Part 3 (1/2)
Kdaw , a datu of Talayan, and Undung, a datu of Matabangan
Barataot Lalanu, the Lady of Budtung, who had no children
By a Sulu lady Barataud, Munawal, Danaw, Gayang, and Tindwan; by a concubine, Aay, Manabu, Talibubu, Pundu, Tuntu, Sawal; by another concubine, Pandaligan, he begot also Magalang, who , the son of Raja Sirungan, ot Kasi
Binitis begot Sayikalan, Miza, Tapuli, Buludan, Salab; a daughter, Kanggay, and Di, the father of Panalan Saan, , and bore Burwa, and a daughter called Indingu After the death of the datu of Bansayan she u
Dikaya, the son of Pulwa by a concubine, begot Duka Duka aw called Rantyan, whose b To Duka and Rantyan there were born Bulus, Manalidtu, Pwi, and a daughter, Miyandung
Burwa ot Muluk, Nanak, Banalak, Maay
Later Malili, and bore Abad, Mahter, Gansawu Gansawu married Uku, the son of Punduma from Ampas, and bore Alawa-d-Din, also called Aluyudan and Jannatu-n-Nayi
Jannatu-n-Nayiot Baduyan or Adwi, Inal, Li, Buliyungan, and Anggurung by a concubine
Adwi and Dungklang , Ratkan, Pataw, Gayang, Ariraw, and Pian
Ratkan, the datu of Isikun, begot Diot Antaw, Sayu, and Arawa Arawa ot Baya
This inal which is in the possession of Datu Kali Adanan, one of the principal present representatives of the duindanao who trace their origin back to the forned before the introduction of Mohainal ritten by Datu Kali Adam himself, copied from a previous manuscript handed down to hie, with some later additions of his own It was neither neat nor well kept It abounds with grammatical mistakes and has several errors in the text Its style is mixed; Ranao words, pronouns, and tereneral it is a fair speciindanao dialect It is the best authority on its subject, and is greatly valued by the people It is the oldest indanao at the tisuwan's arrival was Tabunaway Tabunaas not a datu; he was a timuway The word tienerally used by the Tirurays and Manobos and other hill tribes Kabungsuwan evidently conquered Magindanao, and its sovereignty passed over from Tabunaway to hiard and respect every Mohammedan who is related to the Prophet, and look upon every Arabian as of noble birth and equal in rank to their datu class Descent frosuwan constitutes all their claiht to the datushi+p
The descendants of Tabunaway are naturally jealous They claim to have come from an Arabian ancestor who is descended froreat pride in the fact They assert that the datus omitted this part of the history froive suwan and to their own descent
The descendants of Tabunaway are called dumatus, which is the future tense of the verb datu The dumatus are well known, and I havetheindanao and Datu Kali Adam The former has lately been favored with the honorary title of datu by Datu Mastura, because his hter and he personally deserved the honor Both Datu Mawlana and Datu Kali claim that Sharif Maraja, the father of Tabunaas an uncle of Sharif Kabungsuwan and that he and his children were Mohah their people were not so until Kabungsuwan converted theht paradise to Mindanao does not appear in the other enerally believed by all the datus and people of Magindanao I heard both Datu Mastura and Datu Mawlana Sa-Magindanao affirm the fact They say that a part of the white earth of paradise was left in the hill behind Cotabato and they call it the sacred dust It was the custo this earth before the new sultan after his appointht step on it for the confirmation of his sultanate They believed no sultan could be successful and prosperous in his reign unless he performed this rite The last sultan who obeyed this custo Qudratul-Lah, Datu Mastura's father, during the latter part of whose reign the Spaniards caindanao and occupied Cotabato The later three sultans did not perform this rite; this the Moros cite as the cause of the decline of the sultans' power and the lack of prosperity in the country They believe this white earth still exists in the hill of Cotabato, but nobody can find it except the oldest living dumatus whose forefathers have not intermarried with either datus or the common people, and to whom the secret has been handed down from Tabunaway This they keep away froed class of people, and claim they can follow any datu they choose, and that they should not pay any tribute They assert that when Tabunaway resigned his sovereignty in favor of his older brother, Kabungsuwan, he reserved this privilege for his children, which privilege Kabungsuwan promised to respect
For these reasons the dumatus keep their own records of the history of their country, and the genealogy of their line
Sa, who is mentioned here, is stated to be the son of Tabunaway Manuscript No III states that Kabungsuwan had a son naan, as born in Juhur Whether these two are one and the same name or not it is very difficult to say Probably they are two different names