Volume X Part 8 (1/2)

_On Receipt of My Mother's Picture_, VII, 331.

Extract from _s...o...b..und_, VII, 388.

_The Cotter's Sat.u.r.day Night_, VIII, 319.

_Dream Children_, VIII, 335.

2. Honesty and truthfulness are cardinal virtues; they are the foundation of every strong character. Teach these selections and note their effect:

_The Shepherd Boy and the Wolves_, Volume I, page 92.

_The Falcon and the Partridge_, II, 6.

_The Pied Piper of Hamelin_, III, 384.

_The Cubes of Truth_, VII, 406.

3. Friendliness, kindness, consideration of others, charity and love are a group of strong characteristics which are admirably shown in the following:

_The Two Travelers_, Volume I, page 109.

_Cinderella_, I, 224.

_Baucis and Philemon_, I, 431.

_The Snow Queen_, II, 124.

_The King of the Golden River_, II, 405.

_Auld Lang Syne_, VI, 228.

_A Christmas Carol_, VI, 244.

_Florence Nightingale_, IX, 13.

4. Generosity is admirable; selfishness is despicable. Prove the facts by these:

_The Two Travelers_, Volume I, page 109.

_The Two Travelers and the Oyster_, I, 111.

_The Cat and the Chestnuts_, I, 142.

_Baucis and Philemon_, I, 431.

5. Kindness to animals is next to kindness and sympathy for human beings. It is best inculcated by teaching the beauty and loveliness of animals, their value to man and their dependence upon him. The following will help:

_The Boys and the Frogs_, Volume I, page 63.

_The Brown Thrush_, I, 147.

_Mercy to Animals_, I, 413.

_The Ugly Duckling_, I, 414.

_Tom, the Water Baby_, II, 215.

_Who Stole the Bird's Nest?_ II, 399.

_A Dog of Flanders_, IV, 93.

_Rab and His Friends_, VI, 99.

_The Rime of the Ancient Mariner_, VII, 29.

6. Patience and gentleness seem charming in these selections:

_The Wind and the Sun_, Volume I, page 95.

_Cinderella_, I, 224.

_Rab and His Friends_, VI, 99.

7. Faithfulness is a virtue. We admire it in:

_Something_, Volume I, page 395.

_Whittington and His Cat_, I, 442.