Part 90 (1/2)
BLUTE, _s_ An action; used in a bad sense _A fuil blute_, a foolish action, S B perhaps the same with _Blout_, q v
BOAKIE, _s_ A sprite, a hobgoblin, Aberd Shetl
Norw _bokje_, Isl _bocke_, _bokki_, vir grandis et nificus In Sanscrit _buka_ is the name of an evil spirit O Teut _bokene_, phantasma, spectrum
1 A square aperture in the wall of a house, for holding senerally without a door; S This is es
2 A perforation through the wall of a house, for occasionally giving air or light; usually with a wooden shutter instead of a pane of glass, S
BOARDTREES, _s pl_ A term used for the plank on which a corpse is stretched; S B
_To_ BOAST, BOIST, _v a_ To threaten
V ~Boist~
_To_ BOB, BAB, _v n_ To dance, S
BOB, _s_ Gust, blast
V ~Bub~
BOB, _s_
1 A bunch; used as synon with _cow_, S
_Priests of Peblis_
2 The same word, pronounced _bab_, is used for a bundle of flowers, a nosegay
S Fr _bube_, a bunch; Isl _bobbe_, a knot
BOB, _s_ A mark, a but, S; either q a small bunch set up as ato strike at