Part 9 (1/2)

7 This is the history of the ruler of Pidatan The first datu of Pidatan was Dya

8 The first datu of Luot Ranu

9 The first datu of Dupilas was Dindu, as called Datu sa-Palaw He begot Di was Sarip Payang, who begot Raja Hasan, sultan of Sulug

11 The first datu of Sangir was Makalindi Makalindi ir

12 The first datu of Malalis was Aan was Alip, the son of Abu, sultan of Dulaan

14 The first datu of Makadar was Sultan Limba, who also is a son of Abu

15 The first datu of Didagun was Abad Abad begot Duun

16 The first datu of Barira was Duu, as sultan of Barira

17 The first datu of Sikun was Aot Saluilan was Kapusan, the brother of Saluun was Balbal, who hter of the sultan of Tatarikun, and begot Burwa Burwa becay of all the countries or towns


Before the first mass was celebrated on the northern shore of Mindanao i, and before Legaspi landed on Cebu Kabungsuwan had been declared and acknowledged datu of Magindanao

The Mohammedan conqueror of Mindanao was neither an adular troops He had no nation back of him to reenforce his battalions nor a royal treasury to support his enterprise His expedition was not proallant adventures of discovery He was not looking for a new route to rich lands nor searching for spices and gold dust The eht a new land to live in, and trusted his fortune and success to the valor of his crew and the influence of his witchcraft

Having a fair ady and enthusiasm to push on, he came and conquered and soon found himself at home in Mindanao as well as at Juhur There was no racial prejudice to contend against and the language of the new land was akin to his own But true to his religion, as he was true to his ancestry, his faith suffered no defeat No submission was accepted without conversion, and no friendshi+p was cultivated with the unfaithful He married in the land of his conquest, and the ties of faith were soon strengthened by the ties of blood and kinshi+p; and as the first generation passed and the second generation followed, the conqueror and the conquered became one in blood and sympathy, one in faith, and one in purpose A new dynasty which stood for Islaress, and for civilization arose on the ruins of barbarise and fierce as the Moros look, they are greatly superior to the surrounding pagans who inhabit the hills and the interior of Mindanao Once their equals and kinsmen, they have vastly surpassed them now and are preee, and communication with the outside world was established

For four centuries two different agencies of civilization have been at work in the Philippine Islands One started in the north and worked its way south, continually progressing and constantly growing in power and ian in the south and extended north, but it soon reached a definite lirowth it reverted to its wild nature and grew thorny and fruitless The first graft of the tree of Magindanao was not aided by later irrigation The first wave of iration was not reenforced, and with an ebb tide it lost ured very prominently in the history of the Philippines They were never united under one flag, but they formed different sultanates, some of which attained considerable power and faindanao ruled over the whole southern coast of Mindanao froa, and beyond this latter point to the outskirts of Dapitan All the pagan tribes living around the Gulf of Davao and in the Sarangani country, and all the Subanos west of Tukurun and Dapitan submitted to his power and paid him tribute In the upper Rio Grande Valley the power of the rajas of Bwayan was felt and respected as far as the watershed of the Cagayan Valley on the north and the inaccessible slopes of Mount Apo on the east The Ranao Moros controlled the whole country and the seacoast west of Cagayan de Misae majority of the Moro sultanates are, however, senerally represent small divisions of territory and subdivisions of tribes, each under one chief who calls hiuage group these petty divisions into two large distinct groups, the Magindanao and the Iranun The Magindanao group includes the roup is restricted to the tribes living along the eastern coast of the Bay of Illana frohborhood of Tukurun, and the whole Ranao region lying between that line and the Bay of Iligan

The Magindanao group is the greater of the two in number, in the extent of its territory, and in fame Indeed, all the Moros of Mindanao, except the Iranun, were at one tiht under the sole control of the sultan of Magindanao

The Samal Moros, who are variously classified by different writers and who are often mentioned as one of the n to Mindanao and belong to a distinct and separate group Until recently they had never been independent, but had lived under the protection of various datus, and always served the datu for the protection he afforded them, or paid him tribute They were sea rovers and had no claim on territory anywhere Lately they have settled down on the Island of Basilan, the Sulu Archipelago, and around the Zaa peninsula The Samals were the latest of the Malay people to arrive in the Philippine Islands In fact, they are the only Malay people of e have positive historical stateration from the Malay Peninsula to Sulu and Mindanao, and were in all probability Mohammedans prior to their arrival in the Philippine Islands With the Magindanao and Iranun peoples it is different They were in the land and belonged to the native ele before their conversion to Islam

Islam was successfully introduced and firmly established in Mindanao by one indanao and refor his converts His full naenerally known as Sharif Kabungsuwan