Part 83 (1/2)
Lat _blater-are_, Teut _blater-en_, stulte loqui
BLAUCHT, _adj_ Pale, livid
_Palace of Hon_
A S _blac_, _blaec_; Su G _blek_, Isl _bleik-r_, E _bleak_, pallidus A S _blac-ian_, Su G _blek-na_, to wax pale
_Gawan and Gol_
A S _blawan byman_, buccina canere
BLAW, _s_ A blow, a stroke
Teut _blaew-en_, caedere _Blaw_ is used in this sense Gl
_To_ BLAW, _v_ Used both as _a_ and _n_
1 To blow; in a literal sense referring to the wind S
A S _blaw-an_, flare
2 To breathe, S
_Abp Hamiltoun_
3 To publish, to make known S
E _blow_ is used in the same sense
4 To brag, to boast, S _Blast_, synon
Germ _blaw_, falsus, mendax, dolosus Teut _blas-en_, flare et nimiis vanisque laudibus rem efferre, ac inani flatu infarcire