Part 4 (1/2)
Another famous monastic inst.i.tution that sprung up about this time, _i.e._, under the Saxon emperor Otto, and obtained, like Loretto, European fame as a place of pilgrimage, was that of Einsiedeln, in Canton Schwyz.
In 1024 the Duchy of Swabia was vested in Ernest II., stepson of the Emperor Conrad II. of the Salic dynasty. A fierce struggle arose on the question of the succession to the Burgundian throne. Ernest claimed through his mother, and Conrad through his wife, niece to Rudolf III.
Seeing his hopes frustrated Ernest, with his friend Werner of Kyburg, and his party, fell upon the imperial troops, and b.l.o.o.d.y frays occurred.
Ernest was imprisoned, and the manor of Kyburg besieged; but both friends escaped, and again combined in new opposition to Conrad. In order to break their union, the emperor promised his son installation in Burgundy if he would deliver up his friend. But this was indignantly refused, the struggle began anew, and the gallant youths fell in a skirmish in 1030. Ernest was long a chief figure in mediaeval heroic poetry.
I. THE CARLOWINGIANS (so far as they concern this history).
Charles Martel, 741.
Carlomann. Pippin the Short, 768.
Charlemagne, 814. Carlomann, 771.
Charles, 811. Pippin, 810. Louis the Pious, 840= (1) Irmengare. (2) Judith.
+---------------------+------------------+-----+ Charles the Bald, 877.
Lothair I., 855. Pippin, 838. Louis the German, 876.
+---+----------+--------------+ +----+---------+----------+
Louis II. Lothair II. Charles of Provence. Carlomann, Louis, Charles III., 875. 867. 880. 882. 888.
Irmengard=Count Boso of Burgundy. Arnulf of Kaernthur, 899 (natural son).
Louis the Child, 911.
Lindolf (made Duke of part of Savoy by Louis the German).
Duke Otto, 912.
Henry I., 936 (the ”Fowler”).
Otto I., 973. (the ”Great”). Henry of Bavaria.
+----------------------------+ Henry the Quarrelsome (of Bavaria), 995.
Lindolf, Lintgarde. Otto II.,
Duke of Swabia. Emperor, 983. Henry II., Emperor, 1024.
Otto II., Emperor, 1002.
III. Salic (Frankish) Emperors.
Conrad II., 1038 (great grandson of Lintgarde).
Henry III., 1038-1056.