and the others her veriest nod was law. It was useless to argue with her: Sadie had a way of stamping her small foot which meant a great deal, and set all the men running to do her bidding. It was, therefore, with some show of alacrity that Tom prepared to follow his instructions.
”You Chinaboy,” he commanded, grinning at a second Chinaman, who occupied the little galley down below, ”yo make sure not boil de taters too much, and sniff dat stew. Not burn um, or, by de poker, Tom make yo smile. Yo comprenez what I say? Eh?”
He grinned one of his most expansive grins, and the Chinaman responded in a similar manner. He jerked his head in Tom's direction, thrusting it out of the galley door as he did so, and sending his pigtail flying. His little, pig-like eyes rolled while he brandished an enormous wooden spoon. ”Ling knowee eberyting,” he lisped. ”See to dinner fine. Hab de stew beautiful.”
”Den yo come along, yo Sam, lazy feller,” shouted Tom at the pitch of his voice. ”Whar yo got to, boy? I gives yo de biggest--oh, so yo dare!”
he exclaimed, as a negro came from the after gangway, where a small ladder led to some of the men's quarters. ”Yo's been sleepin'.”
Tom held out an accusing finger, and gripped his comrade by the bare arm; for, without shadow of doubt, Sam's eyes were blinking. He had the appearance of a man who has just awakened. But the negro shook his head vigorously.
”Yo let go my arm, Tom, yo big elephant,” he said, grinning widely.