Part 101 (1/2)

An Etye John Jamieson 5920K 2022-07-20

BOW, BOWE, _s_

1 The herd in general; whether inclosed in a fold or not


2 A fold for cows, S

_Bannatyne Poems_

Su G _bo_, _bu_, either the herd or the flock; arrex; Dan _boe_, a shed, booth or stall

BOW, _s_

1 An arch, a gateway, S


2 The arch of a bridge, S

_Muses Threnodie_

Teut _boghe_, id arcus, conca-a_, ”an arch of a bridge or other building;” Somner

BOW, _s_ As applied to a house

V ~Boo~

BOWAND, _adj_ Crooked


A S _bugend_, id

BOWAT, _s_ A hand-lanthern

V ~Bowet~

BOWBARD, _s_ A dastard, a person destitute of spirit


Teut _boeverje_, nequitia Or, shall we rather view it as originally the same with _bumbart_, q v?